Category Archives: Sixpence None The Richer

There she goes again!

No, not going crazy again, not sure I’ve never not been crazy, but anyway… Something far more mundane, a little bit (well, maybe not so little?) of clothes shopping.

In truth, one of the main reasons for my trip into town today, was to get a birthday card for someone, for Thursday, which I at least managed to do. The secondary issue, a bit of clothes shopping for me.

No, nothing very exciting, but stuff that I needed. One thing I’ve discovered walking to work recently, is that even allowing for the fact that winter is coming, its a chilly zone I walk through, with a brisk wind, so wrapping up warm is a wise move. Snag is, most of my tops are of the lighter kind, not much use for winter weather, especially if the forecasters are right this year (they forecast this every year, mind), and that its going to be a cold winter, I need something warmer. I also needed a pair of gloves, for the same reason, and a winter coat too, as my anorak I’ve had for many years is coming to the end of its life as well. The latter, no one would know, unless I lifted my arms up high, but…

Luckily, there’s a charity shop close to the bus stop at the bottom of town, so went in there, hoping I might find something. A coat, a pair of gloves, and 3 tops (2 winter suitable, other vintage look) later, I walked out again! Several months ago, I won a contest on a Facebook group (I tipped well at golf at the time, less so lately), and got £30 of vouchers for the group of shops including Dorothy Perkins (Arcadia group?), and hadnt been inspired by the store across the road at work. I know a lot of the issue is me, and paying out large sums of money for clothing, even if I’m not paying for it, but…So I tried the store in town. Fine, price issue is much the same, but I found a reduced top for winter wear for £10, so hunted around, found a non winter, flapper type top for £20, and yes, issue of spending vouchers is gone lol!

The other main thing I needed was slippers, as my current pair are rather religious now (holy, groan) and I found a cheap pair of those slipper/sock type things, so will give them a try. Oh fine, its after this I went mad, given I was on a roll, and ended up in one of my favourite charity shops in town (Kirkwood Hospice), saw a gorgeous vintage style dress for £6.50, and fine, it came home with me too! May well wear it Thursday night now. My excuse, and sticking to it!

So, lesson learnt, musnt go shopping again too soon, even if I’m paying, and even if all the money only goes to charity shops! But if anyone wants to subsidize me, there are a few things I could get…? 😉 A pair of work shoes, for starters, though I suspect I will be in boots most of the winter. Nightwear, and bras, hmm, might be more critical lol!

Oh, bonus moments. One guy in one of the charity shops said he liked the way I was dressed, and another guy told me to “Be Careful, darling.” as I was trotting round a corner to make sure I got the bus home!

OK, video time. A bit more of Sixpence None The Richer, another cover song.

Have I got company at night?

Well, I have to wonder, though its definitely not of the living human kind. Nor the cats, I might add, though the latch on my door is strong enough that I’d hear it if it was opened, even a deep sleeper like me. So how do I suspect I have company at night, well, its the TV box that Virgin supply.

I’ll start off by saying that if you dont change channel, or use the TV guide, or anything for a period of 4 hours, it goes into standby mode. Yes, its actually caught me out a few times, when I’m sort of watching something on TV, but at the same time working on my laptop, and not notice the message to warn me about going into standby in 2 minutes, until I’m left in silence, with a dark screen, searching for channels, and yes, I just switch it back on. So even if I forgot to switch it off last thing at night, it would go off 4 hours after I last did anything on it (generally, if I forget, its because there was nothing much on that evening, switched it off early, but didnt turn off box), so with my bed time, by about 3 in the morning (4 hours after my normal bedtime) at the very latest, it would go into standby of its own cause.

So how is it that when I wake up at about 6 in the morning, there are times that I find the box on! No, I dont preset programs to record, mainly because it doesnt work unless the box is actually on nowadays. Not that it matters to me much, beyond a bit of US sport happening overnight, there wouldnt be anything to record then anyway!

The most amusing happening of this occurred earlier this week, when I woke up to find the box already on, so just switched on the TV about 6.30 in the morning. Conveniently, it was on ESPN, which show a couple of fun shows I regularly watch at that time of the morning, so I didnt need to touch the remote at all. About 7.20, the TV went quiet, and I looked up, and lo and behold, the box had gone into standby! So someone, or something switched it on about 3.20 that morning! But who? And no, I’m pretty sure that if an insect conveniently landed on the right button on the remote, it wouldnt be enough to switch it on. And besides, this happens far too often to be something like that! I might add that I’m pretty certain they dont actually watch TV, I dont sleep quite that deeply lol! And yes, the light in the kitchen disturbs me, so the light from the TV, mere feet away from me, absolutely!

Much though I might enjoy the idea that I’ve become of interest to aliens, and they are somehow teleporting into my room, to experiment on me, I should be so lucky! So the obvious answer is something more spectral, but who, and why? And the answer to that, no idea!

The other thing is, whoever, or whatever this is, is either doing things to me, or making me believe they are. The times when this has happened, and I’ve woken with a buzzing in my head, just like an ECT treatment, yes, quite a lot! I know, that might just be my dreams, leading me to believe its happening, but…?

I know, there will be some of you saying ghosts dont exist, but I’d be inclined to disagree, though I’ve never seen this one, but I have felt a presence in my room. But who it is, ghost, or alien, I wish I knew! I’d also love to know why they give themselves away to me, by putting the box on, unless they want me to know!

So, there’s a Saturday night mystery for you to ponder on!

Right, video time. Every so often I like to educate people, by using a group you may not have heard of, but should have done. Tonight is one of those. A Crowded House cover, that mentions dreaming, is the tenuous link!