Category Archives: Bank holidays

Standin’ here beside ya, want so much to give you

Apart from the ‘traditional’ bank holiday events, its a fact that Bank Holidays here in the UK, and those in the US dont tend to coincide. Today, they did. Oh, and to mark a previous recent blog, this is the last day before I’m officially back on medical leave again, lol. Over here, its just called a Spring Bank Holiday, in the US, its called Memorial Day, when (in theory at least nowadays) they remember all the brave people that have died over the years in various wars. We seem to save all that for Remembrance Sunday in November, because of course its against the end of WW1, on November 11, though most remembrances happen on the closest Sunday to that date now.

Equally, Memorial Day used to (according to Wiki) always be celebrated on May 30, but now, for convenience, happens on the last Monday in May, the same date as our Spring Bank Holiday.

The depressing fact, do you have any idea how many years that the US has been at peace since inception in 1776? A meagre 17! So its fair to assume they have plenty of need for Memorials to be remembered! To be fair, a few of those were for the 2 World Wars, but altogether… Oh, and a few of those were of course an in house war!

So during that long period of time, plenty of brave men, and in more recent times, women, have died in the name of war. Today, in the US at least, is the day designated to remember them. In this country, the weekend seems to have been a bit of a political war, seemingly won by very few, if any.

Let us also remember all the folk everywhere who have had to work today, on a Bank Holiday. I know, not the same thing as giving your life, but as I know from so much of my working life, the talk about weekends, and bank holidays off are a misnomer for some.

But yes, US readers (and the stats tell me I have plenty), take a few minutes today to remember those that gave their lives in defence of yours.

The video choice is a weird one, but if you think about, its a title thats probably apt for all those that went into battle. There is also the fact that some car company are using it in ads over here at present. Oh, and fine, yes I’d love to be turned into a mannequin for a role, just saying…

Is it still a holiday?

Strictly, as of 4.00 yesterday afternoon, until a week on Wednesday, I’m not on medical leave, I’m on holiday. Ironically, as with March, it would have been my Saturday (every 5th week) to work this week. Of course, as history has dictated, I havent worked since that fateful day in March, and of course, accordingly to several medical sources, it seems that March 9, 2019 will go down as the last day of my working career. So why, you ask, does this week count as holiday, technically at least?

Well back at the end of last Summer, we are asked to pick our 2 preferred weeks of holiday, and this week, starting tomorrow was the start of the first of mine. I hadnt ever got to making any serious plans for this, in truth. So where would I be, if fate hadnt stepped in, who knows? Its actually possible I’d be where I am now, sat at home, as the US trip this year was always going to be September. I might also have been in Belfast, as Ireland are playing 2 cricket matches there in these few days (first was today), but had not made any definite plans by March on that.

I know where I would love to have started my holiday week, a day early, and that was Pine Bush, New York. Yes, yesterday was UFO day there, and yes, Stacie was there (its not far from here), and yes, I’m jealous. I will state now that if I’m allowed to still do International Travel after having been by the neurologist, its on my target list for next year, believe me. And yes, if I do, I’m definitely doing the full Alien look, and if I can find a flying saucer/space craft to travel there by, yes, I’m doing it, ideally in said Alien outfit. Or new Alien body, who knows? 😉

Why did I pick this week, you may be asking? Well, a week tomorrow is a Bank Holiday, so I would have got an extended holiday, thats why! But now, does this even count as a holiday any more? Technically yes, but strictly, well?

Video time. This is most definitely not live, however much they might want it to look like it is. Apart from anything else, the male ‘singer’ didnt even sing on the record. Oh, and the lead singer’s outfit, yes, I’d love it, if anyone is offering?

Everything has changed

Firstly, for those of my readers who celebrate it, happy Easter. For those of you who dont celebrate it, enjoy the holiday period in whichever way you wish to do so.

Its actually quite funny that over my working years, a lot of the time, bank holiday weekends meant little different to me, as for all those years in the betting industry, they were just another working weekend. Of course, in the good old days in the last century (that really makes me sound old, doesnt it?), there actually was no horse racing on Good Friday, and betting shops were closed on this day. Now, thanks to the god of consumerism, we race pretty much every day of the year, (there were also 3 days at Christmas, now just Christmas Day)  and betting shops are open every day bar one, and I suspect the bookies begrudge their staff that, knowing them.

The last couple have been a bit weird, as I’ve had Friday off, Monday off, but worked the Saturday in between. At least I think I did, as it would be logical, but the brain is no longer up to working out if it actually happened or not? But this year, I’m (in theory) still working, and the long bank holiday weekend means nothing to me (I was tempted to use Vienna, by Ultravox, but no) because the body, and most critically, the brain is no longer up to complex things like work at present. If I believe the medical advice given so far, thats a case of game over, anyway. But the funny thing is, this would actually have been a long weekend for me, as it wouldnt have been my Saturday to work, so would have been a week off. Whereas now…?

The other thing I’ve decided needed to change, is me. When I had to cut back to 4 days a week at work (let alone 3), I had to economise somewhere, especially given I was paying out for therapy treatments. So basically, goodbye to pampering for me. Which means that my nails are a mess (arthritis and tremor make that impossible to do myself), and even if I’m not a hairy woman (I’m wondering if the drugs I got after seizure caused some to drop out or not? Probably not, as still got hair in places), I’m definitely in need of waxing by now. Even more so, if as planned by a wonderful friend, I’m going to do the Clara Johnson look thing (if not in public eye), I need to look decent! So yes, on Tuesday afternoon, the old girl is getting a bit of a makeover. Sadly not a 20 year old, slim, pretty dancer look, but as best as can be achieved, within sane cost. So yes, no massage, no facial unless someone wishes to provide the funds? If you should, then, is probably the easiest way.

After that, what changes, who knows? I wont hold my breath for the fully interfacing robot suit (ideally now with AI function, to override my busted brain), but it would be nice!

The funny thing is, before I even get to see a Neurologist (unless I get a very large fund donation), there are 2 more bank holidays to get through as a non working worker! Somehow I suspect I may have had my last excitement at looking forward to a bank holiday meaning extra time off work, but who knows?

OK, video time. Some vintage Paul Young for you

In truth, I love this song, which is why I’m offering the additional bonus tonight of the 12″ version. Obviously there is no video to this, so your call on either, both, or none. But you’re missing out if you go with none!

The boys (and girls) of summer have gone

Well, hopefully not literally true, but here in the UK at least, its the last Bank holiday before Christmas, so in that sense, we’ve reached that landmark of this summer. And guess what, here in the UK, as is traditional, the weather has been pretty awful today. Irony, they arranged the first one day international for today, and it was wiped out without a ball being bowled. Whereas, had it been any other weekend, it would have been yesterday, when the weather was much better! Ah well…

Fortunately, for me at least, I should still have at least 1 more week of high temperatures, when I hit Kansas City in 3 weeks time. Hey, they are getting heat advisories at present, because its too hot! And fine, I wont object too loudly if its only in the 80’s by then, not high 90’s!

Strangely enough, given my job, I havent been at work today, having time to write a blog might be a big giveaway on that to some lol! Not that I mind, because the bus service on a Bank Holiday still runs to a Sunday service. Whatever I say about the trains, at least they’ve caught up with modern life, and run a normal service. Well, as normal as Trans Pennine Express will ever achieve anyway! But the bus companies still think that a Sunday service will suffice on a day when its now just a normal working day for so many.

OK, so neither has yet caught up to the fact that Sunday’s are much the same, and sadly its a fact of life thats unlikely to change. But Bank holidays, seriously…? Anyway, I’m not going to change the logic of this, but no harm in trying?

Me, I’ve got 1 more bank holiday before Christmas, but only because I will be in the US for Thanksgiving. That is definitely something I’m looking forward to. But first, now in under 3 weeks, that visit to Jean Harlow’s birthplace. Will her ghost be there to greet me? I doubt it, but you never know! 😉

The video, well maybe the boys, and girls of summer arent gone yet, but the UK bank holidays have

Virginia Plain

Fine, lets not talk about ireland conjuring up defeat from the jaws of victory yesterday in the cricket. Mind, when they were 4-2 early on, my main concern was that we didnt get routed. But then Ed Joyce scored a century, and Pakistan were 17-4, then 133-7 chasing 230 to win, the dreams of an irish victory grew, only to be dashed again. I know, I know, Pakistan should win, but in all honesty, you end up feel down because we didnt. But such is cricket, and all that, but as I said, thats not what I’m talking about tonight.

Regular readers should know by now that my holiday plans tend to end up being flexible, unlike several joints in my body! And guess what, they’re changing again. Whats that you say, Kansas in September? Err, maybe not! Next year probably, though as usual, please dont quote me on that! No, actually, September holiday, you must have been seeing things if you thought that, I’m going to Richmond, Virginia.

No, you werent really seeing things, its a change of plan, thats all. My friend Kate is far cleverer than me, at least in the work field sense, and probably others too, but anyway…Basically she’s involved in a work project in, or around that city, and given the current timings for it, she wasnt going to be able to get away in September. And most definitely not later for a month or so, either. So I got an email asking me if I fancied a week in the Richmond area instead, with the comment of ‘no, I knew you wouldnt’ tacked on to it. So I fooled her, and said yes. I was actually there about 13 years ago, and though I dont remember much about it, I do remember it was quite a nice area. Hadnt really thought about going back until now, but then…

Cutting a long story short, thats now the holiday destination for September. Kansas, as I said, next year. Given the ‘flattering’ things Louise Brooks said about Wichita, she’d probably tell me I was doing the right thing anyway, but I will get there soon, just to discover it for myself.

No, I dont expect to get the chance to dress up like, or behave like Scarlett O’Hara, but if someone is offering the chance…I might give it a try lol!

Today has actually been quite a change for me, with my job, you dont get bank holidays off, well not other than Christmas Day (no racing), and the Boxing Day/New Years Day option offered to everyone. But when I saw my shifts for this week, I had Monday off! Actually a treat, given its a Sunday bus service, which makes getting to and from a work a bit of a pain on these days. Just a shame that today the weather has been lovely, and tomorrow when I can get around, is supposed to be wet most of the day. We will see, and if the forecast is wrong (which would hardly be a first), I will probably get out for a while. If it is wet, I might still get out, though I would have to rethink things a bit.

In fact, if the weather is reasonable, its only £5 to see the end of the test match at Leeds, not that its got long to go, but never having been to a test match, well, I might look out the window early tomorrow, just in case. Maybe one day I will get to see Ireland play a test match, who knows?

But for now, the video. Yes, holiday related, and yes, as so often, the blog title is the giveaway

Bank holidays

Any other year, today would be a bank holiday. This year, it isnt, due to the Jubilee celebrations next weekend, when there are 2 bank holidays instead, both Monday and Tuesday.

The thing is, apart from bank staff, and most office workers, how many actually dont work on a bank holiday nowadays? Think about it, people go out for the day somewhere, or go shopping, or as is relevant in my case, go gambling, and people have to work to cater for all this need. Dont get me wrong, I appreciate why we need these bank holidays, and everything, I just think the concept of them has become a bit of an anachronism, given the percentage of people who actually wont be working that day. And yes, I get 8 days added to my holiday allowance to allow for working on all these days. Well alright, not Christmas Day, but equally that is taken back from the holiday allowance.

No, I’m not a staunch royalist, not in the slightest. Not sure if that makes me a republican though, or just a ‘couldnt care less’ type! So no, working while the Jubilee celebrations will be going on around me, doesnt bother me in the slightest. Except, like the last royal wedding, I can foresee all the TV’s being focussed on it at work anyway!

But alright, one of my main bug bears about bank holidays, even more so nowadays, is the Sunday bus service that runs! Seriously, trying to get on a daytime bus, on a bank holiday is akin to sardines in a tin! Maybe in the good old days, a very limited bus service would be enough, but nowadays…I know, I know, trying to rob even more of their day off lol, but…Interestingly the trains run a normal service, hint, hint.

Yes, I’m in one of those silly periods at work. I was off yesterday, in today, then off tomorrow and Wednesday. The logic of which is…? As it is, assuming the weather holds, it helps. Given that I wont get to Ireland for cricket this year, I’d assumed I might not get to see any this season. But a hole has appeared in my diary, Yorkshire are at home on Wednesday (first day of 4 day game), so might sneak off there, if the weather holds, as its supposed to (ha, ha).

Sorry, for those who like the videos, there isnt one. One, I cant think of anything obvious, and even more so, two, I need to get off here in 5 minutes for work, so not really the time to find one.

Tomorrow, got some writing to do, and I dont mean a blog, though I possibly will do one as well. Ironically its about 3 months since I had the time I last worked on the story, but as I say, a window this week, so need to get it done.

The Winner Takes It All

Some here might suspect that I might be an Abba fan, and they’d be right!

The funny thing is, in a sense, this fits in with my job in the betting industry quite nicely. The winner does take it all, and I suspect more often than not, its my employers! I dont mind, they pay my wages after all, and as I dont gamble (other than the Grand National), bookies are never going to make a fortune out of me. But enough of the tenuous link to the song title, and the video.

I suspect we all have good days, and bad days, especially at work, and for me today, it was one of the latter. And as someone who gets annoyed and frustrated with people and places when things gang up on them when its not my fault, well I havent been a ‘good girl’ today lol!

Normally Monday’s are one of the quieter days (as such, at least!), and we are staffed up accordingly. All fine and dandy, but then they forget to change staffing levels when the Monday is a Bank Holiday! Yes, it was manic today, we had nowhere near enough staff in, and though I’m sure they wouldnt own up to it, management messed up yet again. I didnt stop all day, neither did many others, but because of everything, the abandonment call rate was frighteningly high. They talk of us providing best customer service, and then hamstring us by not providing enough staff to even get close to that!

On top of this, one guy who I have to deal with (non management), who has all the tact, charm and diplomacy of Attila the Hun annoyed me again today, and I snapped. Not in a major way, not enough to have got through his thick shell any way, dont think that would be possible. I know others have complained about him, I havent formally, thats not my style, I just snarl lol! But no one seems to want to say anything, so…good old management lol! Probably uses all his Irish charm on them, he certainly doesnt use it on anyone else!

OK, rant over.

So yes, its been one of those sort of days for me, luckily I’m off tomorrow. Only good news, something went wrong, Trans Pennine Express ran an efficient service, but suspect that wont last!

Right, video time, and yes, I always wanted to be Agnetha when I was a child, and now I know why. Hope you enjoy, probably wont be the last Abba video I ever post!