Category Archives: Billy Bragg

This would be a dream job, and so ironic too!

Yes, I know, I go a while without any transgender blogs, and then they all come along at once, a bit like London buses, in the old joke! But hey, as this also gives me the chance to mention baseball, how could I resist? Besides which, its better than a blog whining about all these nice jobs that require you to be a driver!

We’ve all heard the stories about celebrities posting on social media in a way that they shouldnt? Yes, this is one of those. Curt Schilling used to be a great pitcher, before retirement, and he used to be a great baseball analyst on ESPN. The latter is the more significant ‘used to be’ in this case.

Fine, he’s a right wing conservative, so not my dream man politically. But as I’ve said before, I can survive peoples political views, if they’re trans friendly. Thing is, he isnt! And made it clear to the world, as this article proved

And given that his homophobic views had got him into trouble with his employers before, and then let loose with this, I guess the end result, his firing, became inevitable. OK, it amuses me that ESPN considers itself as an inclusive employer, as I thought the law (apart from a couple of rogue states) stated that all LGBT folk should be safe from oppression from employers anyway?

So fine, ESPN, here’s a challenge for you. If you are that inclusive, who could be a better replacement for Schilling, than a baseball loving Trans Woman? Funnily enough, I’m available at present too! I’ll even promise not to be biased when talking about the Royals, and the Dodgers, if that helps?

Seriously, if anyone knows who I should send my CV, or Résumé to, please let me know, I’d be interested to see how it went. I did try the ESPN careers page, but I guess they havent had time to post it up yet? No, I dont seriously think they’d be quite that inclusive, but no harm in finding out, if I know who to send it to. Or if someone from ESPN reads this, email me at and I’ll send it to you. Yes, I’m still using that email address at present, I’ve got 5 already, and could do without more at present! Please also let me know at that address, if you know who I need to send it to.

Right, the video. Well, given their head office is in New England, I thought of this, given there arent that many good baseball songs I havent already used!

This is actually the man who wrote the song, made famous by Kirsty McColl