Category Archives: Blondie

Anyone want to complete the job?

Last Sunday, given I had the house to myself, and being in a silly mood, I decided to do something I hadnt done since Christmas, and hadnt done decently since Hollywood, do a few selfies. But yes, the emphasis was, on being silly. So, I put on a metallic silver dress I bought cheap in Primark several years ago, and had probably never worn in the end, because of length issue (its above the knees, for heavens sake!), and to save people’s eyes, put on a pair of metallic silver leggings, to match.

Eventually, and I mean, eventually, I managed to get a couple of decent ones, so I saved them. Then, being extra silly, I went and got my Cyberman helmet that I still own, and did a few more wearing that. Believe me, you have no idea how much “fun” it is, trying to take pictures of yourself while wearing that!

Alright, that wasnt the end of the fun, as when I went to download them on to here, I couldnt find my USB connector to do so. So fine, I had a hunt around, still couldnt find it, so I paid out for a new one on Amazon. Yes, all of £4, so I’ll survive! So today, I finally got everything together, and loaded them on to here, and I thought I’d better share a couple.

So firstly, the full length one of me, dressed in a silver look, but before the Cybermen got me (I wish!)

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Oh, and secondly, a close up one, after the Cybermen had upgraded me

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

If anyone wants to complete the process, properly for me, I’d love it! Equally, if anyone (within reasonable distance, ideally) wants to take some photos properly of me, dressed fully in silver, then feel free to offer. Snag, I’ve got no money to pay a fortune for images, just saying…

Right, the video. Well, who’s the most famous robot of all time, in my opinion at least? Yes, we’re talking about a 20’s creation here. Oh, lets see…

The man of my dreams?

Oh, and please, anyone, dont let him see this posting…swoon!

To be honest, generally when I get home from a 10 pm finish to a shift at work, all I want to do is catch up on the internet, and get to bed. No pleasure, just purpose.

But last night, just for once, finishing at 10, on a Monday, in the middle of the NFL season has a delight for me. You see, over here, on British Eurosport, we get the coverage of the Monday night game, live, just as ESPN broadcast it in the US. And this week, for one week only, because we’ve put the clocks back, and they haven’t, the game started at 12.30 am our time, the coverage starting 15 minutes earlier.

So fine, by 12.15, the TV is on, and waiting, even though I’m not that far from done, but no way am I going to bed until…I’ve seen Jon Gruden, and heard that wonderful voice too. I’m having a good year on that front of course, having already had the pleasure of ‘his company’ in Kansas City last month, and looking forward to a second ‘date’ next month in Albany, but this was a pleasant bonus.

No, I’m not going to find you a picture of this gorgeous hunk (in my middle aged opinion at least), just type his name in Google images, and…I know some of my contacts are ‘amused’ by my adoration of this guy, but anyway…

Funnily enough, I’ve known Jon Gruden a long time, in a viewing sense at least. No, I’ve never met him, nor am I likely to. Besides which, it would probably be a pointless exercise, as I would be in a puddle of swoon on the floor, in all likelihood, if I did!

Go back to the turn of the century, and he first came to my eye, as head coach of first, the Oakland Raiders, and then the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, leading them to a Superbowl win, ironically over his former team. I actually saw much of that game, in the US, in Chicago’s main train station, as I was heading across country at the time. And yes, even though I didnt support his team, he caught my eye! Probably my first man crush as a woman to be honest, though back then it was far from an official status.

Anyway, like all coaches, in the end, in 2009, he got fired, and went off to work for ESPN. Now given Monday night football takes place in the early hours of Tuesday morning, I dont see a lot of him nowadays. But whenever I go to the US, in the NFL season, on a Monday night…without a doubt! My once a year treat, as I would jokingly call it.

This year now, it will be a hat trick! 🙂

So fine, as Doris Day sang, my secret love is no secret, any more…

No, the video isn’t DD though, but she is blonde, and her first name begins with a D. I might not have been a Sunday Girl dreaming, strictly it was Tuesday over here, to be fair, but…2 songs for the price of one!

Blonde on blonde

Though ironically given the title, the video isnt a Bob Dylan one! Its by me (highlighted blonde, for now), about a famous platinum blonde that I’m supposed to look like, a highly flattering matter. The video is by another blonde as well lol! Who? You’ll find out shortly. Well, or you can just hop to the bottom of the blog, but…

A while back, just before the whole ‘You look like Jean Harlow’ thing took off, I was planning on a change of colour the next time I got it done, probably chocolate brown, which I’m told would be the actual colour of Louise Brooks’s hair, if they weren’t all in black and white! And keep the bob, as it is at present, even if I cant get her fringe! There is actually a woman who gets the same train at Huddersfield (if I get the 7.57 in, or the 5.26 home) who has got the style perfectly, and who, in all honesty, looks quite a lot like Louise too. Yes, I’m jealous, but…

Hey, I know, I shouldnt complain, looking like Jean Harlow is hardly a sufferance, lets face it! And yes, fine, I’m more than happy to go along with it. So, next Thursday sees a change in style (more 30’s look), and a change in blondeness, as I’m getting it coloured, not just highlighted this time around. Judging by the styles of that decade, I need to get some curling tongs, or a wave wand, or something pretty soon! At least the 30’s look doesnt need such a forward fringe, phew!

However, there are some aspects of Harlow that I wont be following up on. Firstly, the known fact that Jean espoused the wearing of both bras, and panties in her adult life. That might be fine if you’re 5′ 1″ tall, have small, perky breasts, but if you’re 5′ 11″, and your boobs are a bit more developed, nope! As for the panties thing, she claimed she liked to keep her ‘bits’ fresh, and nothing more, but some of what I’ve read makes me suspect it was more for easy access, if a man was around! There are rumours (nothing more) of at least 2, maybe 3 abortions, but nothing concrete, so I’ll offer her the benefit of the doubt on that one. Mind, there wasnt any birth control pills back then, so…

Its also fair to say that Jean drunk considerably more than me, but that isnt hard, my alcohol intake in a year wouldnt make any company rich! Not sure if coffee truly is a better addiction, but…

But none of those are the biggest no-no’s though! Do you know how she got her hair such a platinum blonde colour? Bleach, on the hair, seriously! Its why, even with her short life, her hair was falling out before she died. OK, the kidney failure may not have helped her hair either, but the bleach would have been the main culprit. Thanks for modern colouring methods I say, though I’m planning on being a softer blonde than her, anyway.

But other than those ‘little issues’, I’m more than happy to carry on ‘being Baby’, I must say. I promise, if I can get a picture of me, with my hair, 30’s style, all blonde, I’ll post it here!

Right, the video, as I say, another Blondie, quite literally

Debbie was clearly ahead of her time, talking about pocket computers, when you think what mobile phones can do nowadays!

Back to work!

Yes, this is the last day of my sanity break from work, its back to duty as from tomorrow morning. It has been lovely having a long break, 9 days in all (7 holiday, plus 2 days off for this week), but now I get 6 working days in a row, as ‘revenge’.

I’m going to take the vow of diplomatic silence as to the quality of calls I will be getting again as from tomorrow, but you can probably get my drift. No, I wont say more, I know some at work read this, and I have no idea who! But yes, most missions have been accomplished, presents are all sorted, story is written, and indeed sent off to my wonderful, and patient editor only a few minutes ago.

The dinner on Sunday was good, and with wonderful company. Yes, I braved the cold, and wore a dress. So popular that it was suggested I wore it to the theatre last night, so I did! Now that was cold when I came out, even with a coat on, and my back did briefly spasm, I assume related. Thankfully, it was just that one moment, been fine since, and hope it stays that way.

Given I’m in the UK, and not the US, my next big day is a week on Thursday, yes, the works Christmas Dinner really is that close now, eek! Thursday in the US, is Thanksgiving Day, but this year at least, its across the pond from me. After that, as far as I know, the next one after that is just under a month away, another date fast approaching. After that, who knows? I suspect middle of January, Nicole’s birthday. In fact, that week is my next week off, a mere 7 weeks away!

But for now, its back to work, answering calls from the shops, with queries and things.

So, this video just seemed rather apt, for what will be happening, just after 9.00 tomorrow morning

Hair colouring, a quick question.

Hopefully I can get a rare event around here, an answer, in the form of comment to one of my blogs. Just maybe?

Yes, its got to that time again, when the blonde tresses need a colour top up. Well alright, I’m probably going to end up leaving it until I’m off in a couple of weeks time before it actually gets done, though in all honesty, it really needs doing now, but anyway… pertinent question that I’d love to know the answer to.

The first time I went to get it coloured, the hairdresser suggested to me that I get it highlighted, rather than coloured. I said fine, lets face it, she knows far more about these things than I do, and certainly did then, so agreed. But is it, for someone who wants to be blonde all over, and not just in places? Or is highlighting just a clever way of achieving pretty much the same effect? There seems to be a small price difference between the two, so something must be different, just not quite sure what.

And which is the better look to go with?

The cut, not a doubt in my mind, I’m sticking with the bob look, though it wont be the really short one, sort of mid length, back/top of neck again. Under my circumstances, I really cant go with the very short Brooks type look, because lets face it, the one thing I dont want to do is look boyish! I know that nowadays the cleavage helps to deviate from that fact, but at the same time, if people actually look at my face, not my boobs…you get the drift. Even more so with those at work who knew me before transitioning especially. But I love the style, and even the fringe is admitting defeat, and starting to look good, even if not yet good enough for the helmet look, but its getting better. 🙂

One woman at work even asks if I’m trying to compete with her boob size wise, I have no chance of doing that, but given everything, I’m certainly not flat chested nowadays, thats for sure. Yes, some of it is cheating, but not all of it now, thats for sure lol! However, no, in case anyone was wondering, that valentine card never appeared, shock horror!

But yes, if someone knows the answer to the colouring question, who actually reads this, I’d love to know. Just that I was thinking that if it is more of a full cover look, should I get it coloured this time around, and not just highlights?

The video, well given the colour I’ve been talking about, who could be more apt than Blondie? Yes, its that song that revived her career, so many years after seemingly being over, she proved us wrong with this