Category Archives: makeover

Going back in time, for a day

The one thing I’ve barely done since getting back from Hollywood, is just having a day out, anywhere. In fact, in truth, after the first month or so of post redundancy life, I havent actually done a lot of things, just fun, for myself, apart from the 2 US breaks. Yes, they were quite something, believe me, but other than that, Harlean has been a pretty dull girl, in all honesty. To be fair, my own choice, I’ve been trying to (apart from those delights) to keep costs to a minimum, apart from the lottery of late, though that so far at least, has proved to be wishful thinking. At least Saturday, it has to be paid out, so I wont have to buy one again for a while at least. Mind, 1 of the £20,000 prizes would be enough to preserve my sanity, not part of £57 million, but I’m not likely to get either, I’m sure. Still, compared to the Powerball lottery in the US, which has now reached $600 million, its chicken feed, but anyway…

So yes, I’m beginning to feel a bit of jail fever, of sorts, especially as of course there were no interviews over the Christmas Period. I should have had a registration trip on Tuesday, but I havent got ID until that passport actually arrives, so its been put back until it does. Anyway, I’m planning a prison break tomorrow! No, not seriously an escape, I can still walk out of here in freedom, but a day away from here might just do me good. Yes, its an expense, a rail fare to Nottingham, and actually having to pay cash for bus fares around here, but apart from that…

A couple of years ago, or so, I actually went to a Vintage fair, in Leeds. While there, I had my hair, and make up done, by a couple of lovely ladies, using their mobile studio. Yes, you’ve guessed it, their main place is in Nottingham. An example of their work?

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Earlier this week, they were looking for a volunteer to help out, with training a new person in the ways of vintage make up styles. And I offered, if they got no one more local, and I guess they didnt? So tomorrow, I’m off down there. Strictly, no fee, though I will leave with my make up done, and my hair styled, 30’s style, so not altogether a bad deal?

But yes, it gets me out of here for a day, and even if I wont be going anywhere, I’ll look nice for a day or two!

Right, the video. What my look will do for me tomorrow. Might not be a true Jean Harlow, but I’ll have the 30’s look!

I enjoy being a girl!

Whether you like, or hate Facebook (I’m somewhere in the middle on it), it does remind you of some interesting events, from time to time. Sunday was actually one of those. May 10, 2008, well…

…was the first time I worked as a woman. Yes, its been happening officially now for 7 years, amazing to believe. You want proof, fine

best pic of Stephanie I've seen face only

Yes, I know, a redhead, wow!

It was in fact a bit of a one off, though given that everyone knew after that, I pretty well bent the gender look from there onwards, to be honest. But officially, apart from big occasions, that was pretty much it for 2 years, until the official change began. Since then, its been strictly female all the way! Nowadays it would be pretty hard to be anything else, given the cleavage lol!

Oh what, me now, see later.

Alright, its beginning to look like I wont find out if they have any interesting training methods at that place in Batley, as I’ve heard nothing back, and I was promised an answer by Monday, shame. So yes, the process of job hunting continues. I am actually contemplating a very dramatic choice, which would involve a couple of years of study, possibly in the US, but thats only in the early stages, so all I will say for now, is that it might not be entirely only my choice in selecting it. It appeals, but part of me is still saying its a crazy idea, but we will see. Lets just say I have a very good guide on the matter.

Apart from that, well, I did go over to Leeds on Sunday, to the vintage fair. It was fun, found a dress I adored, also got a skirt and a jumper too. Oh, and got my hair, make up and eyelashes done! That really was fun, and yes, thats why you get to see how I look now, as opposed to 7 years ago, I had a couple of pictures taken, and now my replacement USB cable has arrived, I can put pictures onto the computer again. So here they are

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

As you can see, I enjoy being a girl! Which, funnily enough, is the video tonight

Well, I guess this is what people want to see?

Some glimpses of the photo shoot pictures, yes?

Fine, I thought so, so I’ll leave the more meaningful stuff until Tuesday and Wednesday.

Yes, they arrived this morning in my message box, a dozen shots in all, so I’ll let you see 3 of them

2nd Photoshoot picture 1

2nd Photoshoot picture 5

2nd Photoshoot picture 3

Hope you like them, I certainly do. If anyone should want to see more, then ask, with an email address, and I’ll send the lot! Equally, if you are in the Leeds area, and want to know who to contact to get your own set of photos done, the answer is Cocoture.

The video, well of course, its dedicated to me lol!

Enhancing the Harlow image

Well, it looks like the next few months could see the whole Harlow image thing develop in an interesting way for me.

You may, or may not, depending on how long you’ve been reading all this, you might remember that a while back, I had a photo session done, just outside of Leeds, and in a sense, thats where the whole Harlow thing took off from for me. I mean, at that time, I wasnt even thinking about that, but by the time I got to about the tenth comment that I looked like Harlow, that I started to investigate it all more deeply. And before very long, I could see they were right!

So fine, gave me a nice image to go with, so I’ve done so ever since. And yes, I have to say it, its a lot of fun. No, I havent taken up smoking, and I certainly only drink in moderation, and as for sex…no, I cant match her on that either lol! But the look, and the confident attitude…oh yes!

Anyway, I’ve continued to support the studio on social media, and recently I won a free shoot, which will be done very soon. The big difference this time around of course, we are planning to play up the whole ‘Jean Harlow’ thing in advance! So the outfits might be a bit more glamorous this time around, I suspect! Talk is, that the vast majority, if not all, will be done in black and white, to really give it a 30’s tone. And yes, I’m really looking forward to doing that.

Then on top of that, I read something about past life regression. Now, put together a hypnotherapist looking for volunteers to try this, combined with all the comments about me being a Harlow lookalike, and curiosity gets the better of me. Now, I know that somewhere there must be the reincarnation of Harlow (assuming you believe in past lives, of course), but the chances of it being me, hmm…? Of course, her mother looked very much like her (for understandable reasons) so I could be her, I guess? If I am Jean (junior, in the sense her mother was Jean, she was actually named Harlean, of course), then someone might need smelling salts, or something!

The interesting factor in all this of course, is that under hypnosis, you do ‘play’ with the mind somewhat. And I know a few people (including myself, I guess) who wouldnt mind me being made to believe that I was either her reincarnated, or just made to think I was Jean! Lets face it, I dont think my mind would resist such suggestions!

Lastly, in January, I’m getting permanent make up done, by a person I know from a previous job, and no prizes for working out where the suggested look comes from. Hey, I’m even getting a beauty spot done! So by then, it might be an advantage if I think like/think I am Jean Harlow!

Should all make for an interesting trip to Hollywood, though I suspect there might be more interest if I looked like a modern star, not a 30’s glamour queen, but anyway…Would make me the perfect guide for tours of the Golden Age of Hollywood there, assuming there are any?

Alright, I’ll keep the Harlow video to a brief one, there are plenty of links to longer ones, if you want them! 😉

A Real 30’s night

As some might already know, if you read these blogs regularly, I’m off to a concert in Manchester next month. I know, I know, most go to these things quite often, but I’m not most, in more senses than one! Last year for OMD was certainly the first for about 12 years, but now I’m going wild, going to another the year after lol! But this time, being absolutely radical, its not a group from the past, its a group around now, though the sounds they produce make it sound like they’re from the past, Postmodern Jukebox.

Please, dont ask me how I found them, because now, being a good blonde, I cant remember. I suspect someone posted something of theirs on a forum, or Facebook, or something, and I was hooked, unsurprisingly. But even then, me actually going to a concert, I know…To be honest, I was assuming they would just be a You Tube phenomenon, but then they announced a concert tour, including the UK, including Manchester! So fine, at £10 a ticket, oh why not? Of course, by the time I’ve paid the rail fare, and everything else, it costs more, but what the hell, its not often I get in at the start of a group hitting fame, so…I went ahead, and bought a ticket. It seems I wasn’t the only one, because a few days later the show was moved from a small place down town, to a larger place, a bit further out from the centre!

Of course one thing appealed to me on the invite, the advice to

Come visit the Postmodern Jukebox universe (preferably, while wearing your best vintage clothes)!

appealed to me no end. No, unless I have struck very lucky in my charity shop buys, I dont own any actual vintage clothes, but I have a number of items that are definitely vintage in style, both blouses/tops, and dresses. So they would qualify, I guess? I doubt most would notice the difference anyway!

No, in all honesty, given that as things stand, I’m going, and returning by train, the chances of me wearing a vintage style dress are slim, to say the least, given its the night that England play Italy in the World Cup, and I’m sure there will be some idiots about, over imbibing on alcohol, and however much I pass, a Trans woman, in a dress late on Saturday, when drunk, might be seen in a bad way? I know, maybe not, but I dont think I want to take the chance, not solo at least. But I can always take the lead of my favourite 30’s lady, Jean Harlow, and go with the blouse (vintage style) and slacks look. Yes, I know she was seen in gowns, but generally, of her own choice, she preferred the casual look, so I could do the same?

However, if any of my readers are going to this concert, or know of anyone in the Huddersfield area going to the concert, with a spare car seat, then I could really doll up! My rail fare would be just over £12, so I’m more than happy to match that in petrol/parking money. Hey, maybe even a little more, as it gives me dress flexibility, and also I wont need a taxi home from town when I get back.

And before anyone wonders, yes, I’m making an effort for the big day (more expense lol) having booked up for a make up session for that day, and to get my hair styled, both in a 30’s fashion. So I might still be trans, but I should be quite glam! So if anyone wants to make my day, by allowing me to safely wear a dress, oh please do! Email at, if you want to contact me. I will be buying a rail ticket in advance (to reserve a seat going), but not for about a fortnight yet. So…

Yes, Abby will be doing my make up, though I’ve already told her that I dont need ‘those’ Harlow eyebrows that could scare anyone! The rest of the look though, yes please. I suspect she will be googling the look in the interim somehow. Sophie will be doing my hair, as is the norm, though normally when she sees me, its not just for styling, but that will be, plenty of blonde curls, I hope.

Right, the video, one of the comments claims this is Harlow singing, but I’m treating that with a massive pinch of salt, as far as I know, Jean’s voice was always dubbed for singing, lets just say it wasnt her strong point! Not sure if she played the piano either, but…

So, if anyone knows someone who can aid this damsel in distress, or can do so themselves…let me know!

Maybe something will happen?

In reference to an earlier posting on the blog, I do now know what was going on, and all I can say is that I find all the interest in dull old me, to be very flattering. To be honest, beyond the mild bafflement, I’d stop thinking about it, but yes, I’m glad I know. And no, I’m not saying more than that! Those that need to know will know, and those who dont, still dont know lol!

Given my record in winning anything, I dont expect anything to come of it, but you never know? We had an email at work, offering the chance to fulfil a dream, as long as it was a realistic, and achievable one. Oh, and not too expensive either, so bang goes the flight into space lol! No, actually that doesnt impress me much, to quote Shania Twain, but lets face it, I was looking for something totally impractical. Also counts out asking for the vaginaplasty to be paid for by the firm, on grounds of expense. Yes, I’m being silly, but its been a long week, and still one day to go (two before a day off, after a week)

So, being realistic, what dream could I hope to fulfil, that a budget stretched Yorkshire girl is never going to justify as an expense to myself? I know, a good makeover, and photo session where I look good, and hopefully more feminine than I can normally achieve. So thats what I applied for, just in case its my one lucky day when they do the draw. If they’re good, I might even post some here, but given my record in winning anything, dont hold your breath lol! Dont expect a Cinderella type ballgown either, I dont have any in my wardrobe, for some strange reason lol!

The other considered option was one of these luxury spa visits, especially given I could get treatments on my less than perfect body (bad back and knees, dry skin. You name it, I’ve probably…!) that I could get. But that I see as a one off thing, no lasting memories, whereas something that will always leave a lasting reminder, much better?

I dont think they can achieve the dream of a decent train service for me lol! Nor making the Buffalo Bills look like a decent team. Fulfil a dream, yes, perform miracles, no!

Ah, I hear you asking, where’s the video, so here it is.  Abba, not for the first time, and pretty obvious which song

’cause I’m a blonde

Yes, those linking through facebook might have already seen the video, but if not, you get a second chance! 😛 Oh, and James, you might have seen it at the other blog too!

I’ll be honest, if I’d known what a reaction mentioning I was going to get blonde hair extensions was going to cause, I’d have had a whipround for a collection to pay for it earlier lol! It seems a lot of people want to see it, others want pictures posted of it when done, what a crazy world! Its not like I’m even a natural blonde in the first place, but maybe that doesnt matter to some? I’m also not sure if not being a natural girl has raised interest or not, hard to say I guess, but I suspect it has? Any wealthy benefactors want to help put that right lol?

I’m sort of hoping to get some done post make up as well, but that might depend on time and occasion, because unless I manage to get a solo picture taken, I wont be able to use any from the works dinner of course. Funnily enough, people at work are also quite keen to see the ‘extra’ blonde me as well.

Oh, and lastly tonight, its amazing what good buys you can get in charity shops over here. The four of us went off to Ilkley in the rain today (had a hat in my bag, but didnt wear it. Some will get the inside joke I trust?), and us two girls went in a charity shop there. I found a wonderful silver sequin (for want of a better word) top, that not only appeals to a certain kink, its so 20’s flapper like in style, its quite amazing. Yes, I love it, apart from the fact that when I got it back I found out it was dry cleaning only of course, aargh! Wont say the price, lets just say it was a lot less than I suspect it cost originally!

Oh, and really lastly tonight (well apart from the video), I’m back in ‘print’ as an author today, its been quite a while, but Chapter 1 passed the test with the wonderful man at the website, and was posted up tonight. No prizes for working out who it might be based around though! Her first name was Mary, though thats not the name all know her by! 😉

The video, just love the sentiments of this, though my blonde hair wont be as easy to remove as the beauty pageant girl!

Having a wonderful Christmas time?

Yes, sorry, December has now arrived, so I thought I’d better get started now on that front. Apologies in advance if some think the quality of vdeos go down this month, lol! I know, the big day is still 3 1/2 weeks away, but the social season seems to be starting at least already.

The works Christmas dinner is a week today, and the ‘secret santa’ ernail arrived in my box just before I left last night, though later enough that I didnt get to read it, but will do so today I’m sure. Never sure about these things, I always seem to draw someone I hardly know, and I suspect most get the same if they draw me! Its not compulsory, but… yes, I suspect I will get involved again, however wise a move that might be!

I’m not really a social party animal, but yet again this year I said yes to the works dinner. Why, I suspect partly because its a rare chance to get something back from the company lol! Mind, by the time I’ve bought a new top, got my hair done and paid for the hotel in Leeds for the night (too much like hard work getting this far home afterwards), its not quite the bargain it seems lol! Yes, I’m going for the hair extension, getting them done next Tuesday, so at least I should have a wonderful show of hair for the do, not the usual hiding how thin it is routine! Coloured as well, so I might even fool some I’m a natural blonde then…probably not though lol!

Budget hotel in Leeds, same one I stayed in last year, seems more than decent enough for me at least. And only about 100 yards from where the dinner is, so not too far to walk either. Make up, yes, getting someone who knows what they are doing to do it though, before I set off to Leeds. Have told her I fancy a 20’s look (I swear Louise Brooks is playing with my mind lol!), so will have to wait and see what happens there.

Yes, a top and suit, as I’ve said before, I’m not rebellious enough for a dress, also there might be idiots about in Leeds that night, so no point taking chances. Flats, not heels as well I might add. But I will definitely wear one of my bras that shows my natural cleavage off to its best effect, thats for sure. Enhancers? Cant see any point, as 90% of the people there know how much cleavage I’ve really got anyway!

So, as you can see, Christmas is coming, as are the Christmas videos. The You Tube link says this is Paul McCartney, but its not, its definitely Wings.

Looking good, feeling good

I cant believe its been 4 days since I wrote anything here, apologies to all those twiddling their thumbs in the interim, if any have been lol! Had a slight delay with the trains on Monday going to Manchester, but not that much! Also the back is a lot better after a good massage yesterday, I’m pleased to say.

One other thing I was shopping for on Monday was a nice top for the works christmas dinner, 2 weeks tomorrow, if I’ve got the date right? Black and pink the suggested colour scheme this year, fine for us ladies, but I’m not so sure what some of the men will make of it lol! No, I wont be wearing a pink dress, I’m not that much of a rebel that I want to cause a fuss with some, especially if some of the ‘big bosses’ might be there. Some might say I’m too moderate, but anyway…found a nice pink top over there, which will show off my curves (for what they are worth!), and will wear that with my black ladies suit, and leave it at that. But agreed, the top is definitely femme, so not overly moderate about who I am, all the same. I’m not a wild social animal anyway, so will disappear shortly after the meal back to the hotel where I will stay for the night. No, its not because I will be dressed very ‘en femme’ that I wont travel home afterwards, its just more hassle than its worth as public transport will be less than wonderful by that time of night. Theres a nice budget hotel just around the corner where I will be staying, suits me all round as I can get changed easily that way too. And yes, flat shoes, not high heels lol!

I’d love to do make up for the night, but I do it so rarely that I’m probably better off not bothering, especially given my ‘pass rate’ nowadays, its probably not all that needed, but might be fun all the same. So, if anyone in Leeds wants to help on the 8th December…No, wont hold my breath lol!

The other thing that annoys me is my hair. In a sense I’m lucky, I’ve still got a reasonable head of hair, if not perfect, at least I’ve got enough to look decent, if it is a bit thin. Sadly I cant convince the front to get long enough for a Louise Brooks type bob, nor has it really got the thickness for it either.

One thing I’ve contemplated is hair extensions. Not because I want to look like Rapunzel, with hair flowing down my back, but because with a bit more volume on top, I could do more with it style wise. Yes, alright, if I could get it done so I could style it into said bob…

Anyway, decided to be a little devil, what with the company dinner, and us here going out for Christmas day dinner too, and asked someone at work who does it, if she thinks it could be done for me, in such a way as to give me more depth, and she reckons it can be done, so I plan to give it a try. I cant honestly see me doing it for anything other than special occasions, even at her price, compared to the ridiculous sums charged at hairdressers, its not that cheap! But as they say, Christmas comes but once a year, and I dont do much socialising at other times of the year, so….might get eyelashes added too, but dont quote me on that one yet, so watch this space!

Staying blonde, though with ash blonde highlights. You never know, you might get a photo at some point, if I can get one done!

Right, the video. One or two might even spot an irony here, I once wrote a story by this name in a December writing contest on a forum, at least loosely based around the song. You can have the link for the video, not the story though lol! This comes from the good old days when proper Christmas records were released at this time of year, some absolute classics from the 70’s are still out there. The artist, you might have heard of him

Trying new things

Well alright, if the price is right, I’ll give most things (within reason) a try, though I have absolutely no plans to try living as a man again, thats just too painful! But what I do like trying are new beauty treatments that I havent done before, if only to find out what they are like! And yes, I have done that fish pedicure thing, actually comes recommended to be honest.

The bulk of my treatments are done locally by a wonderful lady, Linda, and between the 2 of us, I’m well and truly hooked on having massage treatments. Not that my back is complaining in the slightest about this, its better than it has been in years to be honest. I’ve also been waxed in several places that I never would have dreamed of, before I started transitioning anyway. No, not bikini line though, lol!

There is also a great place in Leeds, which principally I use for my laser treatment called Skin Genesis. The staff are great, very friendly as well, and definitely T-friendly, for anyone in the north of England, thinking about these things. Laser treatment isnt cheap, but it does make an amazing difference after just a few treatments, I must say.

As a good Yorkshire lass, I tend to put value on money, and therefore most of their treatments, however fascinating they may look, I tend to think they arent what I would term value. They probably are, but when you arent on a high wage etc, well, you get my drift.

This month however they are doing a selected number of half price deals, and alright, I cant resist trying something new under those circumstances. So today I’m off for a skin analysis test, in preparation for trying one of those chemical peel things later in the month, at half price. The thing is, you have the option for a free mini makeover after the test, and you dont expect me to resist that either, surely? What I do wonder is if anyone at work will even notice! Ideally I want the peel that transforms my looks into those of a pretty twenty-something young lady, but suspect that  hasnt been created yet, lol! Mind, if they did, I’d probably want a full body treatment, not just the face!

But yes, I love trying new treatments, just wish I could afford some of them!