Category Archives: Play

A Whole Woman?

Oh fine, I was going to do something lighter, and sillier tonight, but then I found this event on my Facebook thread today.

Yes, fine, I knew there was a good reason why I took my own individual route as a Trans Woman, and kept away from the campaign groups! Dont get me wrong, I fully understand feelings over recent prison issues for Trans Women, but seriously, do something like this at a Pride Parade, probably annoy the LGB folk who support us, and everything? Ah well!

I could also say that if these Trans Women didnt do things that required them to be sent to prison in the first place, the issue would never arise. Or does that logic only work with good girls like me?

I equally get the logic of doing it in front of the Police float, just about, though actually, it would be the Prison Service that made the decision on which jail they went to, not the Police. And yes, annoy the police in one of the cities where LGBT is best supported, to start with.

I also suppose that if you want to ensure publicity for the event, somewhere like Manchester Pride is a good place to do it. But yes, fine, in terms of keeping good relations with the rest of the LGBT community, the Trans folk do seem to like putting their feet in it. But yes, I know, maybe we do get a raw deal within the community at times, but doing things like this doesnt help!

Fine, I know, technically I cant change things, I’m always going to be designated as a Trans Woman, I guess, but please, if anyone wants to give me honorary, natural woman status, please do! Then maybe I could focus on being Lesbian, or Bi, and pass on Trans issues lol! Mind, my passport says I’m female, so…

“Yes, I’m a natural woman, its just that I ran into some mad scientist, and he carried out an experiment to give me a penis too.” Hmm? No, I know, but…

Video. No, not OMD, though Andy McCluskey actually wrote it. But no, not Atomic Kitten either! I found this by sheer chance, I know nothing about the group, not even checked them on Google yet. But yes, I love the vintage feel, and look, so…