Category Archives: Bernie Sanders

Making plans with Nigel

Fine, lets face it, if anything can possibly be designed to wake up the comments section on here (maybe?), its politics! So lets have a go, and see what happens.

Assuming nothing dramatic happens, 4 months from now, we’ll know if the UK is still part of the European Union, or not. Yes, supposedly we have an agreement on what will happen if Britain stays in the EU, though it seems one or two are saying its not actually set in stone, so who knows? Its not like I have much faith in Cameron, or most politicians to tell the truth, so pardon my cynicism on the matter. Not helped by the fact that seemingly more of his party seem to want to campaign against him, than with him, but anyway…Yes, I could almost smirk at the fact he has more in common with Labour on this, than his own party, but anyway…

There was in fact a previous referendum when we voted on whether to go into the then, much smaller EU, in 1974. As that was before I was old enough to vote, I didnt get chance to vent my opinion on that, but this time, I will. No, I havent yet decided how I will vote, and to be honest, I doubt I will until the last few days, if not the day of the vote, because I can see factors for, and against both sides. But if you twisted my arm for a commitment now, I’d probably vote to stay in, just because its a bit more straightforward for the future. But I might add, if a good enough case is made to vote the other way, I might. One of the things that amuses me, is who gets to vote? Surely all the East Europeans now living here, are going to vote to stay in, for the obvious reason, it suits them that way. Be highly ironic if the vote is a narrow one to stay, wouldnt it? Can you imagine the reaction of the ‘out’ group, if that happens!

But yes, given my rather middle of the road political views, and the fact that most of those who want out, are well to the right of me politically, logic says that for me, staying in, is the wise route. The other factor that tempts me to stay that way, was my dream of working in Europe (now unlikely to happen), which was only going to happen because we are in the EU.

Oh, and because I hate mentioning politics too often, I’ll comment on the scary US situation with the Republicans at present. Yes, Trump scares me, with his crazy words, and actions, and it worries me that so far, he’s romping away with the Republican nomination. Please, just no. Fine, I’m a Democrat by nature, and would love to see Bernie Sanders win, even if some of his ideas are a little to the left of mine. Though in truth, American socialists arent generally as far to the left as some of ours! Snag is, I dont entirely trust Clinton, and if it was her, against one of the saner Republicans (Kasich comes to mind), I could vote for them, assuming I had the chance of course! But in truth, as long as the wind goes out the Trump sails, I should be fine.

Right, political stuff over. The video, well one of the right wingers vehemently shouting for the UK to come out of the EU, is the leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, which led me to this