Category Archives: Direct Line

A heart that’s shattered

So fine, lets start off a thoroughly cheery weekend for me, posting here. OK, I’m lying, badly, but anyway… I’ll save the really depressing stuff for Sunday, so as to not spoil people’s weekend, at least.

Right, so yes, I wasnt really expecting a valentine dinner, or anything, or even a card, but you can hope, and dream, until they’re crushed, at least. I guess something could arrive in the post tomorrow, but I suspect its as likely as Leicester winning the Premier League, or something…Oh, hold that, whoever would have believed it at the start of the season, mind? Great though, isnt it? But fine, looking at the table, as likely as Aston Villa winning the title lol!

OK, the amusing moment. You know how most women fall for that gorgeous hunk of a man? You’re right, not for me! Me, the guy that makes my heart flutter every time I see him on TV, and thats quite often. You know who it is? Winston Wolfe, of Direct Line Insurance fame. Fine, stop laughing, I love him at least! Oh goodness, he could sort my, err, insurance claim, any time he wished to!

I know, he’s got a less than savoury past history, I gather, from a movie he was in, but girls, dont you just love a guy who might be a little bit wicked? 😉

But seriously, Harvey Keitel, I’m not going to be stalking you, just not my style, and never will be, you’ll be delighted to hear.

So fine, in truth, I’d probably enjoy it almost as much if a man (or woman) took my body, and did wicked things to it, as being wined, and dined, but… I’ve done one, and I’d love the treat of the other, while I still have the chance! So…? No, fine, I dont expect to get the wicked treatment either, on Sunday! Just a quiet, depressing day, alone.

The video, a glorious oldie, that really shows it age. Yes, 1960’s! Sums up me, and romance though, for sure.