Category Archives: X-Rays

Two out of three aint bad

Well, this is it, last UK blog for a little while, though I’m sure that if you’re good, you’ll get a few from the US, assuming Hurricane Irma doesnt decide to come and visit Cape Cod at least. If it does, all bets are off lol!

If you’re wondering about the blog title, its a ‘witty’ comment on my week. Tuesday, I became an, err, natural blonde again, when I went and had my hair colored around the corner, in preparation for the holiday. Yes, I am joking about the natural bit, if anyone was stupid enough to think otherwise! I will be back there shortly after the holiday is over, for another reason. Due to the wedding, I’ve been trying (mostly in vain) to grow my hair out, in case I need to put it up for the wedding. Well, I still wouldnt call it bounteous, but its more than I normally have. And yes, its beginning to annoy lol. So it will be getting clipped back to a more 30’s length very soon after I get back!

Secondly, yesterday, a lovely lady named Linda did her best (my body is the spoiler, not her skills) to get me in reasonable shape for the trip, and to get my nails looking all pretty as well. In truth, beyond my back, my body actually isnt in bad condition (relatively) at present, due to some suggested knee exercises given to me by the Occupational Health Dept at work. I must admit, I was cynical as to how well they would work, but fine, I’ve been amazed how much better they are, so…

Lastly, and with no thanks to First Buses on this (invisible bus syndrome this morning), I went over to Bradford today, for the bone density scan tests. Yes, I know, dont have to go to Bradford today for work, and still end up going there! I must say the staff at St Lukes were nice, and very efficient, so swiftly dealt with, and on my way again.

Oh, the two out of three bit? Well, it was a radio-logical x-ray, and I was sort of hoping that those beams would do something amazing to my body, and I’d come out looking like a 30 year old version of my past life dancer self, but it never happened. No, I didnt really think it would, but no harm in hoping lol!

Beyond that, most of the stuff I’m taking with me is packed in the case, pretty much anything left out is the stuff I need tonight and/or in the morning. I plan to wear the corset brace in the morning, because I will have to wait at check in, before being put into a wheelchair, and also to offer some support for moving the case along. I plan to get it off before the flight though, its just too warm wearing something made of neoprene for about 12 hours. Maybe I need to lose a few pounds in weight, but thats not a favored way of doing it!

Ah, the wheelchair. Yes, I’m still trying to get my head around the idea that it is wise, fine, and fully permitted for me to have one, but I still feel slightly guilty, all the same. If anyone wants to mentally solve that issue for me, feel free to do so! Yes, I’d enjoy that! 😉

At least there was one other piece of good news today, the swimsuit finally arrived, with the emphasis on finally. I’ll be honest, after 2 false starts, I didnt believe it was coming, even when I had an email telling me it was, until they delivered it at the door. are the shambles of a company that I would advise anyone not to ever purchase from!

Right, video time. Going back to the blog title, for one of the lesser known Meatloaf/Steinman songs, that is very apt here.

PS, If anyone does want to put me in a transformation chamber, and make me look like a young Clara Elaine Johnson, or Jean Harlow, feel free to contact me lol!

If I could look inside you?

Before Friday, I cant honestly remember the last time I had an X-Ray done. My best guess would be about 30 years ago, when I was trying to climb into an attic, against my better judgement, and didnt make it, tumbled down again, falling down a long set of stairs, and the next thing I knew, was in the ambulance on the way to Yeovil hospital, to be checked over. Irony was, they checked me out accordingly for concussion, or head injuries symptoms, and completely missed the fact that I’d broken a toe on my left foot.

By the time it hadnt healed 3 weeks later, and I went to the doctor about it, went back up the hospital to get that X-Rayed, and discovered, it had already healed, though not correctly, which is why, to this day, one of the toes on my left foot looks so awful. It came down to the fact that trying to break it again, in the same place, then have it heal correctly, not really practical, unless I had serious issues with it. Never did, so its remained as an ugly reminder of that evening, ever since.

To be honest, with all I’ve heard of the NHS of late, I had no idea how long it would all take. I know, a set of X-Rays doesnt take that long, but throw in all the waiting time, and everything, and…in truth, I was out, more or less an hour after I entered the hospital, which I thought was pretty good. Yes, I know, me and tying knots, not a good combination, so the gown stayed pretty loose.

X-Rays done in 2 positions, I have no idea how many pictures taken, but I was laying there, especially on my back for a while, so I assume several were taken. Then changed back, bus home, and that was it. Doctor at Surgery had told me to allow about 2 weeks for results, hospital said about 1 week, but I will probably leave it nearer 2, all the same.

Yes, one of those scanners where they slide you in, and then do things would have been far more fun for me, but not to be, just a good old fashioned standard imaging machine, ah well… I’m pretty sure of 1 thing, it will be less than 30 years before I get X-Rayed again, as I’m certain they will take images of my knees, before the inevitable surgery, which I’m still trying to put off lol! But until then…?

The video is one of those feel good songs from the 80’s, by a group that never really made it, beyond this hit.