Category Archives: Bruce Hornsby

Just the way it is

Its funny, isnt it, only a few weeks ago, Andy Murray was getting beaten by Roger Federer at Wimbledon in the yearly grand slam event there. Guess what, the Olympic tennis final, and guess who was in it again? Yes, those same 2 people. The one thing that wasnt the same today though, was the result. Seriously, Murray in 3 straight sets, unbelievable stuff.

To be honest, I’d loved to have seen him get a second gold, for Laura Robson’s sake but it wasnt to be. But seriously, was it just over a week ago when people were saying that Team GB werent living up to expectations? My, havent things turned around now! No, we arent going to catch the US, or China in the medal table, but suddenly we’re up to 3rd, and hey ho…!

No, I havent really caught on to Olympic fever, but I suspect thats a ‘work related’ issue with sport in general, beyond a few very special ones. Tomorrow, 9 hour day, so dont expect a blog lol!

Thought this a rather apt sentiment for Andy Murray today though, no grand slam yet, maybe, but an Olympic Gold Medal is pretty good. Congrats, Andy, if you, or anyone that knows you (yes, pigs might fly) see this, it was well deserved,  proud of you. Oh, the video…