Category Archives: Back Brace

No more doing the rock and roll

Oh fine, the title is a pure fix to tie into the video, let me say…looks angelic…

As regular readers will know, nowadays, I’ve got some major back issues, better known as a wedge fracture, care of osteoporosis. So yes, my dancing days are in theory over, though a certain ‘flapper’ might try and prove otherwise at the end of this month, though I wouldnt put good money on that, lol.

Saturday just happened to be one of those days when everything that could go wrong for my back, happened, so much so that by Saturday evening, getting home was enough of a challenge, let alone anything more. As for walking, yesterday morning, beyond a few steps, no chance. So, another day of sickness, but I couldnt have walked 50 yards to the bus stop here, let alone the 3/4 of a mile or so at the other end, to get to work, and then back.

Fortunately, today was an already booked physiotherapy session, so I decided to see what the experts said before doing anything too drastic about my body, though as always, if anyone wants to offer me a new, cybernetically enhanced body, try and stop me downloading into it!

Long, and short of it, I’ll live, and I will still be able to walk. There are some small issues further up the spine, which she puts down to my spine, and my body trying to compensate for the damaged section, and therefore hurting everything else. Nothing major at this point, but advised to be careful, and keep an eye on it too. I must admit, I pretty well wear the brace most of the time now, other than sleeping, advised that really ought to be a must now, so given I tend to do as I’m told… If someone fancies designing some sort of support I can wear while asleep, not too restrictive ideally, but supporting the back…? I know, it would get warm, but winter is coming, so…

OK, the amusing bit. Second part of the treatment is some device with a pair of electrode things placed on the back, in the area of the spine, to try and ease the inflammation. I’m told many people dont enjoy the treatment being done at more than 11 milliamps (mA), me today, I got up to 55mA, and was loving it! She tells me that one client has gone up to 100mA, but thats as high as she’s ever gone. Given not much more than that can be lethal, mmm. 😉

Hopefully at some point, I do get to find if I do have an electro treatment limit that is non lethal, lol! I can definitely go up from 55mA, but by how much, no idea! I might have a bit more idea in 4 weeks time, I suspect! 😉

So yes, how much longer the back will be up to much, I have no idea, but I’ll just take all the precautions I can, and see when I have to call it a day. Even more convinced now that I’m not going to make it working until retirement date at 66, for sure. Ah well…

So yes, I think my Charleston dancing days are probably over, darlings, let alone that new fangled rock and roll thing!

Right, video time. If you want the full, complex story about Rockpile, go look it up on Wikipedia. But basically, there were 2 singers in the group, both contracted to different record labels, so though technically they were a group (and played live together), in terms of music contracts, it was 2 solo artists. This song is one of the rarities, a song recorded by both Dave Edmunds, and Nick Lowe! This is the Lowe version, though Edmunds is most definitely in the video!

And just so I cant be accused of bias, the original Dave Edmunds version of same song

My eyes are further up!

Firstly, let me jokingly thank everyone for no suggestions whatsoever for tonight. Not that I’m really surprised, but…lol

As I have mentioned in the past, I quite enjoy the restriction of corsets. No, I have no desire to have my waist reduced by anything too silly, as some women have done in the past, but a few inches, towards an hourglass figure, wonderful.

The snag for me, and corsets, as a single woman, is getting myself tied into one. Yes, some might be dextrous enough to be able to tie themselves into one, but the arthritis in my hands, and fingers counts that out for me. Equally, quite wisely on their part, probably, I dont have a ‘someone’ to tie me into one either. And no, I dont think a matchmaking outfit looking for someone to buy me, and tie me into corsets, with no romantic attachment is likely to bring me a flood of offers! Might be the odd dominant who might be into that sort of thing, but given I’m nearly 60, and trans, I wouldnt expect even that!

So yes, I was thrilled when I was looking for a back brace, to support my aching back, to find one that also operates (to some degree) as a corset as well. The biggest, and best thing for me, was that you dont need to be tied into it, its got a zip mechanism! Even better, its at the front, so I can cope! Fine, its not a full body corset (over bust), but it pulls in my waist, so…

Oh fine, lets say that a 2″ reduction on setting would hold my back in place, but a 4″ reduction is far more fun! No, even that, quite sensibly hasnt brought a rush of admirers, but it does my figure some good, and supports my back nicely too! Yes, worn it most of today, on 4″ setting, and loving every moment of it.

However, nothing is perfect, seemingly. The biggest snag is that because it squeezes everything in, down below, that doing ‘toilet duties’ is a challenge, because along with everything else (yum), your bladder and things get restricted space. So generally, I remove the corset, do what I need to do, and then put it on again. Fine at home, when you have the time for such matters, but would be more of a challenge at work, with break limits, so I tend to just pass on it, on work days. The other major issue, up until now at least, would be the warmth factor, because being neoprene, its none too breathable lol! Mind, as winter comes, I might be glad for the warmth!

The other more amusing effect of wearing a corset, is the way it enhances your cleavage! Well yes, if you’re pushing in at some points, its going to pop out elsewhere, and the boobs, in an under bust corset is the obvious place that happens! Yes, I know one thing, if I do ever decide to wear it to work, I am going to have to be very careful as to what tops I wear! I’m sure playing ‘peek a boo’ with them would be against dress codes at work lol. And thats without me worrying about flaunting them anyway! Not that I suspect I would get anyone excited, but…

So yes, perhaps I will have to settle for just wearing one at home for now. Now, if anyone wants to provide me with a zip up one, in metallic silver, instead of blue, hmm? 😉

Video time. One of those songs nearly everyone will never have heard before. A very early 80’s synth piece, by a 2 hit wonder, about what might be attracted to my cleavage, if I wore a suitably tight corset lol!