Category Archives: Lene Lovich

Just because you get sent a job opportunity…

…Dont assume its practical!

Having applied for one job at William Hill, I wasnt expecting to get bombarded by other vacancy opportunities by the company, seeing I didnt request them! Anyway, I’m guessing that if you apply for one office based role, they think you’re interested, and available for others.

But yes, fine, I was stunned when the next morning, a vacancy opportunity appeared in my mail box from them. I mean, the job is nothing I couldnt handle doing, in British terms, it sounded the equivalent of a betting shop manager, or assistant manager. But yes, you’ve guessed it, it wasnt in Britain. Fine, Tahoe, Nevada. And it clearly said asked if I would be interested in such a role.

Silly question, by half! Of course I would. And given they were suggesting it to me, I assumed that someone along the way, over there liked the look of my CV, and wanted me to apply. So, excitedly, I did! Filled in all the details, only to be told that I didnt meet the qualification requirements, and that it would be taken no further.

Fine, I wasnt surprised, if still a shade disappointed by the news. I only realised that their system just sent out everything randomly the next day, when I received similar job offers from Romania, and the Philippines! Yes, it was then I took a closer look at the settings, and adjusted them (sadly) to Leeds area only.

But yes, for a few hours, I lived the dream, I was going to work in America, in the sports betting industry. Ah well…

No, thats not everything! This morning, they tried again, and this time it was a job in Leeds. Yes, could do everything required for that role, I’m positive, absolutely. You know why? It was the job I was doing before being made redundant, when they cut back on numbers! No, I didnt apply, because the shift hours wouldnt work for me, now you dont get taxis home late at night.

And fine, it wouldnt be Nevada, either. Ah well…at least I got to dream the dream, briefly.

The video. Well, given its one of the big casino cities in the US, I thought of this number from the 70’s.