Category Archives: Tornados

What is their future?

Right, I’ll make the offer loud and clear, and see if anyone will take me up on it. I am off work this week, and I hereby pledge to fill the usual blog spaces for you. Given that I’m not planning on anything more than a relaxing week until Friday (more on that Thursday) other than treatments, I’ve got the time to do more blogs. But if you want them to appear, I need some suitable subject matter, thats all. No UK/Europe politics, but other than that…? No, I dont expect to hear from anyone, but I can hope. for emails will be fine, if you dont want to join on here.

What struck me on Friday morning, and to a lesser degree, yesterday morning, was the number of children under 5 on the buses I caught. One woman had 3, of different ages, all under 5, or they should have been at school!

And yes, I wondered what their life will be, when they reach my age? What will their retirement age be by then, for starters? Expected life span was about 71 when I was a child, and now its 81! Pretty certain my body isnt going to last to 81, but some of us have to live less than average, lol! But will it be 90 in 60 years time, or more, or less, or…?

Look at phones nowadays, and move them on another 60 years. Back then, you had to book an international call about a week in advance, and you paid a fortune, and were limited to a few minutes, and no more. Now (and I have) I can speak to the West Coast of America, on a whim for the US, and it doesnt cost a fortune, even if you have to pay for it. Yes, I dialled a freephone number, and got connected to the US, crazy stuff.

Oh, and because of where we’re heading with the video, when I was born, no man had flown in space, it was a year after I was born that it first happened. Satellites were just about to be launched for the first time, so watching pictures, as we do now, from the other side of the world, live…wow! Hey, it was such a novelty that one adult worker included the novelty of a satellite in her outfit

space suit

Yes, Sputnik, the first Soviet satellite. And before you ask, would I wear that helmet, of course I would! I would say the full outfit, but I am 60, so if anyone wants to create it for me…?

I’m not even going to try and comprehend what will be the novelty item 60 years from now! One thing is for sure, I wont be around to find out! Will someone be experiencing a past life regression then, and finding me? Interesting thought!

One thing is for sure, there is no way we could even vaguely imagine what life will be on Earth in 2080, so I’m not even going to try. You can assume there will be bases on the Moon, and Mars, and maybe more? Will they look back on our movies, and be amused by how retro they are? Oh, and will they be able to transform humans into robots? 😉

Right, video time. This may look very basic now, but in 1962, this was cutting edge music. Oh, and of course, it also relates to a different satellite! Oh, and at the grand old age of 4, I bought this single!