Category Archives: Spammers

He’s not in love?

One hazard of modern day Facebook life, is the amount of fake spam accounts that try to be your friend. Mainly so they can then message you, and try and fleece you of your money, or try to sway your views on matters, often political nowadays, but thankfully this cynical old woman can now see through most of these pretty quickly.

The popular one nowadays seems to be the divorced, military serviceman, living somewhere in the US, generally Texas, or California, but not entirely limited to those states. The snags with these profiles is that because they just take stock photos off the internet, I would say that the chances of the 2-3 pictures looking like the same person, are fairly slim!

There are also the classic naming errors, so you get someone called King Peter, a military serviceman from Texas, because they’ve just taken the name from records, and not realized its giving the surname first! Even funnier when the uniform has an entirely different name on it.

The other faux pas I’ve noticed of late, is their lack of care with friends. You get a ‘divorced business person’ from Dallas, for example, who has 75% of his friends in Nigeria! I had another the other day, from a single, middle aged guy, supposedly in Los Angeles, but with one exception (other than me), all his friends were in Azerbaijan! Shame, because his name was possible, and the pictures matched, but… One of Donald’s, and Putin’s friends, I’m sure!

I know, all this is nothing new, part of life nowadays. But the one that amused me yesterday, at least for his honesty, was some guy messaging me from Pakistan. Basically his message stated that he was looking for me as a Bride, as he wanted to move to the United Kingdom. If his picture was right, he was far younger than me too! He didnt actually say that all he wanted was a marriage of convenience for a few months, then drift apart, and he stay in the country, but I’m sure that was his plan.

I was tempted to play him up, ask how much dowry I would be getting, and the like, but passed on it, deciding to be a good girl for once. I can only imagine his face when he discovered his bride came with an ‘added extra’, lol! Mind, I might have found out what life was like, under a Burqua, but too late now! Probably would have never seen him beyond getting the wedding banns, lol! There was actually a woman on my bus in Bradford last night, all I could see was her eyes (just), and yes, I did wonder what that was like, from the inside.

I guess the logic is that maybe we ‘mature’ single ladies might be desperate to find a man, so doing both of us a favor, but unluckily for him, I’m not. Whether, of course any other woman has fallen for his charms, who knows? I’m certain I wasnt the only one he wrote to!

I might be getting a change of lifestyle in the near future, but it wont be as a bride of convenience for someone from Pakistan. More in the future on that, probably! 😉

Right, video time. One of the great, classic songs of the 70’s, full length version. You might have worked out the title already!