Category Archives: The Zimmers

Hope I Die Before I Get Old

And no, much though I dont want to live forever, given all my health issues, before anyone gets too concerned, its just one of the great lines from tonights video. But no, its not The Who, but someone more apt! Confused? You wont be for long!

When I was 6, The Who released this song, with the classic line in the title. If you take it literally, half the group failed to fulfill their request, they are still alive today, and over 70! Another lasted until 57, so in truth, only Keith Moon lived up to that request!

I’ll be honest, I’ve not been a big one for birthdays, ever since my childhood years. Yes, a meal out, maybe a few small presents, and thats been it, and its suited me fine. I’ve even ducked the landmark ones up until now. 40, I was with my ex partner, but we both had already accepted things were falling apart romantically, so though we celebrated to a small degree, that was it. We finally split, amicably the next year, I might add.

50, I managed to convince the others here that I didnt want a big fuss made, though I had suspicions that at least one wanted to. Now, I’m not saying I want a huge fanfare, and fuss made about me hitting 60 (2 months today), but in a sense, its quite a landmark, assuming I last that long, of course. Maybe its because its the first one since officially transitioning, or something? Strictly, 2008, I already knew I wanted to become a woman, but nothing had been done formally. Whereas now…?

There is of course the factor that I might not even be here on the night of my 60th birthday, if the Blackpool thing happens. No, I still havent looked into the sanity of doing that, was leaving that until next week, when I have more time, as I’ve got the week off. But other than that…?

I dont know, should I be trying to do something special to celebrate hitting 60? Other than not drawing my pension, which I would have been doing not that long ago! Certainly when The Who recorded that song, 60 was retirement age for women, and for quite a long time after that. Mind, life expectancy back then wasnt what it is now, which is the sensible reason for the change. I feel I should, but given that now, with my budget limits, and my current state of mobility, there’s only so much I could do! If Blackpool does work out, then great, that will be said magic moment, and I can party like its 1928 to celebrate! Mind, strictly on the painkillers I’m on, I cant drink, so…? I managed to survive for a few days before my friend’s wedding, but other than that…?

But yes, despite a few bad moments, I’m glad I didnt die before I got old, assuming I last 2 more months at least! First Buses seem to be trying to ensure I dont at present, but other than that…

Right, the video. Yes, fine, this lot make me look like a youngster! Obviously, given this was filmed just over 10 years ago, most of this group are no longer with us, though they definitely grew old!