Category Archives: St James Hospital

Let me entertain you?

In truth, given that accordingly to the stats at least, the vast majority of my readers are in the US, I’m probably expecting as big a response to this as, well, not a lot, but if I give enough notice? No, even then, lol, I dont expect American, Delta, Virgin or anyone else to be bombarded with applicable flight bookings from US!

The first time I heard a bell ring in the reception area at the hospital in Leeds, on the floor where the radiotherapy sessions are done, I wondered what was going on. But fine, being a ‘nosy bitch’, at a suitable moment, I went to find out what it was all about. What it was all about is that at the end of a significance part of your treatment process (mainly last radiotherapy session), people are gently encouraged to ring said bell, to signify the significant moment to others. Yes, you’re right, I’m planning to do it.

Well, to give all a clue, my last session is booked for the 6th December, at 12.05 pm, so if all goes to plan, I reckon I will be ringing said bell about 12,20 pm or so (believe me, timing will be approximate) at St James Hospital, Leeds to signify the end of the sessions, and more exhaustively for me at present, the end of travelling to and from Leeds every day for 6 weeks (which I am currently finding harder, lol) at varying hours of the day! Then starts the 4 week recovery period, in which there are a couple of nice events (and no, Boris, I dont mean the General Election) happening, one of which should be pretty obvious to all, lol.

But yes, if anyone should want more details on venue, time, or other things, feel free to comment, or email at and I will provide them happily. Though if you do the former, please provide an email address, if I dont already have one for you.

No, I’m not expecting a rush, or indeed anyone really to turn up from here, but now you’ve got 4 weeks to plan, check your calendar, or whatever you need to do. Yes, if anyone turns up who has video (even via a mobile phone) facilities, I might post my first video on You Tube, instead of just watching them, lol. But no, I dont have one, so…? Oh, you will need to get yourself there, just saying…

I know, no response, but the offer is made! And now I’ll offer the video, lol. Some may even have worked it out from the title!