Category Archives: Buffy Sainte-Marie

I’m going to be a pilgrim girl again

Let me add that the ‘again’ in the title of the blog is only technical, as I never remember playing a pilgrim girl in any of my acting parts, or even more likely, a pilgrim guy, and refers more to the video tonight than any part I might have played. Doesnt mean I havent (if I remembered every role I’ve played, I’d be stunned), mind.

But what I have done, just once before, is celebrate Thanksgiving Day in America, a few years ago in Albany, New York (well, technically it was that place across the river, beginning with R, but I’d never spell that right, and my hotel was in Albany, so…), though I intend to add to that number now, if possible, now I’m retired.

I dont actually remember when the snow started, so whether it was the Thursday, or the Friday, when I went to a nearby (to my hotel) shopping centre for my first experience of ‘Black Friday’, long before it spread like it has over here in UK. Beyond the fact that even if my second Thanksgiving experience was with the same wonderful host, it wouldnt now be in Albany, as he now works, and lives some way south of there. Any details he wants to give away (including which year it was!), I will let him decide how much to say!

Its fair to say that my second experience is not going to be as a hostess, just saying before anyone suggests it! I know of others who are happy to host me, and previous host will be among them, I’m sure, but we will see who gets the ‘honour’ of that. Only way it will be LA is if Musso & Frank offer to host me for free, lol!!! Not going to happen, I’m certain. Well, I’m open to LA offers, but know of few there who would want me at a family gathering, so…?

But yes, next year, might be that year, or might need to be 2021, as Eric is 80 on 24th next year, and looking at calendar, Thanksgiving will be 26th, so possibly doable, but tricky, and probably pricey, so…? Maybe I need to find that Pilgrim girl outfit, lol?

So to all my American friends celebrating Thanksgiving day today, have a wonderful day. Well, assuming you read it on the right day, lol? If not, I hope you had a good one!

Video, well my favourite ‘suitable’ singer recorded a song called ‘I’m Going To Be A Country Girl Again’, hence the twist for the blog title. Just to say for those seeing both, the blogs will be same tonight, with one omission which some might work out. This is full version, by the way