Category Archives: Prince George

Its A Sin?

As I’m sure everyone reading this surely knows, I’m a supporter of LGBT issues. I add that I dont support all issues generated by those people, especially, sadly, of the Trans kind, because some of them dont just expect equality, they want special treatment, over and beyond that point, and no, I dont feel that way.

The other thing relevant to tonights piece, is that I’m not a Royalist. I might not wish for as dramatic result as there was in France, a few centuries ago, but one of these people who fawn over every move they make, no. Which makes tonights post more ironic than normal lol.

A religious minister, and gay rights campaigner, in his, err, wisdom, decided to ask people to pray that Prince George is gay. Even ignoring the Christians who (incorrectly) think being gay is a sin, and who are therefore not going to support this, most staunch Royalists arent going to approve of this anyway. And yes, you’ve guessed it, this LGBT supporter, and Royalist non lover doesnt approve of this either! Yes, when I start feeling sorry for a member of the Royal family, something’s wrong!

But no, my sympathies for the Royal Family are still limited enough that I’m definitely hoping that Prince Harry’s wedding next May is while I’m out of the country! I know, the US will probably overkill the event, but it might (hopefully) be easier to avoid it over there.

But no, seriously, I hope Prince George is straight, gay, or even bisexual, whichever makes his life at peace in the future. Mind, by the time he knows, I’ll probably be dead, so I wont care anyway! But please, LGBT activists, keep things sane!

Right, video time. Yes, big clue in the blog title, shock horror. This however is not the video version, this is a live version (pretty sure, singing only) that is so over the top, its crazy! Be warned!