Category Archives: Jimmy Fallon

Do I need an agent?

And yes, before anyone gets any ideas, this blog might be a ‘slightly’ tongue in cheek look at recent events.

Firstly, it amazing to look back on the last few weeks, and realize just how much my confidence has been boosted by transitioning. Apart from the general stuff in life that I feel so much better about, the whole self publicity development has been amazing. A few years ago, if you’d asked me to do various pieces about my transgender life, for pieces to be published, and the like, I probably would have done it, but been concerned about the results. Now, in the last month or so, I’ve done a teleconference, a pair of interview pieces, and just loved every minute of it. Yes, there is a new one for work, coming out for Transgender Day of Visibility, on Friday, but given I havent yet got a snipped copy of that at home, you’ll have to wait for that one, assuming I can get it here. Please remember, I am not technologically minded in the slightest, so I do tend to rely on others to do the clever stuff. However, the first one, well…

You’ll have to blow up the image to see all the details, but I’m sure most can cope with that?

As far as I can see it, Friday marks the end of the LGBT Pride celebration season, so life might return more to normal after that. Though if Jimmy Fallon wants to interview me in May, count me in! Yes, I would, and probably love it, both for the campaign, and the publicity! No, I doubt he will see this! Is it James Corden the other one, a Brit, so maybe even better? Fine, I know… But yes, if I can make anything happen in Hollywood, for me, or for LGBT issues, then great! Just give me advance warning guys, so I can bring a nice dress!

On a more serious note, its sad to see events around the world relating to Transgender people, and of course, events in certain states in the US distress me greatly, but hey, thats politics for you…facepalm! I only hope that in 10 years time, there will be no need for TDOV, because its just an accepted thibng, but somehow, I have my doubts. Hopefully it will happen, though whether that will be in my lifetime?

Currently, I have 1 ‘meet and greet’ I’m planning towards for LA, with a Transgender Talent Agency I signed up with online. Whether it leads to anything, who knows? Whether there is anyone else that wants to interview me while in town, on LGBT, or Trans issues, or to rekindle my acting career, feel free to shout, and arrange. But maybe, after next Friday, until Hollywood, I might get to live a little bit of the normal life. Or maybe not, wouldnt that be fun?

OK, for once, the video bears no relation to the blog. Someone posted this on Facebook during the week, and it is so 70’s, that I just have to use it. Yes, fashion might have been an issue back then lol!

No, I know nothing about any of the artists, or dancers, before you ask!

All I want for Christmas is?

Well, a good number of book sales would be nice, but I wont hold out great expectations for that. But if anyone needs a reminder of that address to go to, a good one is

Thanks, in advance. Oh, and fine, I’d still like to do some post book research for the most recent one lol!

Sorry to disappoint some, but I’m not going to post some of the ‘more interesting’ suggestions I made over on the other blog, I think they might be a little too different for some of the people on here. But yes, if you’re open minded, let me know, and I can give you a few suggestions, from the pretty cheap, to the improbable, and a few things in between.

In truth, beyond the unoriginal things like chocolates, booze, and bath stuff, I havent much idea on the sensible options. I could do with some new underwear, nightwear, and a new pair of shoes, but none are things people can readily buy, without knowing me, I guess, even if they wanted to!

The one resolution I have for the New Year, is to get myself back in shape. No, not the obvious way, there isnt that much of me, anyway. No, I mean in the sense that I havent had anywhere waxed in over a year, and though most areas could do with some TLC, in that sense, the obvious ones are the eye brows, and underarms. But yes, all over would be good! I could also do with massages, facials and the like, so if anyone wants details of my favourite beauty treatment place, to get me vouchers, let me know?

More wealthy benefactors might want to spend a bit more, which would be handy, as I should be getting my semi-permanent make up treatment needs its top up session this spring. And yes, Paula, I know the eyebrows need sorting before I visit!

People even more crazy with money to blow? Well, I’m planning to go to LA in May, and if anyone wants to make it even slightly more of a movie star moment, then feel free to help!

Wishful thinking? Well, an offer of a theater run, or movie part from the US might be nice! I know, stop laughing! Oh, I’d need a Green Card/Visa for that, so give me plenty of warning! New name, new approval needed! Old one would have expired by now, regardless!

I know, you might love to know the more interesting items this ‘old lady’ would love, but hey, I dont want to shock the children, and fellow workers! 😉

Video? Well, I used the original video for this on the other blog, so for the few that know both, I’ll provide a different live one, from Mariah Carey, and one of my favourite entertainers, Jimmy Fallon.