Category Archives: John Lennon

Lets all take a breath, and count to ten, and then…

Yes, let me say I was saddened greatly by the news that came out of Finsbury Park in the last couple of days, in a similar way to how I felt after the London Bridge incident, before anyone points out that I didnt comment on that. Sadly, when I only have time to do 2 blogs a week, and other things do happen in my life, some things get thought about, but not mentioned here, and that was one of them. Add in the Tower block fire last week, and London isnt having a good time of late, lets face it.

Equally, can I say that I wasnt entirely surprised when that horrific incident in Finsbury Park happened, because I wasnt. Such is political, and religious extremism at the far end of the spectrum of late, that no, I wasnt surprised when a white supremacist type decided to take a stand for himself over the matter. Thankfully, both sets of incident are few, and far between (very much so, in fact), but the press, and TV tend to over focus when they do. When parades of thousands of Muslims, protesting against terrorism happen, they have a tendency to ignore, as it just doesnt suit the underlying tendencies of too many in power, trying to scare people nowadays, lets face it.

I only hope that this can be it, that people can see sense, and we have no more retaliation, from either side. I know, as John Lennon said, ‘You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one’, at least I hope I’m not. Unfortunately, the people I’m appealing to with this piece are probably the ones least likely to read this, but I can hope that in some way, the message can get out. Yes, I know, I’m a very liberal type, but I think that most people, with a cool head would be able to see that just continuing the violence isnt a great idea, from either side.

So all I am saying, to quote another Lennon song, is to ‘Give peace a chance’, please. And yes, let me add that if there was a way I could wear a burqa/burka (I’ve seen it spelt both ways) in support of my Muslim friends, without it being religiously offensive, I’d happily do so. I dont deny it, I’ve seen women wearing it in Bradford a number of times, and wondered what it was like. But no, I dont want to offend anyone, all the same. But if the chance arose…?

Right, the video. No John Lennon, no Dusty Springfield, which a few might have thought of, from the blog title. Instead, a live Police classic from 2008!

And so this is Christmas?

Yes, in truth, it really is. Amazingly, at a time when I’m working, its the longest break I’ve had at Christmas in a long time, a whole week! Yes, what could best be called William Hill syndrome sometimes meant that I got Christmas Day off, and that was it! This time around, I finished yesterday, and dont go back until next Thursday. I then do 2 days, then off again from Saturday, until the Wednesday, when normal service resumes. Yes, the last is only because Tuesday is my day off for the week, but besides all that…

In truth, the monthly travel pass ends tomorrow, when I plan to go no further than the local shops (maybe?), and I wont bother again until Thursday, so I wont go too far now in the interim. Even if I cant pay for the holiday until the New Year break (should be able to work it after pay on 30th), I hope I can get the details sorted out before then. Yes, I know the flight, have an idea where it will be, if a hotel, but still contemplating a glance at Airbnb, and seeing if anything will tempt me, but I doubt it. Hotels dont need a mad dash for supplies after arrival, and prices arent that dramatically different, so…

Yes, my present to myself lol! Well, assuming there is still an America by then!

I groaned this morning when I saw the news, that Trump, even before becoming President, is seemingly trying to build up his nuclear missile arsenal, and being aggressive about it. Yes, fine, Russia is already reacting to that, and I thought they were supposed to be friends! Worse, he’s doing it all on Twitter, ah well…!

As to the inauguration thing, nothing but grief there too. No one wants to perform for him, and one group that seemingly will have to, The Rockettes, are already saying they dont want to. Most other entertainers are seemingly trying to arrange a concert to compete with his inauguration, to ruin his viewing figures, that should be fun!

I also saw someone (I assume less than seriously) suggest that California (or another, suggesting all 3 West Coast states) become independent from the rest of the US, now wouldnt that be fun? Would be wise to do it before Trump builds up his nuke collection, just in case…ah well…Please let me know which I need a visa for, USA, or California! Or Cali-Washing-gon? 😉

So yes, at Christmas, peace and goodwill to all on Earth, not! Fine, hopefully I’ll be feeling a little less cynical about it all tomorrow night!

Having already used Greg Lake (for the wrong reason), this seemed the obvious call.

Reader request moment!

Well, it seemed a good idea to me at the time! Thankfully, Stacie came to the rescue, coming up with a couple of good ideas, so rising to the challenge

How to start your own blog

On a light hearted note, set up an account on WordPress, follow the instructions, and lo and behold, an option to start will appear. Seriously, as far as someone like me is concerned, there are far too many appearance options, but I’m sure some like to change theirs every week or two, but me…I found this lovely retro-fitted one, a long time ago, and have no plans to change. I like the design, I am very retro, so all in all…

But once that’s done, how do you start your blog? A brief introduction, giving away as little, or as much as you wish to, about yourself. Me, I probably give away a little too much, but hey, I’m trans, and proud, and want to shout it, so…

Then comes the big challenge, what to write about? I know some who focus entirely on one subject matter, and do nothing else. But in all honesty, if I was only to write about transgender matters, I’d have got bored by now, and stopped. So I write about a variety of subjects, generally to some degree personally related, and hope some people like them. A few do, clearly, though funnily enough, my kinkier version, which I started later than this, has about twice the visit numbers of this place, so who knows?

The other thing you have to do, to attract an audience, is regular postings. If people know that once (or twice) a week, you’re going to write, people will come back to find it. If you post once in a blue moon, you wont get a long term audience. So you need to write about something you’ll want to come back, and add to.

I would say, go for it, mind, its an interesting thing to do.

Vintage Fashion and why classy dress died

Not that I’m sure that Jean Harlow is the best example to use for this, given that when she had a choice, she preferred to wear slacks, rather than a dress, long before it became the norm. But yes, I love the vintage dress look of the 20’s, through to the 50’s, and at least at home, I tend to live in a dress, rather than trousers. But why did classy dressing die?

I suspect women’s lib played a major part in that. Before then, women were women, and knew their place, and it wasnt the workplace, back in the 50’s. I suspect thats why Stepford Wives ended up with a very 50’s look, and attitude, it was the last time when women always dressed prettily, and were submissive to their man.

So of course, when liberation came along, people went for the opposite look. So women moved into tops, and trousers/slacks, as opposed to dresses. Fine, it was a more practical look for their working life, anyway. Funnily enough, in the 20’s, when flappers cut their hair short, to look like men, they still wore (very) short dresses!

So fine, sadly, the classy style of dressing died to a major degree, when the lifestyle of women changed, when more of them started going to work, in great numbers. But do I wish I could wear a nice dress to work, and not look out of place, absolutely!

But yes, thats probably why I wear a dress at most opportunities, because I’m that vintage woman at heart. Turn me into a Stepford Wife? Yes, I’d love it. Obviously the robot version would be more fun for me, but the whole 50’s wife thing (albeit with modern equipment) would be absolute heaven, regardless. Mind, I would seriously have to start remembering how to actually cook things again, if I did!

The video, a tribute to those who wear dresses, maybe?

Finally, let me close by wishing all my readers a Happy New Year for 2016, and hope its a good time for you. Me, I’ll be trying to make it that way, I hope!

And so, Happy Christmas

Yes, the big day has almost arrived, indeed for some of course, it already has by now. So I’ll take this chance now to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

I know, I know, a lot of the original meaning of Christmas has long since been lost, but thats not a recent thing, though it may have got to be more of the case in recent times. I’ve enjoyed today off, trying to catch up on a few things, some successfully, some not so, yet. But there is still this evening, so…

It will be a fairly quiet affair here tomorrow, I suspect, but that suits me fine. I would say I’ll put on a nice dress for the occasion, but to be honest, as I’ve got one on now, that is likely to be the case anyway! What I might do, for the odd reader who cares, is to wear the dinner dress, and talk either Nicole, or Dave into taking a photo, so you can at least see what it looked like. If you’re good, I’ll wear leggings, if not, I’ll inflict my knees on you lol! But yes, I know, I promised one, and havent provided as yet, so…

Presents, well, I know two. One, the bottle of booze from work, so that was hardly going to come as a surprise to me, lets face it. I also know I’ve got a Louise Brooks biography (the Barry Paris one), as someone asked me what I wanted, and I told him! Beyond that, not a clue, though Nicole tells me that there are one or two ‘out of left field’, so they should be interesting to discover.

For those with children, its a more special occasion, and I’m sure it was for me, all those years ago when I was young! For me, its another nice day off at least, before the lunacy of work on Boxing Day. No, dont ask!

So, as I say, to all my readers, old and new, have a wonderful day tomorrow, and I hope you have fun.

The video, yes, one or two clues posted, I guess?

Funny, war isnt over, its just the locations that change!