Category Archives: Petula Clark

I know a place to go…

…and avoid at least 10 days of the election hype that we’re now going to have thrust on us, yet again! With luck, I can avoid a lot more than that, but that at least is guaranteed. Yes, could hardly ignore the announcement of a General Election at the beginning of June, could I? No, given my job in the Civil Service, and the fact that my readers will cover the range from Labour, to UKIP, I’m not going to give my views here on any issues, so dont ask! I will vote, and I have a good idea who I will vote for, but I’m not saying more.

The only blessing, as I say, with the timing, is that I’m going to miss 10 days of the campaign, while away in California. Note, I left out the word ‘relaxing’ because in all truth, there will definitely be a good percentage of the time when I will be trying to sell myself to people, or at least I hope there will be. Fine, I will enjoy myself as well, but yes, its probably my last big chance to make it in LA, so…

Fine, I’ll have to kick my unofficial press officer (yes, she will know who I mean!) and see if she can perform miracles at getting me noticed in LA. Yes, Madi, I am joking really, but if you can…lol!

When I was last in LA 18 months ago, I registered with a Transgender Talent Agency, and dropped an email to them, knowing I was only in town for a short period of time, to get myself known with them at least. Yes, she picked it up only after I’d come back, but said to give her notice when I’m going across again, so today, I have! Even if it doesnt provide instant offers, at least she’ll know me, I’ll know her, and who knows where it might lead from there? Movie fame, I doubt it? A decent run in lesser roles in theaters, well who knows, just maybe? I know, it might lead to more, but I’d settle for that chance for now.

Should anyone want to stun her, by asking about my services, before she meets me, the agency can be found here Mind, you need to ask for Harlean, not the name suggested by the blog lol!

Sadly, I’ve heard no more about possibly working on a documentary over there, down in San Diego, so I’m assuming thats not now going to happen, but I will drop a line at some point, just to make sure, but fine, that was maybe hoping for a little too much? But if you dont try?

Fine, I might hope that one of the chat show hosts might have been, by chance looking at the Civil Service Blog, and seen my piece, but I would say that ranks somewhere between no chance, and less, but hey, until I come back, you never know? Lol! I must also contact that lovely lady who interviewed me 18 months ago, and see if she wants to do a follow up, or not?

In truth, I only wish I had the time, money, and holiday allowance to extend the holiday by another fortnight or so, and miss the whole ghastly General Election experience, but not to be. Yes, I would still vote, I’d get a postal vote, if that miracle happened! I’ll start one of these funding campaigns if someone wants to provide for the extended stay, mind. No, thought not!

But yes, I know a place where about 650 people will be seeking a job at that time, and 1 person who will hopefully be doing the same in La La Land! I know who I suspect will be more successful, but…?

And that last comment, and the blog title leads to tonights video. Two Petula Clark classics for the price of one, and before you think that its a long video, the last 2 minutes can be cut off easily, and not miss anything.

Its wonderful to be here!

Oh fine, the title is semi apt, but its definitely tilted to fit the video, which my 20’s friends will get, if I say its the cats whiskers!

In truth, when it comes to tackling the matters of transgender rights, I tend to be a bit of a pussy cat, not a tiger! Well, I am the submissive type, so…lol. Not that you’d believe that I’m the shy type over the last couple of weeks, for sure.

Tuesday marked the teleconference about gender diversity, the transgender version, of which I was one of the 2 major participants, and it was a great experience. No, I dont know how many people were listening in, or have listened to replays of it, but hopefully there were a few. It was certainly interesting to learn more about gender fluidity (the other person discussing things, and answering questions), and say my piece for transgender people (of both directions), I must say. I would say hopefully the DWP would take note, but in truth, there isnt anything that needs fixing where I work, for sure!

Out of this, I discovered that the department are planning to do some pieces for International Womens Day on Wednesday, and have now written a piece for that. Well, I answered some questions, someone else has transformed it into a readable article, and with luck, that might attract a larger Civil Service audience, I sure hope so!

Sorry, I have no idea if the latter will be available to non civil servants, but I’ll try and copy and paste it to here, if nothing else.

On top of all this, I’ve applied for a position on the Diversity committee, for which I could qualify on age (59 very soon), gender (obviously), and sexuality (asexual, bi, if I was interested), so I’ve applied for the cross strand role. Whether I get it, or even an interview, who knows? But hey, I’m getting the chance to be a transgender role model, and I’m proud of that.

No, I’ll pass on the Twitter chat with Trump, thanks!

Right, the video. Its actually from the 70’s, but sounds like its from the 20’s, and its a famous song from the 60’s! The singer, she’s been around forever, and still sounds good, even now! I hope you will enjoy the show!

Decision Day

So fine, when I wake up in the morning, I guess the first news I’ll go to look for, is whether we are still in, or out of Europe. Yes, I’ve voted, and yes, I hope sanity prevails, but no, I’m not telling you which way I voted, dont want to get into a political row on here, or anything. Pretty sure it will be close, and I’m equally sure the losing side will claim it was rigged, but anyway…At least it will be over, hopefully?

But fine, to more cheery news, I’ve been offered a job at long last. Yes, I know, I was expecting another rejection, but hey, I was wrong. Yes, its a call centre, and yes, its in Leeds, but I’ve got past the point where I can get too fussy, I guess? Besides which, I can keep eyes peeled for something better, if I want to, but doubt I will somehow, knowing me.

The irony, at some point early in the job hunting process, I applied for a job at this company, and didnt get it. Yes, one of those glorious competency based questions days, no great surprise. So what happened that was different, you ask? Well, now, another company run the call centre for them, and thankfully their competency based questions were of the easier kind, and I survived! I start on Monday week, the 4th of July, a date filled with irony for an Ameriphile like me!

The other irony, sorting out the finances! Yes, I know that in the end, a job will solve that issue, but in the meanwhile, I have a fair bit to pay out, before I get my funds topped up. The big one, and one I really cant get around, paying my fares to work. I either have to pay out just over £150 for a monthly pass, or £160 for 4 weekly passes, before I get paid! On top of which, I’ve had to let personal care take a back seat while money was tight, but yes, I’ve already booked to get my hair done next week. It would have needed to be done soon, regardless, but now, clearly it needs to be done before work. Oh, and thats not the only hair that needs doing, because I havent been waxed since September! Brows are the most critical one, though under arms really need doing too, and in truth, wouldnt do any harm for a full body tidy up. But practically, cant afford it, as things stand.

I did briefly consider a fund raising thing, but given how much of a failure it was before, cant see any point! Mind, if anyone thinks otherwise, or just wants my Paypal details, shout, please!

Right, video time. A golden oldie, bilingual version, written by a silent movie legend.