Category Archives: day off

Choices, choices, how should I play this?

Or also known as how should I be balancing my current life?

I must admit, when I knew I was going to be made redundant, I decided to treat myself in a few ways. So yes, the Hollywood trip went up to 10 days, from 7, and I flew Premium economy, instead of coach class. And yes, I’ve decided that come what may, I’m flying in economy plus to and from Boston in September, though the difference between that, and coach class really isnt that large, principally because I’m still in economy, just the slightly better (and nearer the front, for the scrummage) seats in that range.

But beyond that, spend much at all, let alone rashly, no, I havent at all. Dont get me wrong, I have got a few little things I want to get when I get as job, but I’ve been saying not before then. A pair of those gorgeous Dam Hag (Lindy Bop) dresses for starters, for which the money is on the credit card, but…I’ve stopped myself from buying them, because I’m not yet back in work. So fine, I didnt expect that to take this long, but it has, and aargh…!

But I’d envisioned a few shopping trips (if only Charity shop hunts in Wakefield), or a day or two at the cricket, but so far I’ve done neither. Partly because I wanted to be here, should a potential employer (or agency) call, and partly because I have my old problem of having money, but in my head, I dont want to spend it, other than on necessaries. But is that the way I really ought to be doing things, or should I lighten up just a little, and enjoy my time off a little more?

I suppose I sort of decided that maybe I’m taking this “Don’t spend unnecessary money” thing too seriously this morning, when I turned down the chance of a trip out, simply because I felt I shouldnt be spending money I dont need to (only about £15), because I’m not working, and at the moment it feels like I have no idea when I will be. I know, it will happen, but…someone tell me if I’m doing the right thing, or whether I need to lighten up, at least a bit? To be honest, I suspect the job situation has so got to me by now that I’m not seeing things clearly.

Right, to finish, as always, the video. I’m pretty sure this is one job contract I’d turn down at present, all the same, but dont quote me on that. I suppose if he offered to literally turn me into Jean Harlow, I might, but…

Yes, I’m back!

Well no one can say I didnt warn you it would be a while before I posted again! Yes, the Cheltenham festival is now over, but got another long day tomorrow, so dont expect anything then lol! Hopefully something in the few days after that.

So what has happened in the interim since I last posted? To be honest, most of it has been so manic, I cant really remember! Well, I know what happened today, in numerical terms at least, I got one year older! The best present, not having to go to the madhouse for one whole day! Seriously, had a lovely meal tonight, but the main thing has been just doing not too much for the day. Oh, and reminding myself that 5 weeks tomorrow, I’m off to Seattle for a week. Not looking forward to the flights, but looking forward to seeing the city again.

The Iditarod dog race has been won, though the back of the field probably wont finish until Sunday. Havent heard of any dog fatalities, which is great, though lets get every team home before we celebrate that fact.

The only other main event in my life has been a far sadder one, an anniversary that I wish wasnt. I would have loved to have posted this on Tuesday, but hey, a 10 hour shift, plus a combined total of about 3 hours travel on top of that is a killer. And thats just an ordinary length day this week! On the 13th of March, last year, a close internet friend died of cancer. Unfortunately it was only nearly a fortnight later that we got confirmation of the news that all her friends feared. So 3 days late, I’m going to do the memoriam she deserved, and say, Sara Castle, you arent forgotten by us, RIP dear.

OK, the video is going to reflect on todays date though, a song from over 30 years ago, its called showing my age lol!

Happy hour

Well actually you could say its been 14 happy hours so far today since I got up, its been a non working day lol! Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy my job, but there are times when its nice not to have to suffer the whims of a certain train company, and have to try to get to Leeds within a reasonable period of time! Also it gives me chance to catch up on things, and recharge the batteries as well. Well, not literally, but…Its nice to be able to sort of switch off every so often, I must admit.

Oh, and a promise to a certain Kiwi reader, tomorrow’s posting will include cricket again! I know thats why she subscribed, and there is a bit of a date tomorrow, so…

I guess the title of this might give away where the pop video is heading tonight, a song released 25 years ago, almost to the month (actually released very end of June). This was my first sighting of Paul Heaton, though not the last, as I was a big fan of Beautiful South, another band he helped to form. I admit it, the one I really loved the voice of in the latter group, was Jacqui Abbott, hope I’ve spelt that right? Was it any coincidence that the bands popularity waned when she left?

The video is an interesting mix of real people, and clay ones, which might not be much now, but 25 years ago…was possibly a bit new, certainly was to me!

Tomorrow, the main subject will be cricket, and sometime later in the week I must mention transgender issues again, after all, they are what I started this blog to post about mainly lol!

Sorry, the video, as if I’d forget