Category Archives: Best Western

There’s a kind of hush

Alright, you have as long as it takes you to read this to guess which version of said song I’ve used. People who know my musical tastes will probably work it out quite easily. But more on that later…

Normally when I go to the US, I stay in a nice, but reasonably priced (alright, budget-ish) hotels, usually one of a chain type, but not always. Personally, I think Best Western take a lot of beating as chains go, but…Thats why it took me so long to go back to Boston in all honesty, even the budget hotels arent so cheap there, especially when the fall season is just starting up. Thankfully someone very kind was determined to get me into the area, and found me somewhere to stay, that fitted into my budget, which was what I wanted.

As might have been gathered from previous postings, the suite I had was super, as large as a flat I previously owned, and very nicely furnished. But there was one thing missing, a very noticeable one for many nowadays, no TV. To be honest, beyond the Sunday NFL, which I got to see some of elsewhere, and maybe the news and weather, I wasnt going to miss it. I might have also watched some baseball given the chance, but…

The thing is, I enjoyed the peace and tranquility that gave me in my life. I still had the internet (as you may have gathered) and in all honesty, nowadays you can get most things you need to know from there. I think the best way I can put it, is it allowed me to just be me, with nothing else to get in the way, and yes, I loved it! I just retreated into myself, and liked what I saw. I wouldnt strictly call it a retreat, I had internet, a comfy bed, en suite facilities, and a breakfast provided that more than catered for my needs, so I was able to find peace there, and at the same time, have great fun and companionship whenever I wanted it to, there being no strict regulations to keep, only practical ones. Oh, and no tea making facilities in the room, but plenty in the dining room, and no one seemed to blink at going downstairs in your nightgown about 6.30, on the couple of occasions I did meet someone there! I think I might have confused him, daytime I dont use the enhancers, but overnight in private, I do. So at 6.30 I had a full C-D cup cleavage, and a couple of hours later, a more modest B. But didnt seem to faze him that much lol!

As I say, any TV-holics would hate the place, and indeed S…. did tell me that some had come there, and left because of that, but I found it great. I enjoyed Boston, I suspect that everyone was calling me Miss, Lady, or Madam might have helped, but the city was great all the same. I would name this wonderful place I stayed, but for the fact they dont advertise, and therefore dont know if I should? Also I suspect many are shuddering at the thought of staying somewhere without TV anyway lol! But if that type of existence appeals to anyone, and they want a nice place to stay in the Boston suburbs…ask!

The song you should have worked out from the title, if not, how blonde are you lol? The group, well I always wished I could sing like her when I was young. She was taken from us far too early in life as well. In case anyone is still trying to work it out, heres the video,