Category Archives: Battle Of Britain

Now Those Days Are Gone

Hey, a rare treat for you, a blog not about me. I know, I know, thats the idea of these things, but as regular readers know, I like to pick out landmarks, and blog about them accordingly. Yes, I would have blogged this tomorrow, but I already know what I’m doing then, and posting 2 on the same day just seems a bit silly.

A couple of days ago, I heard about one of those little landmarks on the news, that the last Battle of Britain pilot surviving, had died at the age of 99. Considering that so many who fought back then didnt even get to reach 25, thats probably quite a landmark to reach, but still a shame he couldnt make the century. Its funny, it doesnt seem that long ago that we lost the last WW1 veteran, but I know he was far older.

So many died for us in that battle, that we might be free today, and its something that should never be forgotten. I know, it wont be, its only about 3 weeks to Remembrance Sunday after all, and the ceremony never seems to lose its special touch. Sadly we still add to the numbers who died back then, but thankfully not in the huge numbers lost in the 2 World Wars.

Its funny to think, give it another 15-20 years or so, and we will have no survivors who fought in a World War, well, at least I hope thats the case in one sense at least.

So as he departs this world, I’d just like to say thanks, for making the place I live a so much better place.

Its possibly almost trite to include a pop video on something like this, but given the title, and the style of the video, I think it fits.