Category Archives: Washington

Saturday everywhere, when all is said, and done

Let me say that tonight, you’re getting a bonus, of sorts. Yes, 2 blogs tonight, but neither of them actually written tonight. This is the one I wanted to post last night, but wanted to do at least 1 blog without politics, but its too important not to post it tonight, so…

Right wingers, look away now!

So fine, its happened, Trump is now President. The world hasnt ended yet, though I have little faith that given 4 years minimum in charge, he might try for that yet. Yes, I deliberately set out to avoid all coverage of the Inauguration, though with a combination of being at work when it happened, and avoiding the news channels since then, its not one of the harder challenges I’ve faced. Irony is, I remember a time when there were 2 channels on the TV over here (the 3rd began in 1967), and it would have been on the news on both here, if not a live broadcast!

I think most here know I’m not a Trump fan already, but equally, not a Clinton one either. I suspect if Sanders, or Biden had been the Democratic candidate, we may not be in the position we are now, but we will never know? As is the way with so many fake news websites nowadays, I have no idea how many people attended the Inauguration. I’ve seen tiny crowds in pictures, but I’m told there were more than that, though not as many as either of Obama’s, but anyway…

Today, what was initially planned as one protest about Trump, and his sexist, racist ways was meant to happen in Washington. Indeed, probably has already happened, but I’m still on news avoidance at present lol! But there hasnt been just one protest, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, all around the world. Probably not in Moscow, mind, but fine, thats getting sarcastic, so…

I’d love to think these protests will make a difference, but in truth, Trump is such an egotist, and his friends on the ‘religious right’ are so oppressive towards women, and other minorities, I doubt it will. Great shame, but being realistic… Still, for now at least, I can hope! To counter that, some people have over reacted to matters, and lets see what actually comes about before screaming louder.

To which: Yesterday evening (my time), and today, there have been numerous people complaining about the pages taken down from the White House website. Yes, the ones concerning, LGBT, Climate Change and Disabled being the main ones noted. Thing is, they dont remember, or dont want to remember that the same thing happened 8 years ago, when Obama came to power, they archive off the previous presidents work. And expecting Trump to have people in place to put them back up, with his opinions, oh please. Fine, the fact that he hasnt even started on replacing all the Ambassadors is beside the point, and probably of as much concern. In truth, he wants the power, without the hard work involved, and everyone else (but his wealthy friends) will suffer accordingly.

So no, I’m not saying those things will go back on the website, but he needs to be given time to do so. Hopefully not 3 years, 364 days, though with him, that wouldnt surprise me! But when all is said and done, USA, he’s your President (unless impeached, or resigns) for at least 4 years, we just have to survive that time as best we can.

The video, one of those last Abba songs, from 1981, very poignant, very sad, but possibly very apt at the moment.

Dress you up?

Alright, fine, given that I didnt want to do another passport office, or weather related blog, I thought I’d give this a whirl. Neither situation is great at the moment, but thats beside the point. Though in a sense, this came about because of the weather in the US, but anyway…

It seems this video has pretty much gone viral, so you’ve probably seen it before, so I’ve pinched one of the shorter sections

Yes, absolutely adorable, but people do forget that parts of China do get well below freezing in winter (Harbin has an ice festival), so this may not have been as much of a shock for this panda, as some might have thought. He had probably never seen anything quite like it in Washington, mind.

So fine, someone decided to play along with it, and this morning, I saw this,

Yes, great fun, and probably not a bad way to stay warm in some parts of the US at present, safely inside of that outfit, even when rolling in the snow. And yes, most definitely I would, given the chance. Which leads me on to…

I’m actually putting up tips for a site, on Facebook. No, not anything I dont like, like football, or stuff I dont think I know enough about, like horse racing, but on the sports I think I do, like American Football, and Golf. And fine, I’m doing a decent job on it, even more so after posting a number of winning selections for the Carolina game on Sunday. Not getting paid, but at least its keeping the mind ticking over, if not assisting the ever decreasing bank balance! There is a very good subscription service there too, I might add. Any gamblers who want details, ask at any of my many routes of contact (Here, Facebook, Twitter), and I’ll provide you with them.

But at the moment at least, I’m just posting on the non subscription board, along with a few others. What happened last week was that someone posted suggestions for one of the all weather meetings, and they didnt do very well. Someone else took note of them, backed them, and lost money, and then proceeded to call the whole thing a group of muppets, or something like that. At which point silliness abounded, and the Miss Piggy jokes started to flow, and developing into a few other muppet characters for other regulars. The trouble is, both us ladies fancied being Miss Piggy, but anyway…a few photos went up about it, great fun.

Oh, and me, I love the whole dress up idea, whether you call it cosplay, or just dressing up, take your pick. So yes, fine, I commented that I’d happily dress up in any of those type of suits, given the outfit, and given the chance. But fine, especially at the moment, I’m in no position to buy any for myself! But if anyone wants to get me something, I’ll definitely provide photos, though I cant guarantee playing in the snow, around here!

I know, not going to happen, but it would be fun! Oh, and one last photo before I sign off, this got posted on one of the many vintage type boards I inhabit on Facebook today, a couple at the races, about a century ago.

Day at the races

Not quite what I’d normally wear to go to Doncaster races on Saturday (if invited), but I would if the outfit was provided, you bet I would!

Lastly, the video. Well, as so often, the clue is in the title, though its not one of Madonna’s greatest musical moments, I must say