Category Archives: Homophobia

Foxy lady on the run?

I know, two in a row, but lets get them out of the way when I can remember what the blog subject is, OK? Probably nothing tomorrow mind, just saying.

A couple of days ago I saw an article which saddened me, but didnt surprise me, in truth. I dont expect every in my life for there ever to come a time when the LGBT hate percentage reaches single figures, let alone zero. But over the last decade or so, the reported homophobia/LGBTphobia percentage had been going down. The last survey a couple of years ago showing 25% of people being anti LGBT people, from dislike, to downright hate. Too high I grant you, but better than the 34% it was a decade ago. This year, for the first time since 2007, the figure went up, back up to 28%.

Of course the increase may not be a genuine increase, its just that now, with seemingly the whole world swinging further to the right, it might just be that people are more emboldened to say what they really think. It certainly seems the case in the US, and has been so for a while, but now it seems to be growing in the UK too. I suspect, as I say, that some of this is people who never liked LGBT people, but didnt say anything are now opening coming out and showing their hate, though I suspect others are being influenced by social media and friends too.

Especially when you see pieces that show LGBT people infecting others by spraying them with ‘gay water’ and the like, which is comical, but frighteningly, some believe it. There is also the fact that so many LGBT people (notably a group of Lesbians, and young Trans Activists) nowadays believe they literally have to get in the face of straight people to get their message over, rather than polite education.

I dont see what straight people have to worry about in truth. We dont secretly slip potions, or inject people with anything that instantly turns them gay. I hate to break it to the cranks, but it cant be done. Though mind, its believed all people are born bisexual, its just that tradition, and peer pressure means that most believe that boys will date girls, and anything else will destroy the world. Sorry, it wont! But equality, when there is a group of lesbians who wont date bisexual women because they might taint themselves with a date (or more) with a man, what hope is there of putting on a united front?

I know, I’m preaching to the converted, the LGBT haters arent going to read a blog by me, lets face it. But if any read this, just ask yourself why you’re afraid of LGBT people, realise how daft you are, and accept us. No, feel free to be an ally, and no more, thats all we ask.

Of course, if it makes someone feel better about coming out, by thinking I’m twisting your arm, or your mind, with this blog, why not? But I’m not, OK?

Right, the video. most women of my age nowadays, chasing younger men, or women, are known as cougars. But guess what, we used to be called wily old foxes. And yes, who knows, very soon, I might be out there, on the run for a young partner to care for me? Tenuous, but its the excuse for tonights glam rock video, just saying…

What someone should do for me

OK, I dont really mean it, unless you really want to, but it fits in with the video, so…?

Tomorrow is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. So, yes, giving you a bit of warning, so dont say I didnt tell you. Hopefully at least some knew already, but just in case…? And yes, its better than getting me started on Alabama, and Georgia, and now seemingly Missouri, so… No, seriously, dont!

Its funny, this year will be the least I’ve done for this in a few years, but such is the state of my health. Doesnt mean I wont be at home supporting the cause, but still going to be funny not doing something for the department, or the civil service, or anything more this week. And yes, my usual disclaimer, please people, lets make it so we dont have to do this sort of thing any more, OK? Sadly at the moment things seems to be getting worse, not better! Of course those that need to be educated the most will be the ones not reading this, I guess?

I know, its easy for me to say, given I’m Bi, Trans/Intersex, and support all others affiliated in all the letters mentioned generally, but I dont get the Phobia. Firstly, its us, its who we are, so just live with it! Secondly, unless some evil scientist has come up with an evil virus that no one has told me about, you cant catch LGBTI+ from those of us that already are. So just relax, OK?

Oh, and as for the whole toilet thing, I dont know about some, but I go in there for one reason, to use the toilet, wash my hands (see, no gay infection issue, lol), and then get on with that boring thing called normal life. And to all those who say you should use the toilet relating to your genitals, well, I have girl bits, so I’m entitled to use the ladies, and not the gents, OK? Snag is, I also boy bits, so I’m entitled to use the gents, but not the ladies. Does that mean I can use either, neither, or what? And think carefully before answering incorrectly, and making yourself look an idiot. Yes, going to stick to using the ladies, as I have for nearly 10 years now!

PS, if anyone knows a pain free way to remove the boy bits, and tidy up the girl bits for me, feel free! Alternatively, a non sexual cyborg/robot body, complete with either assisting AI, or full interface, or control, even better, due to my current brain function issues.

But other than that, I just request people to treat IDAHOBIT day tomorrow, and the people it related to nicely, not just tomorrow, but forever. OK, plea over.

Video time. For the second time this week, in tribute to the late, great Doris Day, one of her song. I know, its cutely straight, but just change the u, to an a, and… 😉

A different time on Earth

The snag with a modern way of thinking, is when you try to force today’s morals on the people of the long distant past. On some matters you dont even have to go back that far to see how different attitudes were. Even when I was a teenager, smoking was seen as a cool thing to do, very different to how we see the subject today! It killed my father, probably helped to kill my mother, but no, I’ve never smoked in my life. As I have mentioned a couple of times recently, I’ve played parts of people who chain smoked, and had to learn the technique, but never ‘smoked’ anything stronger than a candy cigarette, lol.

There is also a famous silent movie, from the 1910’s, that now looks horribly racist. Yes, it is. And in no way would I want to defend DW Griffith, and Birth Of A Nation, but most people back then had a different (though in modern eyes, very wrong) attitude to those sort of matters.

So today, when I see John Wayne (who has been dead nearly 40 years) trending on Twitter, I wondered why. It seemed some modern day individual had found an interview he did for Playboy in 1971, which was racist, homophobic, and several other less than pleasant things as well. But fine, he was a right wing Republican, brought up in an era before diversity was a cool subject (it was barely breaking by 71, lets face it), who was less than loved by a lot of the people who had to work on movies with him. And he was born in 1907, when a man was a man, and he lived up to that image, both in the movies, and real life. The amusing fact was, that the ‘macho man’ was one of those movie stars who didnt volunteer to serve in the war. Hope it wasnt bone spurs, lol?

So, no, I have in no way, shape, or form any desire to defend John Wayne as a person. I’ve not heard too many who back then wanted to do so either. But equally, expecting him to have behaved like a modern millennial, back in the 30’s, and 40’s, why would you do so?

Oh, and going back to the smoking thing, I’ve had fun with that, as have others, with my flapper heroine, Billie (Belinda) Nicholson. Hey, she was a 20’s flapper, so yes, she smoked, more than was good for her. But of course, amusingly, when she’s travelled through to modern times, we’ve all played on the differences between then, and now. And yes, not me, but a dear friend, wrote that she used vapes, instead of cigarettes, in modern times.

And yes, I’m sure there are subjects we think nothing about worrying about now, that in 40 years time… Yes, I wonder what the view to alcohol, for example will be then?

OK, video time. I didnt have to think too hard to remember the only song I know that included John Wayne in the title. I dont think its aged well, but that might be me?

Something needs to change?

Would you believe, with a title like that, that the inspiration is cricket, not politics? Oh, and a bit of LGBT issue too.

Of my 3 main incidents of transphobic personal issues, 2 are related to people of West Indian origin. Thats not to say that all West Indians are transphobic, or that the issue purely relates to them, because neither would be true. Because equally, my biggest wolf whistle also came from someone of the same origin, not that I was ever sure if looked above my boobs, but anyway… Oh, and I know numerous others who have been nice to me too.

Oh right, back to cricket. One of my main issues with cricket over the years, has related to the so called ‘sledging’ that goes on, to the opposition. Personally I dont think its needed, though I remember one hilarious moment on Sky Cricket, where Niall O’Brien was sledging his brother, Kevin, in one of those televised 20 over games.

Anyway, supposedly, yesterday, one of the West Indian bowlers is said to have made a homophobic comment to the England captain, Joe Root. I dont know the actual words used (they werent picked up), but Root’s reply was,

“Don’t use it as an insult. There’s nothing wrong with being gay.” 

And Root is right, there isnt. Seemingly the bowler concerned said something apologetic in reply, but it wasnt apologetic to LGBT people, just to Root, judging by later reports. Its all gone over the top, in 2 directions on Twitter, anyway.

Firstly, there are those declaring Root worthy of sainthood for what he did, but in truth, all he did was what you would expect from any decent person. Great for him saying it, but hero worship is taking it a little too far.

The opposite is the homophobics on Twitter, saying that because we dont have the actual words said to Root, it isnt true. But hey, why would Root say what he did, and seemingly the umpires report after play to the match referees, if it wasnt true?

Anyway, regardless, I want to say thank you to a fellow Yorkshire man for standing up for LGBT folk. At the same time, I’m not going to declare endearing love, and hero worship for it, as some have done, seemingly.

But yes, things need (in an ideal world) to change, both in a sledging, and homophobic way. Sadly, I dont expect perfection in my lifetime, but who knows?

OK, video, some very early, very raw punk stuff from the Stranglers. 2 songs for the price of 1 video, lol

Blinded by loyalty, or money, or…?

One thing I’ve always noticed in disclaimers, messages, and the like at big sporting events is the comment about ‘home team’ being fully supportive of diversity, and family issues, and the like. To be fair, in one of these cases, I’ve never heard it said in this country before a sporting event, but anyway… And to be fair to the majority of teams, these may be an exception to the rule, but I do wonder?

No names being used here, but sports fans will either know who I’m talking about, or will be able to google it with ease.

Firstly, lets cover the home issue, and one of my favorite sports, cricket. I know, US folk, you dont get, but dont worry, I’m getting to your sports shortly! One of the regular England Cricket Team players this week isnt getting ready to play for his Country this week, because he’s involved in a court case! Violence to others, homophobic behavior are the 2 main issues, probably brought out by over imbibing of alcohol, but all the same… I know, he might have needed to celebrate, and ‘chill’ after the game, but drinking can be kept to a sensible level, and at least the LGBT community wouldnt know what a homophobe he is, but anyway, all done now.

The thing is, I’ve seen numerous postings from England cricket fans saying that he’s being picked on, because he’s a celebrity, and that he’s being robbed of playing for England. No, he’s a violent homophobe, who started the events that led to the court case! Makes me glad I’m an Irish cricket follower, anyway.

So, to the US. Firstly, baseball. One player missed the first 75 games of the season, not due to injury, but because he was banned, because of some pretty serious domestic violence issues. To be fair to his previous team, they wanted rid of him, and most of the other 30 teams didnt want him, for obvious reasons. But one team, when they knew he was on offer signed him as fast as the world wide web would let them. To be fair, its seems most (if not all) of their players are as enthused about the signing as me. But clearly, despite comments prior to their games (I’m sure), this team are more interested in performance, than morals. In an ideal world, the guy involved will get a jail sentence in the near future, and I hope it costs the team money, support, and other things. However, given the state of the team that he plays for, the locals are just as likely to admire him for what he did!

Lastly, the shambles in College Football. A classic tale of events that did happen, then didnt happen, in terms not only of domestic violence, but in who reported it to who, and why nothing was done about it, and other numerous things. The coach who, within a week said he knew nothing about it, then when it was showed he did, said that he had known about it, and passed the information on, well, what would you believe, probably not much?

But again, over the last 2 days, there have been numerous protests at the school over events, and not in a positive way, re the domestic abuse! No, numerous supporters asking why the coach has been suspended for events, and demanding he’s given his job back. I suspect we will have an ‘inquiry’ which will tell us little or nothing, he will get his job back, and the university will hope the issue just goes away.

So yes, the next time you’re at a sports event, and hear the announcement about caring about diversity, family issues, and everything else, just laugh! They may do, but only until money talks louder!

Right, video time. One of those songs that many people, especially at the time, didnt realize was a cover version. As you will see shortly, it was. In truth, the cover version is far better than the original, but anyway…You choose.

Firstly, the cover

Secondly, the original version.

What a weekend!

Oh fine, I’d planned to focus on one transgender issue in this blog, that the UK government seemingly have been trying to cover up, but events of the weekend have sort of overwhelmed that. Still going to look at it, but maybe a bit less detail than if events in America hadnt happened.

So, lets start with the one I’m sure everybody has heard about, the awful massacre in Orlando. I’m going to do my best not to say too much about the gun laws in the US. But given the fact that someone on the FBI watch list, can get hold of a weapon like that, and nothing happens, just unbelievable! The blunt fact is, despite his last phone call, this was not an ISIS related terrorist activity. They clearly knew nothing about it in advance, from their postings on the matter (source, instead of their agency), whatever the more rabid people of the media might want to suggest. What is clear, is that he came from a homophobic background, and had a deep hatred for all gay people. As a sideline, he believed in beating his wife too! Yes, lovely guy, not.

Unbelievably, in these days of health and safety, fire standards, and the works, the club he went into in Orlando had only one entry/exit point. There seemed to be others, but they led to closets, or a small courtyard, not a proper route of escape. So, once in, hard to get out of, under the circumstances, without being shot! Given the enclosed space, and the weapon he had, its probably a blessing that as few as 50 died, though sadly, its possible that number may yet go up.

Oh, the beloved right wing media. Focusing on the fact that he was Muslim, and that phone call, and ignoring all the other facts! Yes, he was Muslim, but as the next section of this shows, that was just one issue, the main one was his awful homophobia. He carried out this massacre because he saw two men kiss in front of him, on the street. Yes, seriously, that was it!

Rest in peace, all those sadly dead from this atrocity.

The next piece, I suspect the amount you’ve heard about, depends on where you’re reading this. Yesterday, was L.A Pride day. So fine, I might not have known much about it, but for my friends in the area. What happened yesterday morning, was the arrest of a white man, in Santa Monica, because his car was full of enough artillery to cause an equal amount of death, and destruction. Funnily enough, he was a right wing extremist, who admitted he was heading to the Pride festival, and it didnt look, or sound like he was going there to join the parade. Thankfully, in this case, he was caught before he got there, and with additional security, all went off fine. But again, just about a year ago, he was arrested for, yes, you’ve guessed it, gun offences!

Please, USA, at least reconsider your gun laws. Oh, I forgot, the NRA (National Rifle Association) has so many congressmen in their pay, that…ah well! 😦

Lastly, and something that my ‘beloved’ UK government have sneaked through, is this

I’ve seen a meme a few times on Facebook, which shows a guy, and a girl in bed, post coital sex. To quote her, is something like “No, thats not my boyfriend, thats me before the operation.”, and a stunned look on his face. Alright, I found it amusing the first couple of times, but yes, it gets less funny as time goes on. Mind, given she clearly had all the right ‘bits’, why should it really bother him, unless…?

Me, I’m not planning on having sex anytime soon, in truth, and besides which, at the moment, if it got as far as sexual matters, I’ve clearly still got something a girl shouldnt have! But in truth, before anyone got that close to me, I’d make my limitations very well known, and let them act accordingly. In truth, I’m pretty certain that even if I was post op, I’d let someone know first, before we got up close, and physical! To be truthful, given I doubt I would consider the op, unless I needed it, for sex, someone is going to know anyway!

But yes, I guess, younger people, who have fully transitioned, and look just fine, do people really need to know? I’m sure that now, with younger, and younger people starting to transition, its going to come to a point where people really arent going to know, beyond the fact that their wife/partner will never get pregnant! Fine, maybe decades from now, Trans Girls will have babies, but for now…

So, I’m torn, in that someone of my generation probably would want to say something, so it shouldnt matter, but I can see youngsters feeling differently about it. But overall, no, I’m not a fan of this.

OK, video time. Maybe because of my age, maybe because of my attitude, or maybe because this body has so emotionally destroyed me over the years, this pretty much sums me up, concerning these homophobic haters out there

So which do you want?

Do you want the details of the day, or do you want the tale of someone who is no longer a Facebook friend of mine, due to homophobic comments.

OK, fine, a bit of both.

Right, for want of a better term, I did my last lap of jersey today. Yes, the alert ones amongst you will say that I’m here until Saturday, and you’re right. But Saturday will be pretty much just pack, and dash, and tomorrow, after a brief trip out, will be to say goodbye to St Helier, for, who knows? I doubt I will return again in 32 years, I’d be 88 then, if I’m still alive, which doesnt seem to be a guaranteed event, even now, with people living longer. To be fair, once the body, and insurance rates say that I can no longer travel to the US, then for as long as I can, I might holiday nearer home, but even so…

Today, I did what most sensible people would do (but I’m blonde) at the start of their holiday, I did the circular tour of the island, heading out east, then looping around at a nice pace, till we got back into town. The east coast, I did up to Gorey under my (helped by buses) steam, and the west coast, as you know, I’ve been all the way round to Greve De Lecq. But lets just say that most of the north coast, plus the east coast above Gorey is a ‘challenge’ by public transport, not really doable, so that was nice for me.

The woman next to me on the coach, even more so, as she left us at Greve De Lecq, having done most of the ‘tricky to see’ bit, though she missed out on the very north west corner, but hey, I can understand not waiting around an hour at lunchtime for that. But I’m glad I carried on, if only to be able to say ‘How much!’ for the items on sale at Jersey Pearl.

Fine, the second bit. Today, in the UK are some elections, both local council, and more critically the EU ones. I could have arranged a postal vote, but I didnt. I know, dont complain about results, but…So, when I got back on here, and logged into Facebook, what did I find?

A supposed Facebook friend (not that I know him, I suspect he befriended me from one of those ghastly ‘do you know?’ lists, as it was showing 2 mutual friends when I checked. Basically his posting was something about being proud to vote for UKIP, and hoping they’d see off those gay b******s in the country. Might not have been his exact words, but get my drift?

Now, given I have the whole gamut of LGBT folk among my real life friends, am Trans myself, and either lesbian, or bi, if I was interested in romance, you can imagine how I felt! Lets just say the jerk lasted about 5 minutes (while I ranted on Facebook) before being rapidly defriended!

His politics, no, I’m not a fan, but I wouldnt unfriend him just because of that, of course the killer was his homophobia, sadly there are still too many people like that about. I’m left wondering why he friended me though, unless he didnt realise I was trans! But thats not the point, his attitude just sickens me.

OK, last but not least, the video! No relevance to the post, its just that I’m on Jersey, and this was mine, and Sue’s song. Oh, and it was on the radio at breakfast this morning, which reminded me.