Category Archives: Sheila B Devotion

A flying visit for Thanksgiving?

Firstly, I have to duly thank Stacie for providing me with the inspiration for tonights blog. Without her, I have no idea what you might be getting!

This morning, when I logged into that insanity that is Facebook, I found she’d slipped this onto my timeline, and I just loved it. Yes, seriously, if anyone wants to arrange to deliver me one of these before Thanksgiving (topical), or Christmas, I wont say no!

Please, dont get all technical on me, about it being the wrong model, or whatever, I wouldnt have a clue, just look on it with an amused eye, OK? Or the grammar, which is wrong, but not my fault! Or costs to run it, OK? Yes, I would love one, if it was possible, but thats beside the point. Just look at it in the way, that on a morning when my back was aching ‘a bit’, it cheered me up no end to see it, when I got on Facebook this morning.

Of course, to make it perfect for me, I would also need a classic space suit to wear, or even more fun, a real quality alien body suit (Yes, full body, including head) to wear while flying it. I know, its not an alien space craft, but seriously, that would just be so much fun!

However, for some strange reason, when I look on the Amazon website, its nowhere to be seen! What a let down! Yes, tongue, firmly in cheek, lol! I suspect that if I looked for them on there, I might find a full cover alien bodysuit. I suspect less so for adult women, than children, but I suspect there are some there. Perhaps rashly, I’ve promised her that if I can find a nice one, for about £25, if I get the second reward voucher, that I’ll buy one! Mind, as I would enjoy wearing it, well… 😉

No, if only first one arrives, it will either be a dress (vintage style) or winter boots, but now, if the second one arrives, and I find a decent full body one, well…would be a fun look to model, for sure! No, I dont seriously expect the space craft, but if you’re offering…?

But yes, Stacie, if said craft arrives in time for me to fly there for Thanksgiving dinner, I will be there, as I suspect the flight time would be pretty rapid! And believe me, if an alien costume mysteriously turns up too, I promise to wear it for the flight!

Tonights video is an apt piece of Euro disco, from the late 70’s. Just amuses me to think that if a certain cute chorus line dancer had bee around then, at a young age, it might have been the sort of thing she did!