Category Archives: Marriage proposal

Just the perfect day?

Apparently today was International Women’s Day. Fine, and thanks for the acknowledgement, but in truth (as one friend beautifully pointed out earlier today), isnt it a shame that we need to have such days? Wouldnt it be nice if the need to hold such a day just wasnt needed? And yes, I feel the same way about Pride Days, Transgender Day of Remembrance, and so many other things too. Yes, it would be good if they could just be another day, because the need to highlight these matters didnt exist? Oh fine, the chances of that happening are about as slim as John Lennon’s in Imagine, about the whole world living as one, lets face it!

Thats not to say that its bad that we do hold all these events, though I’ve never been to a Pride event yet, I just leave that to all the youngsters, in truth. And yes, if I didnt want to improve things for LGBT people within the Civil Service, the country, the world, or whatever, I wouldnt be doing the committee work I’m doing now, let me say.

But fine, every time I see a ‘sensationalism’ article on the news, or in the papers, about someone coming out, being outed, or whatever, it tends to make me sad. Because if the world was better, it wouldnt be a sensational item, it would be a ‘so what?’ item instead. Hopefully, one day in the future, that will be the case. Will it be in my lifetime, who knows? Depends how long my life gets to be, I guess? But yes, with luck, one day, there will be no need for International Women’s Day, and the like to ever happen, because there will be no need. But given how things need to change, especially in some parts of the world, I wont hold my breath.

Oh, and a couple of quick pieces of news, for those who care. Firstly, my hair now looks ideal for a 1920’s flapper after today, and I dont regret it. My hair had got far too long, and its so much nicer short. Bit shorter, and less curled than my normal 30’s thing, but anyway… Now, if I can only find that time travel portal, I could really see if I could pass as a 20’s flapper. Lets face it, they were going for a boyish look, so…? šŸ˜‰

Secondly, and perhaps more worrying for some, is the arrival of my Senior Railcard (starts on my 60th birthday), where I have been titled as a Mrs, instead of a Miss! Fine, technically I’d need to marry someone named Carpenter, though equally, some women do keep their name when married, so…? Any offers, both genders, just let me know lol, though I dont expect to die in the crush!

Video time. I did think of using the BBC multiple artist version, but in truth, its more fun to hear how the original artist performs it. Its live, which was never Lou’s strong point, especially a few decades after the original recording. But anyway…

Once every 4 years

According to folk lore, the woman can make the marriage proposal instead of the man. And of course tomorrow is that date that only comes roundĀ once every 4 years (not strictly true btw, think 1700, 1800, 1900 for examples), February 29th. I was actually reading an article today where the father will be 11 tomorrow, and his son was 11 today. Next year he will be older than his father lol! I admit it, I do feel sorry for anyone born on Feb 29 with the whole birthday thing.

No, I’m not looking for, or to make a proposal of my own, and if anyone reading this gets any daft ideas, then forget it! Not interested now, or any time in theĀ foreseeable future for that.

What I was wondering,Ā does that old story still ring true, would a woman only ever propose to a man in a leap year, or perhaps equally pertinently, would a woman ever propose to a man at any time? Well, other than in the movies at least!

Anyway, just a quick thought for the day for you tonight, and of course, a music video. What could be more apt than…