Category Archives: Halifax

1930’s perm time!

Fine, I was going to leave the whole scan thing until the weekend, probably until after the experience on Sunday, but fine, events today lead to a bit of a cheat. I probably will still tell curious readers what an MRI scan is like, after the event, but anyway… Oh agreed, might have been fun to do in a silver bodysuit, given the way you go into the tube, and everything, but anyway, I’m sure the only person who would see me wouldnt get the joke, besides.

When I had the EEG, I was told that the results didnt show much a clue as to where the issue lay as to why I was having the seizures, and that I might have to do a follow up, after sleep deprivation to get more of a clue. But then I got the appointment for the MRI scan, and hadnt heard anything about the follow up, so I assumed it wasnt going to happen, given I’m now only 3 days away from the ‘robotisation’  pod, but I was wrong.

Got a call this morning from the hospital at Halifax that did the EEG, and yes, I do need to do the sleep deprivation follow up after all. Silly thing is, even taking the first appointment available, its the day after the MRI scan! I suppose they can tie the 2 together, hopefully work out where the issue lays in the brain, then focus on that area from the MRI scan. Hopefully after that they can work out what the problem is, assuming they can find a brain, and take it from there.

So yes, the weekend is going to be fun, for sure. I’m going to have to be up slightly earlier than normal on Sunday, to be at the hospital for the ‘robot makeover’ on Sunday morning at 10.15 (I wish), and then Sunday night I have to lose half a night of sleep, so that my mind is ready for brainwashing on Monday morning, at 9.45. I will probably go with the option of waking up in the early hours of the morning (about 4.30 or so), as I think thats the easier way for me, personally. The theory is that disrupting my sleep cycle will make the brain more likely to give clues as to what is wrong up there, fingers crossed. Some people have no sleep the night before this, but I suspect they just want to disrupt my brain, not set off a full blown seizure, but anyway…

Oh, dont get me wrong, the idea of laying down, hopefully sleeping for 2-3 hours, wired up to a ton of electrodes appeals to me totally. If they accidentally brainwash me while doing so, wouldnt that be fun? If they accidentally disrupted my brain so that I came out as a chirpy Oklahoma girl (no prizes who), then that could be interesting! The only shame with not having one of those phones with a camera is that I cant get a picture of me all wired up, ah well!

Hopefully these 2 scans will provide the needed results, and at least, good or bad, I can find out what the brain issue is, and how it will affect the rest of my life. Well, unless its Clara trying to take full control, in which case…, I’m ready for my audition, Mr Berkeley, lol?

As some might have guessed, there is a subject I’d much rather be discussing tonight, but for now, I have to be a good neutral girl on UK politics, so…lol

OK, video time. Its the way I’d love my hair done (once only, probably) but its a similar level of wiring to what I will ‘suffer’ on Monday. Be patient, it does get there

A beautiful day

Fine, the video isnt quite strictly true, it would need to be called Beautiful Friday for that to be the case, but anyway… And yes, this is why the gap between blogs has been longer than normal, and may happen again, after this.

Yes, you know that job where I said that the wages were too good to be true? Well, I dutifully dealt with my phone call on Thursday afternoon, and did a test that they wanted me to do, and then, on Friday morning, got an email saying that I’ve got the job. Fine, I still cant understand why the wages are so good, but anyway? Starts next Monday, over in Halifax, and fingers crossed it all works out. Even more so, as I’ve had to pay out for a Fraud Security Check, with money I really cant spare, but I’m told I’ll get that back, so all well and good.

So fine, I ducked the logistical challenge of getting to that place in Bradford yesterday, under the circumstances, just hope it doesnt come back to bite me. I have actually (at present) still got a few I could do this week, including a Skype interview (absolute first!) tomorrow for the Greek job, but fine, if this one is for real, I’m taking it!

OK, lets move on to the next old chestnut, the passport issue. Sorted! Though yes, it took one more phone call, but… I got another letter on Friday, asking me to send in the letter from the Doctor, confirming that I was living in my new gender, and that they needed my old passport. Thing is, they had both already! Fine, a new member of staff hadnt spotted these things, but quickly sorted, and authorisation confirmed, I will finally get it the middle of this week! So then, everything will say I’m female, so…peace of mind! Snag is, now I just want to go somewhere, as a woman, but I guess it will have to wait a while?

Lastly, we’ve had a bit of a rearrangement of rooms here, at home, and for want of a better term, I now have a one room apartment, with separate kitchen, and bathroom facilities. Snag is, I had way too much stuff, much of which I havent used in years, some of which I’m never likely to wear, so moving it all was a challenge. It has all arrived, though having lost temporarily a lot of storage space, I’m fighting to get everything sorted. I’m going to have to get another chest of drawers, to fit everything in, and possibly a second wardrobe too, as I was using coat hangars on the door, and hooks for stuff, which I havent got in here. But I will get it all sorted, though my current aim is no more than to have it done before I start work!

Lastly, a couple of Facebook moments. Firstly, last night, I got a message from someone who I dont know, and will probably never speak to again, saying how much she admired me, for what I’m doing. Just one of those special moments that so make my day. Secondly, someone I do know as a Facebook friend, sent me a message at New Year, saying that he wanted to do a vintage shoot with me, if I was keen. Anyway, Friday, he followed up with sending it again, along with a mass liking of my vintage look pictures, and this time, Facebook let me know about it, if not in the perfect way.

So as it stands, 3 weeks time, its going to happen. Not yet sure if it will be here, or in Hull as yet. He’s happy to come here, but I havent travelled that rail line beyond Leeds, in years, so its an open option at present. So yes, all in all, its been quite a good weekend, and all for the right reasons, a rare event of late.

The video, well, its Sunday I’m writing this, so…

Mind, if anyone comes here because of the tag, expecting someone else…lol

Let me show you where to go

In the ‘good old days’ when I actually owned a mobile phone (yes, I did, but not at all recently), they pretty much did 2 things, make calls, and send text messages. That was fine, I could cope quite happily with that, even if my usage wasnt all that great. Then after my first spell without one, I gave in, and got a new one as a present, though it was as basic a model as they could find. Even then, it included a camera device, but I never bothered about learning how it worked.

But to be honest, I was only really using it for emergencies, and one day I realised I hadnt used it for over a year, the credit was gone, the sim card would no longer work, and that was that. I have still got the phone somewhere in my room, but dont ask me to go and find it! Since then, and its been a fair few years now, I’ve happily survived without one, much to most peoples amazement. Yes, I really must be an old fashioned girl lol!

However, I’m now thinking of buckling under, and getting one of those things again. Not for sending text messages, or for making phone calls (heaven forbid anyone would want to ring me), but for the internet map options!

I have discovered during this run of job interviews that some buildings are very easy to find. Santander, and Provident in Bradford for example, piece of cake! There are others though, where even if you get within 100 yards of the place, they’re easily missed! I had one yesterday, in Halifax, where I got within 100 yards of the place, couldnt see it shouting at me, and asked someone where it was, and they sent me on a wild goose chase.

Then today, on the edge of Huddersfield (of all places), I was again looking for an address. I saw a sign for a road, the name of which I wanted, and turned down there. Unfortunately the place I wanted wasnt there, it had actually been about 50 yards further on from where I was. Trouble was, with no map to guide me (care of a phone), and the fact that no locals seemed to know where I wanted, it took me half an hour to find it, and get there!

Now, I’m not saying with a mobile phone it would have been easier, but I guess I could have checked the email, put the address on a map site, and work out where I wanted to be. Or indeed, if I’d had a phone, call the office and find out where they were!

So no, I dont want a mobile phone, but I’m beginning to feel that if this job hunting goes on much longer I will need one, as a navigation assistant! Thing is, its Catch 22, isnt it? Until I get a job, I shouldnt spend money on one, but this job hunting seems to be the only time I need one. Ah well…

The video, anyone of a certain age will know what the title suggests it will be.

They think its all over, it is now!

The holiday that is at least! And dont I know it.

Not only is it back to work tomorrow, its an 8.00am start, which is definitely going to be a culture shock after this week, I dont think I’ve been up one morning before 8, let alone early enough to get to work by then, which actually means getting up before 5 tomorrow morning, so no, I wont be late to bed tonight!

Its actually been a good week, enjoyed the break, and managed some good shopping trips into the bargain. I know, a woman and shopping, shocking news lol! irony is, the week started in Halifax, and ended it there today as well! I actually bought a top for the company christmas dinner earlier this week, but wasnt convinced about it. Luckily the rest of the party headed into a candle shop, I headed into Peacocks opposite. Finally found the sale offers corner, and with Nicole’s help found 2 much better ones. What is it they say about 2 pairs of eyes, and all that?

The more surprising thing this week, I’ve started writing again. Its been quite a while since I went for anything lengthy, but this one seems to be flowing quite nicely at present. The rough version of Chapter 1 has already been sent to my wonderful editor, and Chapter 2 is progressing, but wont get finished tonight. Will it surprise some that its set in the twenties, and might just be inspired by a certain lady of that era. I dont think I will ever get back to writing as much as I used to, but its nice to know I can still ‘ride that bike’ if the mood takes me. Dont expect a link here though, not unless you ask privately, and only then will it be available once edited and posted.

Just in case anyone cant work out who it is, this might give them a clue! The singer is Roisin Murphy, as with a previous singer, I know nothing about her, but she has a nice voice.

I would say think of me about 5 tomorrow morning, but as most will be asleep then…