Category Archives: Sweet

Foxy lady on the run?

I know, two in a row, but lets get them out of the way when I can remember what the blog subject is, OK? Probably nothing tomorrow mind, just saying.

A couple of days ago I saw an article which saddened me, but didnt surprise me, in truth. I dont expect every in my life for there ever to come a time when the LGBT hate percentage reaches single figures, let alone zero. But over the last decade or so, the reported homophobia/LGBTphobia percentage had been going down. The last survey a couple of years ago showing 25% of people being anti LGBT people, from dislike, to downright hate. Too high I grant you, but better than the 34% it was a decade ago. This year, for the first time since 2007, the figure went up, back up to 28%.

Of course the increase may not be a genuine increase, its just that now, with seemingly the whole world swinging further to the right, it might just be that people are more emboldened to say what they really think. It certainly seems the case in the US, and has been so for a while, but now it seems to be growing in the UK too. I suspect, as I say, that some of this is people who never liked LGBT people, but didnt say anything are now opening coming out and showing their hate, though I suspect others are being influenced by social media and friends too.

Especially when you see pieces that show LGBT people infecting others by spraying them with ‘gay water’ and the like, which is comical, but frighteningly, some believe it. There is also the fact that so many LGBT people (notably a group of Lesbians, and young Trans Activists) nowadays believe they literally have to get in the face of straight people to get their message over, rather than polite education.

I dont see what straight people have to worry about in truth. We dont secretly slip potions, or inject people with anything that instantly turns them gay. I hate to break it to the cranks, but it cant be done. Though mind, its believed all people are born bisexual, its just that tradition, and peer pressure means that most believe that boys will date girls, and anything else will destroy the world. Sorry, it wont! But equality, when there is a group of lesbians who wont date bisexual women because they might taint themselves with a date (or more) with a man, what hope is there of putting on a united front?

I know, I’m preaching to the converted, the LGBT haters arent going to read a blog by me, lets face it. But if any read this, just ask yourself why you’re afraid of LGBT people, realise how daft you are, and accept us. No, feel free to be an ally, and no more, thats all we ask.

Of course, if it makes someone feel better about coming out, by thinking I’m twisting your arm, or your mind, with this blog, why not? But I’m not, OK?

Right, the video. most women of my age nowadays, chasing younger men, or women, are known as cougars. But guess what, we used to be called wily old foxes. And yes, who knows, very soon, I might be out there, on the run for a young partner to care for me? Tenuous, but its the excuse for tonights glam rock video, just saying…

Hell Raiser? Trailblazer?

One thing I’ve always tried to do, at any election, is vote. I just feel that regardless of who you support (or in the case of UK, plan to support tomorrow), if you dont vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome of the vote. I actually missed one earlier this month, the local council election, because I can barely walk (and thats being optimistic) more than a few hundred yards now, due to the fact that the brain, and mobility rarely both function well at the same time, due to the seizure stuff. Quite often one works, and the other doesnt, and I get the odd day where neither are in a going mood, and the very rare day when both work.

So, given that around here, only one party was ever going to win the vote (they did, comfortably), and the pain it would be to arrange someone to transport me to a voting station about 600 yards away, park to allow me to vote, and then collect me again, I didnt bother, no great issue.

Thing is, tomorrow is the vote that should have never happened, the EU Election, but it is. No, I’m not going to say which side I’m on, or who I’m planning to vote for, neutrality, and all that. But because this is a regional, proportional vote thing, my vote is a bit more important. So… Before anyone says anything, it was a bit late to arrange a postal vote after the seizures, and besides which, my brain really isnt up to challenges like that. If I get a negative result from the neurologist next month, as expected, then I probably will for the future, but this is sooner than that, so…

In the fairly unlikely event that my mobility is good tomorrow, I intend to walk up to the voting building, and cast my vote that way. Mind, if thats the case, the chance of my brain being up to the complex voting thing, we will see, lol? So what’s Plan B, you ask? Well, Eric has one of those mobility vehicles, and I’m going to give that a try, if needed. No, obviously I’ve never used one before, but he tells me its not that difficult to drive (famous last words), and as its not far…?

In truth, if they’re going away in the autumn for a few weeks, and I’m still here, I’m going to need some way of getting around, if I need to, and something like that is the best option locally, other than taxis, which is a bit expensive! The last time I drove anything? Well, I was in my 20’s, and now I’m 61, so… I’d stay off the streets around here tomorrow, lol, as I dont know yet when I’m going out. Funny thing is, I’m out again Friday, to the surgery for blood tests, and to collect prescriptions, but wisely planning to do that by taxi, as a fair bit further, and I suspect I’ll need more practice before doing that distance! But weather permitting, I will get there to vote, thats for sure.

Right, video time. When you grow up on Glam Rock, and know this is 46 years old, you know you’re old, lets face it. Oh, but I’m a ‘Sweet’ old lady, lol. Or maybe I’m a…?





Can I have a P, Bob?

Before anyone makers assumptions about this featuring Bob Holness, or a certain TV quiz series, you’d be wrong. Its actually about a very silly event at work yesterday.

Let me explain, about once a quarter, they update the system we use at work on a Saturday. Nothing major, just minor tweaks generally, but given that Saturday is mainly about doing Admin stuff, using said system, between the odd phone call, or 6, not having it makes for a fairly slow day, because yes, we cant do work on the system while its down lol!

Me, yesterday, I settled down to doing some of my much ‘loved’ apprenticeship work, while the others did various other things to break up the boredom. Well, somewhere around lunchtime, this ended up involving a session of office ‘I Spy’. Yes, my lunchtime, so I missed most of the entertainment, as others tried to guess an item starting with P, for about 25 minutes. They had just solved it by the time I got back, and so I was asked my opinion as to what an item was called.

Me: “Planner.”

Apparently a previously mentioned team leader disagreed with this name for the item. Anyway, discussion continued (between calls) on the matter for quite a while, probably until the end of the shift! Sadly, or thankfully, it will be about 13 weeks before we return to this level of lunacy again. Until then, we will of course all act like perfect Humphrey Appleby types until then!

Yes, Madi, we love you, we do really! xxx

Ah, the video. Thats why I specified its not about the TV series, because this song was, err, not a tribute to it! This is Sweet, at their crazy best, as in the drummer getting up at the end of the first verse, and almost getting back in time to drum the second verse. Well, it was all mimed back then, so…Would anyone be surprised to hear I’d love the singers outfit, or Steve’s boots? I hope not! Some younger (but not too young) folk may remember this being sampled by the Timelords (aka KLF) for a certain song too