Category Archives: Cocoture

Queen of your hearts?

Right, firstly, an update from Monday’s posting. Yes, I’ve decided to try the fund raiser thing, and see what happens. As I say, I cant actually do the name change, or anything until after I get back from the US, because the air ticket is already purchased, and no, I’m not paying that silly fee to change your name on the ticket, even if the full amount of money is raised in double quick time. After that, the possibility of becoming Stephanie Harlean Carpenter seems a lot more likely. Probably stop messing with this Ms lark too, and become a genuine Miss!

So fine, if there are any readers out there who havent already seen this on Facebook, or Twitter, and want to help out, the link to the campaign is at

Yes, thats right, one truly wonderful friend has already donated, very generously, but anyway…Look at it this way now, if 20 people each gave £5 (or 50 gave £2), I’d be there! I know, probably wont happen, but no harm in asking, I guess? Now, if only I knew Bill Gates, or someone lol…I wish!

OK, the other “event” this week is tomorrow night, in Leeds. Cocoture (with whom I’ve had both of my brilliant photo shoots done) are having an evening to celebrate their (relatively) new studio in the centre of Leeds, with a fashion and lingerie show. Proceeds are going to charity. For those of you on Facebook, and in the area, the link is though please contact Karen to check there are still tickets available before turning up!

I will be there, dressed up “a little bit”, and hopefully thats an incentive to support, not the contrary. Hey, you’re reading this, if you hated me, why…lol? Alright, there might be someone, but…

So there, sorry, a blog full of requests to spend money tonight, I know! Hopefully next time, something less demanding!

The video, well, you can tell this is live, as Dave Edmunds forgets the lyrics near the end!

The tale of the last 2 days

I think that title will just about cover every thing, maybe?

OK, so cutting out the boring bits, like work, and things, the first big event was the interview. I must admit, yesterday morning, around 7.00, after very limited sleep, my brain, and logic don’t go well together. Because if they had, I would have caught on that a black dress, covered by a coat, and a top and black skirt, covered by a coat, look remarkably alike. But anyway…I know for next time! More on that later.

Oh, the dress, at work, not a blink. Well, no one commented at least, and I would have thought one or two would have done, if they’d wanted to! No, I stuck with the wedge heels, not the high heels during the morning, and I’m sure my feet were delighted with that call. The interview was meant to be at 1.15, so I’d planned to swap over about 1.00, so my feet were used to them, when I needed to walk in them. So I got told I could go in about 12.45 lol, so hastily put them on.

As much as I can tell, the interview went well, answered questions confidently, looked at the person asking the question, and all that. We will see, should hear sometime next week, but hey, first interview in a dress, and it felt great! Yes, you guessed it, I didnt change again after the interview…until I got home!

And the journey home was a bit longer than usual, though for once, the train company werent to blame! No, I stopped off to see the results from the photo shoot, and for now at least, you’ll have to believe me when I say they were amazing. You will get to see some, in good time, when I get the email versions of a few of them. Believe me, I want you to see them, they are that good!

Then lastly, today, I went off for what I’m jokingly calling my MOT. And yes, I passed. Fine, the right shoulder, the back, and the knees arent perfect, but they arent deteriorating either, seemingly. So the old girl will be fine for a while more.

The video, relates to the photo shoot, shall we say?

Oh, and for those amused by such things, the baseball. Kansas City Royals still havent lost in the play offs, though this will probably be the ‘knife in the back’ for that, this evening. And lets just say that when Jean Harlow, a native of Kansas City was asked for her feelings on the matter, this summed it up.

Happy to see you

Go Royals!

She’s a model, and she’s looking good

(For those of you shrewd enough, and knowledgeable enough to read both blogs, they are the same tonight, just saying…)

Yes, absolutely no prizes for working out what the video delight is tonight, but you get a little (superior in my opinion) bonus on top of the English version of the song.

No, I havent officially taken up employment as a model, but today left me feeling like one, or perhaps more aptly, a famous film star, no prizes for working out who! 😉

I did a photo shoot before with Cocoture, when they were working out at Rawdon, and it was an amazing experience, for someone who had never done anything like that before. Yes, you’re right, thats where the whole Jean Harlow thing took flight, when people got to see the pictures from the shoot, and commented on the resemblance.

I’ve known for a little while, that they were planning to start up a studio in Leeds, so I held off on doing the ‘Seriously Jean Harlow’ photo shoot until then, simply because its so much easier for me to get there, and back. Anyway, today was the big day!

As a good model probably should, the day started with coffee. Yes, I mean the one at home this morning, btw. Unlike Jean, I suspect, I had to get my own! Anyway, about 10.15 or so, I set out for Leeds, complete with dress collection, and a pair of high heel shoes.

Fun started when I got close to the studio, I knew the address, but couldnt see any obvious signs. Anyway, I asked at the hair salon, and helpfully got guided upstairs by a wonderfully helpful lady. I dont know her name, but Karen probably will, when she reads this.

First things first, get the model looking her best, and Bethany did just that. Stylish make up, abundant curls all enhancing the look. To be honest, I know how Jean must have felt when having her’s done at the studio! Then Dave, and Karen had their time, first outfit, first change, and the ‘film star’ in me, took control. Dave has a good style, and combined with my confidence, and nous, as to what poses he might be looking for, the filming flowed. We passed through several dress changes, a number of accessories, and I had a marvellous time.

I’m not sure if I reached a point where ‘Jean’ took control, but I felt so much like a model/movie star being posed, that she might have done. Of course, we could be one and the same, but…?

Oh, and yes, guys, a short dress was worn, you should get to see my legs!

Then a fun thing happened, we filmed in another building. The ‘Leeds Club’ next door is a wonderful Victorian building, and we went off (with permission) to get a few shots there, in the gentlemans toilets. Not your basic humdrum place, this looked like somewhere straight out of the Victorian era, an incredible place for a vintage shoot. Yes, hilarity ensued, when a poor man walked in the entry door, to find 2 women inside, as part of a photo shoot! All went fine, we took one more shot, thanked him for his patience, and then back to the studio.

A few more shots, an appointment made for next Tuesday afternoon (after work) to view the photos, really looking forward to seeing them. I cant praise Karen, Dave, and Bethany enough for their work today, I certainly felt like Jean, at a photo shoot, I must say.

So finally, if you’re in the Leeds area, and want a really good shoot done, vintage, or otherwise, then I highly recommend Cocoture to you. Hopefully Karen can provide me with a phone number, or add one in the comments, as I suspect the only phone number I can find, is the Rawdon one.

Tonorrow, back to the day job in the call centre. Until Hollywood calls lol…

The video, Kraftwerk, The Model. Firstly, the English version

Then, in my opinion at least, the far superior German version, a very different sound too.

The delights of social media

Yes, I’m old enough to remember a sweet time, when Facebook and the like wasnt even dreamt up, and the only friends you had were actually in your social circle in real life. Nowadays I’m sure we all have numerous friends on places like Facebook that we’ve never met, and in all probability, never will. Hey, I know I’ve got my fair share of them, thats for sure.

But anyway, despite eventually succumbing to the charms of Facebook at my previous workplace, I didnt get involved anywhere else. To be honest, the only reason I’ve really stuck with Facebook is for a few groups I’m a member of, mainly relating to Irish cricket. Beyond that, and nowadays, OMD related pages too, I dont post there much, beyond using it to advertise the blogs in a (seemingly vain) attempt to boost visit numbers to here.

Its OK, and I go there far too often than is good, but…its as far as I went…Until now!

To those who have been around a while, you will remember I had a photo shoot session last year, with a lovely group called Cocoture, a few pictures from which have been posted here. So fine, they are now looking for a face of Coco, and I decided to give it a go. No, under the circumstances, I dont expect to be selected, but you never know, stranger things happen! But to enter, you had to post a picture, in a specific way, and when I tried, I kept getting error messages. Now, despite being blonde, I suspected I knew why, there seemed to be a Twitter connection to the place they were holding it, and yes, I wasnt a member. So, I signed up for Twitter, heaven help me, and it worked!

Oh, if you want to vote for me, go to and vote for the blonde doing the Jean Harlow look, I need all the votes I can get!

So far I’m showing moderate enthusiasm for the place, and have posted 4 ‘Tweets’ there since last night, but how long it all lasts, not quite sure? Ironically, at the time I finally succumb to the place, it seems the need for story advertising is dying off, but I might write more in the future, and then…?

Oh, my tag, or whatever they call it? @Harleanlook. I thought I might as well play up the whole Jean Harlow lookalike thing, without taking it too far. Besides which, Stevienicks was gone, I suspect the singer has that one, and Stevie Nicholls was gone too. So, having fun…if you want to follow, feel free to do so, make me feel good about the whole Twitter thing!

Hopefully thats it though, I’m too old for all this young, trendy stuff!

Talking of all that, the video relates to a wonderfully old fashioned method of sending messages, probably used in the good old days of the 20’s and 30’s! I selected this video, rather than the official one, for one good reason, Martin Cooper is in it. For some reason, he wasnt in the original one. I’ve heard it was because he was working on a soundtrack at the time, but dont quote me on that. And yes, Martin is my favourite in the group, so! 😛

Isnt she lovely?

Well, fine, you arent getting the look forward to 2014 as promised, so sue me lol! 😛 I’ll do you a deal though, it will appear at some point at the weekend, as for some reason that totally baffles me, I’ve got the whole weekend off this week. This is about as rare as a 100% punctuality rate from Trans Pennine Express, so I plan to make the most of it. Having said that, you dont want to see my shifts the next 2 days! No, I wont be taking them up on any overtime offers!

So what you ask, is more important than the look forward, well, hopefully you might remember why. Back in the summer, I had a photo shoot done at Rawdon, near Leeds, with 3 wonderful people named Karen, Dave and Hayley, shortly before my September holiday in fact. It was an amazing day, and when I saw the photos, I really couldnt believe how good I could look, quite attractive in fact, if I say so myself!

I got the album soon after I got back from Richmond, and happily showed it off to friends, and at work. Loved it, felt great. But…one of the reasons I got it done, was to use 1 picture as an author profile picture, for my ebook stuff. Initially I wasnt greedy, given I wasnt paying for the whole CD of the shoot, and just asked for 3 pictures. As some might know, they took a while to get here, Boxing Day in fact. But, I got the whole shoot sent to me, a wonderful consolation. Today, being a day off, I finally got chance to sort them out, and save some, and post a few. So yes, anyone coming here from Facebook, you should have seen these amongst the collection there, already! Those who get here by other means, well, here’s a treat for you!

Firstly, the picture of the stunning looking author,

photoshoot 9

A really nice shot of me, I must say

Next, a pair of more styled shots

photoshoot 6

photoshoot 8

Seriously, if interested, I could get plenty of dates with looks like that, I should think! For most guys, there would be one little snag, but otherwise… 😉 Might need Hayley to do my make up first, but…

For anyone in the Yorkshire area, looking for a really good, and well handled photo shoot, this trio come very highly recommended. Their website is and you can make contact through there, or for those coming through Facebook, like Cocoture, you wont regret it. Would I do another with them, you bet I would, and probably will, in good time. Just say Stevie Lou sent you… 😉

The video, well, maybe this is stretching claims for me a bit, but looking at these, not much!