Category Archives: astronaut suit

Playing the machine

I suppose, to be fair its a bit of a case of swings, and roundabouts, in that if I wasnt off work because of my brain issues, I wouldnt be in a position to accept a one off acting part, but equally, if I hadnt had the last seizure on the weekend I was meant to have my MRI done, I’d possibly have been free by now to fly to the US, and signed off from standard work on the ground of said brain issues, so I could have considered such a role. Ah well…

Mind, even then, currently I wouldnt consider flying to LA to film a short movie, if it wasnt for what the part what. Yes, a female robot! Yes, the request for an actress to play such a role appeared on the most obvious site for it to appear, Fembot Central. I’ve no idea what type of robot he was looking for, because there was no age limit mentioned, and there was no mention of it requiring a ‘sexy’ robot either. No, my big problem was the fact he wanted to get it filmed in the next few weeks, judging by his comments, and strictly I’m grounded at present because of the brain seizures until they find out whats actually causing them. Even allowing for the fact that the MRI is only 2 weeks tomorrow, its still going to take a while after that for the results to be looked at, the neurologist to give me the news, and then get any travel plans sorted out, lets face it.

But yes, I still decided to write, show some interest, but as I suspected, he looking to film it in the next 2-3 weeks, while not mentioning that my age would be a problem. Yes, I mentioned my 35 years of dramatics (including a couple of brief robot playing moments), which lets face it, gives a major clue that I’m not a cute 20 something, lol. I thought that was a neat way of mentioning the age thing, dont you reckon? Didnt seem to concern him, just my immediate availability (or lack of it) that was the problem. Of course, in these ‘sue at any excuse’ days, he may have just used that as a workaround from not saying I was too old! Of course, if the actress is wearing a robot mask/hood, or a full body robot suit, that wouldnt be a concern would it? Given he mentioned a voice track, and playing the robot as separate concerns, not just as one, I suspect the face might well be covered, if not the whole body?

Yes, you’re right, I’d love it all the more, the more I’m a robot, and the less I’m a human, anyway! Thats right, neither previous robot piece got me any kind of chrome body/face covering, shame! But no, I’m too sweet to hope that he might not find anyone for a few months, but anyway…

But yes, I dont deny it, I’d love the chance to do the full robot look (the fuller the better) just once before I accept I have to give up on the acting stuff, because of everything. Either acting, or a convention robot, or well, make an offer!

So yes, it hurts, but equally, if it wasnt for the issue with my brain which needs looking into, I wouldnt think about anything like this, before retirement anyway, ah well…

Oh, I have got a friend going to one of these convention things in Atlanta this weekend, and saying he’ll look for a robot/space girl/alien outfit for me, but I suspect at a sensible price, the latter two are more likely. Mind, they’d be a lot of fun regardless, I must say!

OK, video time. The voice might be the same, but its not the OMD version, its the original Elektric Music one. Yes, Andy McCluskey sang on both! The video is a more recent addition, put together by someone from a 2014 film, Automata.

Dressing up?

And no, I dont mean posh frock, and high heels either lol! Though some wanted me to do so for the company christmas dinner last year, I did resist, as I have already said, I’m not one to cause controversies, so settled for a woman’s trouser suit and flats, though definitely female shoes, and a clutch handbag, so not entirely as ambiguous a look as normal all the same. I want people to feel comfortable around me, so tend to be conservative on such matters, though some tell me I do that too well!

No, what I mean is a variation on fancy dress, though something a bit more intricate than the usual shop stuff. Hopefully there are some readers here who remember a childrens TV series called Mr Benn? Type it into Wikipedia if you dont, and you’ll get the idea.

Basically he would visit a special clothes shop, dress up in an amazing outfit, have an adventure, then find himself back in the shop, get dressed in his normal clothing, and then go back to his normal, dull, daily life again. Now wouldnt it be fun if there was some place you could do this for real? No, I dont mean the adventures, though some of those might be fun, all the same. I mean somewhere you could go, dress up for a short while, maybe get a few pics taken, then go back to your normal life.

So alright, you can see where this is heading, aiming for a few comments by asking what would you want to become if you could do this?

I’m sure after yesterday you can work out that one of my choices would be astronaut, not very girlish I know, but just so love the look of them, and the helmet of course. Mind, the stylised image of pics might be even more fun than the real thing! The other one is much more girlish, I’d love to wear a really good mermaid outfit, complete with a really suitable tail! I’m not yet as big up top as the traditional image of mermaids, and I’d definitely need a long wig, but…There is one more, but its a bit weird, so maybe better if I dont go down that road, not knowing who’s reading this! But if someone twists my arm, then maybe…

So come on, admit it, what outfit would you choose in such a store?

End of an era?

Sorry for this being a bit brief, and lacking a music video, but I’m trying to get something written up before I head for work today. Just want to say something today though under the circumstances.

The space shuttle has landed safely this morning, for the last time, the end of an era in space travel. Yes, I’m old enough to remember the old Apollo space missions, and as a young child (do I qualify as a young girl?) seeing those famous grainy black and white pictures from the moon. Or somewhere else according to some sceptics, but not me lol. It was the making of history, and I’m glad I saw it, though I suspect memories of that moment are probably a bit hazy as its been on TV a few times since then!

But alright, especially as a youngster, it wasnt so much the pics from the moon that grabbed me as much as the astronaut’s suit, especially the helmet, always thought it must have been great wearing that, though probably very heavy here on Earth. And yes, my image of that has probably been influenced since by pics of cute young girls wearing a tight fitting space suit, and helmet lol! And yes, wanting to be one of them!

You have to remember, I was brought up on the like of Lost In Space, Space 1999, UFO, and of course the 2 familiars, Star Trek and  Dr Who as well. So space travel interested me!

So just wanted to do a quick post to mark this landmark day. If anyone wants a video, go find Walking On The Moon by the Police, it probably would have been the chosen one lol! Will try and add it tonight if I remember after work.

See, I care about you,