Category Archives: Season ticket

Something old, something new

Just before Christmas, the 23rd December to be exact, the station building I had known for years at Wakefield Westgate closed. Something about modernisation, and all that, so they say. I have to say it looked fine to me, but such is the desire for upgrading things (and not just the Cybermen, apparently) that it had to go.

So today, when I went over to Wakefield shopping, I had my first look at the new station building. Absolutely soulless, I’ve seen airport terminals with more atmosphere than that place. So fine, maybe Friday, early afternoon isnt the best of time for these places, but it was dead, apart from one woman handing out vouchers, something about a free coffee, if you bought an expensive sandwich or something, but anyway, I didnt, just moved on.

Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying the previous building was a vision of beauty, but compared to this, loved it! Maybe it will grow on me, maybe it wont? Ironically, the other station in Wakefield, Kirkgate, was a dump, but is currently clad in scaffolding and things, finally being done up after so many years of neglect. Given that its an unmanned station, I doubt it will become an ‘airport terminal’, at least I hope thats not the case.

My home town station, Huddersfield, still has its beautiful old station building, so as long as you dont enter it, its a glorious sight. In fact, internally, its pretty nice too, especially compared to Westgate, but thats not hard. The main amusement about Huddersfield Station is the platform numbers. We have a 1,2,4,5,6 and 8, but no 3 or 7! I assume they were branch terminal platforms somewhere, for lines that no longer exist, but dont quote me on that! As to where they were located, not a clue!

Oh, and to keep up with the theme, the reason I went to Wakefield today, was the need to buy new for old on a few things. Boots and slippers needed replacing (both from before Christmas in all honesty, but today was the first chance), but managed to get both today. I would also have needed a new handbag, as the strap was virtually gone on the old one, but for the fact that, err, I had at least 2 suitable replacements already lol!

The last piece of New Year modernisation, my annual Metro card! Up until now, for as long as I can remember, they were always paper (board type, railway ticket), but now we get a smart card to use! Its great, as the magnetic strip on the back of the old one wore out after a few months, so using the ticket barriers becomes a pain. With this (famous last words) that shouldnt happen! So fine, the current barriers at Huddersfield arent calibrated for it at the moment, but soon will be, and getting through Leeds is now far easier.

Now all I’m waiting for is the new version of me! 😛

The video, well, its in the title, but given this is over 40 years old, I dont expect any to know it. As is the case with these songs, finding an actual video, is nigh impossible. This is the best I can do, its the group, but clearly not this song