Category Archives: Aretha Franklin

To make me feel like a natural woman?

Start of February is always a funny period for me nowadays, for several reasons. Monday, was the date that would have been my mothers 91st birthday. Before you go all gooey, dont, because she hated the fact I came out as Transgender, and pretty much disowned me for it. Thankfully she’s no longer with us (and hasnt been for a while now), so issue is over, but of course when the 4th February rolls around, its a pretty sore date for me, but one that sticks in my memories, anyway.

Today actually brought me some good news, I’ve got the benefit funding to be able to cut back to working 3 days a week, which will be a major blessing for me, as my back isnt up to even a 4 day week any more. Now I just have to sort out with work on whether I give up Friday, or Saturday as a working day in the near future. Fairly easy on it, both have advantages, both have disadvantages, but I’ll probably just do what suits everyone mutually. But the thought of not having to do 2 days in a row any more will be heaven. Sounds terrible really, but I’m nearly 61, with a damaged spine, and I’ve worked hard for the best part of 45 years, so…

Of course the other significant date in the first half of February, is a week today. Yes, that much over hyped event named Valentines Day. This year I will probably hit 20 years without even a card, unless someone wants to prove me wrong. Strictly, one friend sent me an amusing t-shirt for the day, which I’ve never worn in public (it says Mind Controlled Sex Slave, for heavens sake), not because I dont find it amusing, because it would be fun to be one, but just for the sake of public taste. In truth, its somewhere in my room, but no idea where now! And yes, she was married, with a kid, but anyway…

So yes, challenge thrown down. You dont have to wine and dine me, or send me chocolates, or flowers or anything else that costs money. If you want to, then fine, and let me know via the email address mentioned shortly, but I’m not expecting that. In truth, I’m not even looking for a real card, unless so inclined. But yes, a plain, disabled trans lady, now in her 60’s, would just like something to cheer her up a week from now. E-card, or anything else as anonymous as you wish. Just to make me feel like a natural, cared for woman. (See video shortly). So anyone that wants to be my ‘fake’ Valentine beau, feel free to comment here, or email me at on the day, and at least make me feel wanted, even if I’m not.

Equally (ha ha), if there is someone who wants me to get a special treat, or be their asexual courtesan, same address will work! I know, I wont even expect the e-card, lol.

OK, so I used this video only about 6 months ago, but the line about natural woman was just too hard to resist!


You make me feel…

I knew it was somewhere around this time, 2 years ago, that the ‘old lady’ started back at work full time, 15 months after being made redundant, but couldnt have told you the exact date if you paid me. Anyway, according to a congratulations from someone on LinkedIn, the anniversary was today, or looking at a calendar, more likely yesterday, because he’s 5 time zones behind me, and the Monday was the 15th, but anyway… Yes, I know, I did do a couple of temp things in the interim, one OK, one I’d like to wipe from the annals of history, and which I can safely say, never made my CV, being only just over a week that I could stand the place.

Well, as it stands, I’m hoping its the last time I ever start a job here in the UK. Well, because even if the back holds out that long, and I’m not convinced that the attrition of travel to, and from work wont get it before then, I’ve got less than 6 years to go, and no huge ambitions, in a work sense at least. Well, unless someone wants to offer me a major acting role, but at my age, with my back disability, and my ‘push’ all gone, I dont see that happening. That doesnt mean I’m not going to appear on a stage again, mind, before Angie says anything, because if something in that sense can be arranged, I am more than up for it, believe me. I might say that my singing isnt great, I suspect my dancing would be limited now, even more so than before, but that chance, on a stage, to do either, you bet I would!

There is also a distinct chance that I might be getting a new role in life, but if so, that will be outside the UK. Possibility I’m going to be a companion, and part time P.A to a wonderful lady, somewhere across an expanse of water, well, thats all I’m going to say at present. But given the chance, the warmth on my back, amazing company, no travel on buses, and everything else, no way am I saying no! Oh, and her biographer, maybe that too?

But while I need to drag my aching body to work in the UK, there is only one place I want to go to, until they sling me out at least, either due to age, infirmity, or the fact I’m moving abroad (at which point I guess its me slinging me out). And yes, thats where I am now, because not only is it a great place to work, but as the video says, they do tend to make me feel like a natural woman too!

Right, video time. I did think of doing a tribute to Aretha Franklin, who left us today at the age of 76, but fine, I’d just be cribbing Wikipedia if I did, and thats being lazy! But musically, oh absolutely! RIP Aretha, has to be said, and thanks for the memories

Part of the system?

Normally, when you get invited to an assessment centre for a job, you would expect to get the email from a person, right? So fine, for tomorrow, I get the invite from something called ‘system integration’! Yes, I know, I should be so lucky! And even more when the instructions say that you are to report to them on arrival. How is this assessment going to be handled lol? I know, I know, I’d love to be connected up to the system, integrated into it, and assessed by a machine controlling my mind, but generally, most people… Oh fine, a short while after, I got an email telling me to report to reception instead, far less exciting! Would bring a whole new meaning to the group exercise, Borg like assimilation, I guess? At least I wouldnt need to think of any answers to those competency based questions, the machine would probably discover the answer to those for itself!

Mind, I joke/dream about this for now, but I guess at some point in the future, the human element of interviews may be reduced, or even totally taken out of the equation, but not in the near future I suspect…shame! Just imagine, the inability to ‘improve yourself’ taken out of the situation, as a machine probes your mind for the correct answers.

Yes, I know, if that happened tomorrow, I’d love every moment of it, regardless of getting the job, or not. Mind, if you’re integrated into the system, surely they could ensure you were the perfect candidate for the job anyway, and have no desire to leave the company at any point? 😉 Shame I know its not really going to happen, but a girl can dream!

OK, the video. What hopefully I wouldnt be able to do for myself once integrated into the system