Category Archives: Dave Edmunds

No more doing the rock and roll

Oh fine, the title is a pure fix to tie into the video, let me say…looks angelic…

As regular readers will know, nowadays, I’ve got some major back issues, better known as a wedge fracture, care of osteoporosis. So yes, my dancing days are in theory over, though a certain ‘flapper’ might try and prove otherwise at the end of this month, though I wouldnt put good money on that, lol.

Saturday just happened to be one of those days when everything that could go wrong for my back, happened, so much so that by Saturday evening, getting home was enough of a challenge, let alone anything more. As for walking, yesterday morning, beyond a few steps, no chance. So, another day of sickness, but I couldnt have walked 50 yards to the bus stop here, let alone the 3/4 of a mile or so at the other end, to get to work, and then back.

Fortunately, today was an already booked physiotherapy session, so I decided to see what the experts said before doing anything too drastic about my body, though as always, if anyone wants to offer me a new, cybernetically enhanced body, try and stop me downloading into it!

Long, and short of it, I’ll live, and I will still be able to walk. There are some small issues further up the spine, which she puts down to my spine, and my body trying to compensate for the damaged section, and therefore hurting everything else. Nothing major at this point, but advised to be careful, and keep an eye on it too. I must admit, I pretty well wear the brace most of the time now, other than sleeping, advised that really ought to be a must now, so given I tend to do as I’m told… If someone fancies designing some sort of support I can wear while asleep, not too restrictive ideally, but supporting the back…? I know, it would get warm, but winter is coming, so…

OK, the amusing bit. Second part of the treatment is some device with a pair of electrode things placed on the back, in the area of the spine, to try and ease the inflammation. I’m told many people dont enjoy the treatment being done at more than 11 milliamps (mA), me today, I got up to 55mA, and was loving it! She tells me that one client has gone up to 100mA, but thats as high as she’s ever gone. Given not much more than that can be lethal, mmm. 😉

Hopefully at some point, I do get to find if I do have an electro treatment limit that is non lethal, lol! I can definitely go up from 55mA, but by how much, no idea! I might have a bit more idea in 4 weeks time, I suspect! 😉

So yes, how much longer the back will be up to much, I have no idea, but I’ll just take all the precautions I can, and see when I have to call it a day. Even more convinced now that I’m not going to make it working until retirement date at 66, for sure. Ah well…

So yes, I think my Charleston dancing days are probably over, darlings, let alone that new fangled rock and roll thing!

Right, video time. If you want the full, complex story about Rockpile, go look it up on Wikipedia. But basically, there were 2 singers in the group, both contracted to different record labels, so though technically they were a group (and played live together), in terms of music contracts, it was 2 solo artists. This song is one of the rarities, a song recorded by both Dave Edmunds, and Nick Lowe! This is the Lowe version, though Edmunds is most definitely in the video!

And just so I cant be accused of bias, the original Dave Edmunds version of same song

If you want to know how girls talk?

Yes, I know, shock horror, this old lady is contemplating doing something disgustingly modern, and getting herself a mobile phone! No, dont panic, its not going to be one of those ghastly smart phone things that does everything but launch nuclear missiles, its going to be the most simple thing I can find, but even so, me, and a mobile phone, gasp!

Equally, no, its not something I’m looking forward to doing with joy, only with pure practicality, believe me. But given I will, in 3 weeks time (starting 31st), be starting to work hours where 4 days a week, I will finish at 8.00, or just before, so in a security sense, I think a phone is a wise move. I know, I worked in Leeds until 10.00, and never bothered with one, but that was in the city centre, and well, this place is a little way outside of there. Its still a main(ish) road, and well lit, but there arent going to be a lot of people about at that time of night, so… Funnily enough, I know what that area was like 40, or 50 years ago, and believe me, you wouldnt have got me going anywhere near it then. But yes, its changed for the better, a lot!

Also, as I’ve discovered, though First buses are more reliable than Trans Pennine Express, thats not hard, and they arent perfect, so, being able to let work, or home know, if I have issues…

To be truthful, I have seen one in an Asda across the road from work, that costs £5, makes calls, presumably sends text messages, and beyond that, I really dont care! But yes, I will be putting the minimum amount on it, as rarely as I can get away with it, and…I certainly wont tell anyone that doesnt need to know, what the number is! I know, but I dont want my life controlled by my phone. Might enjoy being controlled, but not in that way lol!

Believe me, I certainly wont be glued to it, as the vast majority of people seem to be nowadays! Equally, believe me, if it wasnt for security, and safety, I wouldnt be getting one anyway!

Right, video time. Double treat tonight. Firstly, the original video, featuring the brilliant group, Rockpile, though for complex contract reasons, it was released as by Dave Edmunds. If you want the details, type the group name into Wikipedia lol!

But OK, to prove he can still do it (or could 8 years ago at least), here’s Dave sounding great live!

Queen of your hearts?

Right, firstly, an update from Monday’s posting. Yes, I’ve decided to try the fund raiser thing, and see what happens. As I say, I cant actually do the name change, or anything until after I get back from the US, because the air ticket is already purchased, and no, I’m not paying that silly fee to change your name on the ticket, even if the full amount of money is raised in double quick time. After that, the possibility of becoming Stephanie Harlean Carpenter seems a lot more likely. Probably stop messing with this Ms lark too, and become a genuine Miss!

So fine, if there are any readers out there who havent already seen this on Facebook, or Twitter, and want to help out, the link to the campaign is at

Yes, thats right, one truly wonderful friend has already donated, very generously, but anyway…Look at it this way now, if 20 people each gave £5 (or 50 gave £2), I’d be there! I know, probably wont happen, but no harm in asking, I guess? Now, if only I knew Bill Gates, or someone lol…I wish!

OK, the other “event” this week is tomorrow night, in Leeds. Cocoture (with whom I’ve had both of my brilliant photo shoots done) are having an evening to celebrate their (relatively) new studio in the centre of Leeds, with a fashion and lingerie show. Proceeds are going to charity. For those of you on Facebook, and in the area, the link is though please contact Karen to check there are still tickets available before turning up!

I will be there, dressed up “a little bit”, and hopefully thats an incentive to support, not the contrary. Hey, you’re reading this, if you hated me, why…lol? Alright, there might be someone, but…

So there, sorry, a blog full of requests to spend money tonight, I know! Hopefully next time, something less demanding!

The video, well, you can tell this is live, as Dave Edmunds forgets the lyrics near the end!