Category Archives: Tammy Wynette

Arthritic, and we’re ancient

But I dont drive an Ice Cream van. Sadly, I suspect the vast majority of my readers wont get that comment at all, at least not until they click on one of the videos! Yes, a bonus blog, though sadly, not for a good reason, just that my back is living up to the title of the blog, nothing more.

Its fair to say that for far too many years, I’ve suffered with intermittent back issues, mainly of the joints locking up type, probably related to the amount of arthritic joints I have, to various degrees, and my back is one of the longer term ones. Normally it will hurt for about 24-48 hours max, and then return to a level that I can cope with, even if some might not call it comfortable. But yes, when you’ve had joint issues, and aches since the age of 10, you get used to it.

Snag is, this time around, its been about 7-10 days! Most of that time, its been in the range where I could ‘just about’ get to and from work, and do a day at work, but the last couple of days, not so good. So I finally had to wave the white flag, and take time off work with it. Today, firstly, that involved a trip to the Doctors surgery, to seek medical advice. I know, appointment on the same day, wow! Yes, it was the Surgery nurse, but in truth, thats all I really needed.

Fine, fun moment, she couldnt find me on the records. It is actually my first visit under my new name, but under 3 guises, I’ve been registered there since 2005. Even trying under the old names, no joy. Anyway, to cut it short, some hydro-cortisonal cream, and painkiller prescriptions later, and a form to go and get my back X-Rayed at the hospital (which will be tomorrow morning), I was off again. Yes, I had one of those ‘How much?’ moments with 2 prescription items, but I guess if you only buy these things once every eternity, its not too bad, I guess?

After that, was the work related Occupational Health appointment over the phone, explaining everything again, letting them know what had been prescribed, and said X-Ray screening, their advice was to do all that, and to stay off work until next Monday, and hope its cleared by then. Yes, I hope its cleared by then, too! So a call to work to update them on everything, then start to use the cream. Yes, it has a mild steroid count, so thats my Olympics career over, lol! It was anyway, but…

I guess the results of the X-rays will be interesting, though I suspect at fast approaching 60, a lot of my issues are just down to my age? But fine, I have to say it, if they find something that needs surgery, at least it will take the choice over the matter out of my hands, which has to be good? Osteoporosis? Why not, I seem to have suffered several ‘woman’ issues over the years, so it wouldnt totally surprise me! But generally, yes, I’m just ancient!

Which leads us to the videos tonight. Yes, 2 of the same song, but very different stylings. Firstly, the full length version, which presumably was the one used on the album?

Secondly, a version of the same song, but so different to the original, and probably not so often heard. No Tammy Wynette, but otherwise…

Oh, and lastly, if I do need surgery, can I please, please have a new internal body system like this one?

Oh, be proud of him

Yesterday evening, I was watching the baseball, on ESPN, over here in the UK. I know, no shock there, I guess. Anyway, the early game for us, was the bore fest between Detroit, and Cleveland, which was all but settled very early on, in Detroit’s favour. But, as is the way with these things, they stuck with it until the end, before moving over to the late afternoon game, between Los Angeles Dodgers, and San Diego.

The thing is, they dont really pick a moment to go over, they just switch as soon as the game is over, whatever the situation may be. What we switched over to, was not the ball game at all, but the commentators, talking to a guy, who had clearly served in the military, about his life, and his injuries. Unfortunately, due to the timing of things, I missed out on the tale of how he got his injuries, where he got them, and everything else. One thing I did learn, his name, Corporal Kyle Carpenter. Yes, an amusing note for me there, the same surname as Jean was born with!

Thankfully, later on, they showed a picture of this man, sat in the crowd, and fortunately for me, they repeated the story of what had happened. It seems that several years ago, in Afghanistan, this man was serving in the Marines, and a grenade was thrown at them, landing very close to one of his companions. What Carpenter did, was shield the other man from the explosion, by basically smothering the grenade with his body. How he survived, I have no idea! Yes, he lost an eye, suffered some other pretty traumatic injuries, from which it took him about 3 years to recover, but he did. The other guy, seems he was fine!

Oh, the critical factor, Carpenter was awarded some high military honour for his bravery, well deserved, I just cant remember exactly what, so go Google it, if you need to know.

I know, the Marines are amazing, both sides of the Atlantic, but this guy just had me in total awe for what he did.

So yes, as the song says (and the blog title), be proud of him, because, after all, he’s just a man. Superman maybe, but all the same, just a man.

I’m not American, but if by chance, anyone reading this knows Corporal Kyle Carpenter, just tell him there’s a Brit who thinks what he did, was truly amazing. I’m just glad the Cleveland game ended when it did, so I got to know what this amazing man did.

Yes, you’ve guessed the video, surely? Tammy Wynette, suspiciously looks like live, not a tape?