Category Archives: Leather clothing

Slide away

When I was younger, I did manage to play a few sports to a school standard level, if nothing more. So in that sense, I must have been at least half decent at cricket, golf, and the shot putt. I also played rugby, and field hockey for my house, so I cant have been truly awful at those sports either. Yes, all pre transition, lol. I would also point out that I played darts to a level, where I played in the Somerset Superleague (2nd team), so must have been quite decent at that too, though that was only after school, obviously. Sadly, none of those sports had very exciting sports uniforms at the time (some rugby shirts seem a pretty sleek fit nowadays), so nothing to get kinky about there.

There are also a few sports where I admire the women who do it, but have no desire to take part in myself. One of them is that annual event starting next weekend in Alaska, the Iditarod race from Anchorage to Nome. I think all (of both genders) who do that event are amazing, given they race for over a week, in temperatures that are in negative F, let alone negative C, and I am certain I couldnt do that. Doesnt stop me thinking that I might have to retire a few weeks early in 2024 (assuming my body lasts that long, which seems highly doubtful), so that I can be in Anchorage for the start of the race in that year. Yes, I’d love to go to Nome, for the finish, but practically, my budget is going to be stretched enough as it is, without the crazy add on air fare to go there.

OK, lets stop word filling. There is a sport for which I’d have no desire to do, even if I was young, fit and healthy, but would love to wear the outfit for, and thats luging! Yes, guilty as charged, its a kinky an outfit as you can probably get, as a legitimate sports woman, lol. Admittedly, most of the skiing outfits arent a lot less so, but luge tops it for me. But no, the idea of throwing yourself down a steep slope, with sharp bends, on a glorified tray, no thanks! Yes, I was watching it this morning, and all I felt was jealousy of them, for getting to wear that outfit, not for the speedy slide down that hill, with practically no protection! Not that a 60 year old should be doing something like that, healthy or otherwise, but anyway… No slide, just the outfit, pretty please.

Oh, and while I’m talking about things that I feel a 60 year old shouldnt be wearing, maybe I’ve got it wrong? Yesterday morning, I was riding the bus to work, and we stopped in Wyke (near Bradford) to pick up a couple of people. I could see one of them had a red coat on, but it was only when she got on the bus, and used her senior bus card to travel, did I see what it was made of, PVC, or a very PVC like material. She also had on a red dress underneath it, in the same material. Oh, and she had red shoes on, with at least 4 inch heels! Yes, seriously, she looked great! So as Ron Moody sang in Oliver, I might have to think about that matter again!

No, I’m never going to buy something like that (cost as much as anything), but now, if someone presented me with a PVC, Leather, or Latex outfit, and told me to put it on, fine, I probably would! So…? 😉

OK, video time. Going back to the luge, and what those amazing ladies do, with a little live Oasis. Warning, there are a few ‘rude’ words at the beginning of the video, so if easily shocked, might be wise to pass?

Chained Melody

Normally the walk between work, and Bradford Interchange, to get the bus home, is a pretty dull affair, with the most ‘exciting’ thing being crossing a few roads, where some vehicles seem to see the traffic lights, or indicating their intention to turn, as a suggestion, rather than compulsory on a Saturday afternoon. But fine, no one has got me, yet!

Now, I’m not claiming to be an angel, I’ve worn some weird stuff when acting, I’ve worn some even weirder stuff when not acting, but thats beside the point! 😛 There’s also some weird stuff I’d love to wear, but havent had the chance to do so as yet. Yes, one might be that robot suit from Metropolis, but never going to happen, I’m sure!

But I must admit, one thing caught my eye, and made me do a double check, as I was walking up the last stretch of hill yesterday, up to the interchange. There was a man, and presumably his daughter, about 8-10 at a guess (me, and children’s ages lol…) walking down the hill towards me. Nothing strange in that, you say, and yes, normally, I would agree. Apart from the fact that the young girl had a metal handcuff affixed around one of her wrists, and was casually slipping her other wrist into the other handcuff! Wow, they start young nowadays lol! No, unfortunately, as they were going in the other direction, and I didnt want to attract attention by looking too closely, I have no idea what happened next!

In truth, I’m sure she was doing it very innocently, and had no idea that one passer by would notice, and react inwardly, at least to it. All I know is, she looked so casual doing it, I do wonder if she was only doing what ‘mummy’ does from time to time lol? Oh fine, I might have worn a pair or two in my time, but never relating to a legal matter lol, my record is spotless, in real life at least. In a play, well…? 😉

But yes, just proves that no walk through any town, or city is guaranteed to be dull, or normal, does it? But no, given that currently, locally, the temperatures are in the 80’s, the leather catsuit, even if I had one, is definitely a no go. No, never worn one, but if someone is offering, when things cool down…? Yes, handcuffs are purely optional unless its a Catwoman roleplay, or acting role! 😛

I might have gone with a more straightforward blog title, but for one thing, the song for the video. This is what happens when a classic song gets tackled by Ray Stevens. Seriously, its rather good!

Even more amusing is the fact that the drummer looks remarkably like someone at work. I know it isnt, but…?

Collar me, oh my love?

Back in the days when I was younger, and maybe a bit kinkier (some would say I still am!), I loved doing the whole submissive thing, which for some of the time at least, when indoors, involved me being collared. In truth, I enjoyed it, but then again, as I say, I am pretty submissive in nature, so I guess thats not a big surprise?

But to be honest, after I moved up to Yorkshire, and settled into a more ‘normal’ life, the idea of wearing a collar went pretty much out of the window. Thats not to say I hadnt worn one in 11 years, because I have, a few times, but only for a few hours at most, at a time.

Then last weekend, I was moving a few things around, in what I jokingly call my adult corner, and I came across my old metal collar. Oh, dont get excited about the use of the world adult, its pretty much just the clothing that I’m never likely to wear again, but dont want to get rid of. So yes, talking mainly leather, or faux leather, though there is at least one latex skirt in there, which I love, but suspect I will never wear again, but get rid of it, no chance!

Anyway, back to the collar. In truth, at this distance in time, I have no idea who gave it to me, or more correctly put, collared me with it. Strictly, its a metal look, but its material backed, so quite comfortable to wear. Yes, thats right, for old times sake, last Saturday, I put it on, for the first time in years! Fun element, I enjoyed wearing it again! So much so, I’ve been wearing it a few times this week as well, while at home! Wear it out, you have to be kidding, its a bit too obvious for that lol!

Strictly, I’m cheating a bit, because at no point has it been locked around my neck, even though it can be. Two reasons for that, firstly, I havent got a lock, and key to do that with, and currently this church mouse is so poor, I cant even afford to go and get one. That at least should be sorted next Friday, but in truth, even then, I suspect I’m going to stick to clipping it over the clasp, and no more. Why, the second reason, given that its just for me, reasonably quick release is probably a wise way to go. But if someone wants to buy me a lock, and key, and tell me I have to have it locked, when worn, then I’ll happily obey.

If someone actually wants to genuinely collar, and ‘own’ me, then lets talk about it. You might want to get me a new collar in that case, I suspect that either the material has shrunk over the years, or my neck has grown, because its a very tight fit. Fine, I might enjoy that, but it does mean that wearing at night, or anything, with this collar, is out of the question. In terms of submission, you’d need to be practical. I’m 58, with no interest in sex, and joint issues, so doing restrictive bondage on myself, isnt going to happen!

But yes, if you’re looking for a submissive for some fun, or just to give yourself a feeling of power, lets talk. Where you want to take that, and/or take me, let me know. Equally, if you just want to get me a new, better fitting collar, or just a lock, and key, I’d love it. So as the title suggests, if you want to help collar me, as a submissive, or more, feel free.

The video, is a play on the blog title. Or rather, the blog title is a play on the song title. This is the version I grew up on, the Barbara Dickson version from 1976. In fact, in 1952, this song was a Number 1, for 2 different artists. But fine, I prefer this more up tempo version myself