Category Archives: Social Life

The social calendar just gets busier!

Yes, about this time of year, even an old maid like myself can find her social calendar filling up. No, not hitting the town every night, heaven forbid, apart from that not being my style, I couldnt stand the pace at my age anyway!

Irony, the first thing that happened was actually an expected date disappearing from the diary, as the place we were planning to go out for dinner on Christmas Day has just raised their prices too high, and we decided not to book. A shame in a sense, last year I took it as a second chance to wear the Dinner dress, but I can fully understand why we arent bothering, and agree with the decision.

Still, there is always Eric’s birthday meal to look forward to (Sunday, in fact), and I suspect I will dress up for that. No, not the new dress, I really want to christen that at the work dinner, but I have a, err, few other options anyway. Oh, and of course that works dinner on December 5th.

But then the list starts to grow. Scrooge, with Tommy Steele, is currently on in Leeds, and as part of the birthday celebrations, we are off to the theatre next Monday. No show on a Sunday, thats why! Thankfully I’m off Monday and Tuesday next week, so no problem on my part. No, probably not a dress, nice top and skirt, I suspect, but dont quote me on that!

And now, there’s more!…Unofficially at this point. Though given who I’ve got the info from, I believe its true.

About 3 weeks ago or so, we had an email come round at work, with a contest for 5 pairs of tickets for the UK Snooker Final at York next month. Now those who know me well, know I never win anything. But, I knew the answer (alright, I googled it to make sure, but…), so I tried my luck. Given everything, and the fact that it finished at the weekend, and I hadnt heard a word, I assumed I hadnt won…again. But then, talking to ‘A’ at work tonight over Facebook, I joke about it, and he sends back a message to say I need to get the ‘glad rags’ ready, I’m a winner. Check work email box, as I hadnt looked since this morning, nothing. But it seems he’s seen it on the Managers monitor, and so…No, I’m not going to expect anything, until I hear officially, but hey, wow!

The offer actually includes travel and accommodation, presumably the latter on the Sunday night, as it will probably finish quite late. But, its only 30 miles from here, but lets see where we are staying first! šŸ˜‰ I’m thrilled for Eric in all honesty, a bigger snooker fan than me (though I do like the sport), and a chance for him to go to a final, is just so lovely. How will I dress, no idea, have to think that over. But cant see me being too ‘radical’, given its on TV and all that. But something nice, oh absolutely.

Right, the video. Warning, the song is an absolute shocker, so anyone with delicate tastes should not listen! Shows how long ago this was, most of this bunch just commentate nowadays, and I have no idea what happened to Tony Meo!

The End of Summertime

Yes, I know, summer actually officially ended about a month ago, but as this weekend marks the time when the clocks go back, you could say this truly marks the end of summertime. And yes, James, before you say it, I know, the US is a week later than us changing back, but as I’m currently living over here…

I’m not sure whether summer actually ever arrived over here lol!

The other thing that marks the end of summer for me at least, beingĀ a baseball fan, is the start of the World Series, the end of the very long season. And yes, that starts tomorrow, though it will actually be Thursday morning over here when it starts, but all the same. For a while, it looked like we might have some new teams there this year, but all got turned over in what I will term the quarter finals, I think the official name is the divisional series, but anyway…so San Francisco and Detroit get to return again to the final stage. As 5 of the 6 series so far have gone to the last game, we might be going for a while yet. But given the other was a 4-0 for Detroit, maybe not!

I’ve been to San Francisco, twice in fact, and both times ended up in a wonderful baseball park during my stay. Sadly once was a day game, so didnt get to see the sun set over the Bay, while watching the game, because believe me, thats really something! No, never been to Detroit, nor likely to do so, I suspect.

Actually, this was the first year for some time that I didnt get to a live game while over there. I should have done in April, but if you look back through the blog, well, you’ll see I had fun with American Airlines back then, and Sunday was the only Seattle game at home, so… Strangely enough, I wont next year either, unless either Wichita, or Rochester suddenly get a franchise over the winter lol! Thankfully, care of ESPN America over here, I have seen some live baseball this year anyway, including the Mariners once. But yes, its not quite the same thing as seeing it live in the flesh.

November starts a ‘social whirl’ for me, at least by my standards. As already mentioned, I’m off to see a movie on the 1st, something starring Louise Brooks, whoever she may be lol! šŸ˜› Seriously, really looking forward to that. Then later in the month, off to see the musical, Oliver as a birthday treat for someone close to me. Then at theĀ beginning of December, the Works Christmas Dinner. Ah, the busy life of a ‘flapper’, darlings lol! Thats probably it though for a while, unless someone knows something I dont!

Next week actually will bring even more travelling ‘entertainment’ for 9 days, though of course I’ll only be travelling 7 of them. More on that on Thursday’s blog though.

For now, the song is nearly 50 years old, the performance clearly isnt.