Category Archives: Hijama Wet Cupping

There are treatments where I say, I wont do that!

Well, fine, I may have tweaked the blog title to fit in with the video, but hey, we’re friends, arent we?

I know, I know, the woman who would love to have an ECT treatment (albeit, lower voltage ideally) saying there are a couple of treatments she really doesnt fancy having, crazy stuff! But fine, electrics is a bit of a kink of mine, blood letting really isnt!

Let me explain:

On my commute to Bradford, I pass a couple of these therapy places, both of which have a treatment that gives me the shudders. Ironically, from what I’ve read, both of these improve the circulation, and both definitely would help with my arthritis, but even so…

The first one, at a place in Bradford, is leech therapy. Yes, you let someone put leeches on your body, and let them have a meal of your blood, while pumping health giving enzymes into you, supposedly. And what I’ve read, its definitely meant to be a good thing for us old ladies, with arthritic joints, but yes, all the same, I’m not sure I could ever let anyone place one (or more) of those leeches on me, and let it feed for an hour or so. I know, they used to be used in hospitals and the like, but even so…I’d need a lot of convincing.

In truth, when I saw the other treatment I’m going to talk about tonight, advertised in Huddersfield, on the wall of a therapy centre, I had no idea what it even was! So yes, I looked it up on Wikipedia, to find out what it was. This:

Yes, fine, the wet cupping thing might be fine, and I could even live with the funny marks on my skin for a while, but those incisions they then make, into your skin, then draw blood out into the vacuum, eek! I know, I know, if the person doing it knows what they are doing, and their display says they do, then you’re losing less blood (probably?) than when giving a transfusion, but…

In truth, I suspect if someone talked to me about it, and made it seem fine, then I might…just, but if given a free choice, pretty sure the answer is no!

Yes, as I say, this is the woman who would quite happily (if it was the only voltage I could get it done at) have 450 volts pulsed through her brain, for 8 seconds, saying no to something which is probably a lot safer than that might be! Fine, but me, and electric play, majorly serious kink. Having cuts made on my body, or having leeches biting into me, not a kink! Though fine, from all I read, may well do me more good, but I wont do that, without convincing, of a serious degree!

Video time. Fine, I put up a live version of this about 6 months ago, but given that video has been taken down, I feel free to post up the original video this time. One of my favourite songs of all time, I would say