Category Archives: Gary Simmons

Together in Transgender Hopes

Firstly, for those of you who weren’t around 18 months ago, and I know there are some, let me remind you that I thought I was going to a wedding in Carmel (New York, not California, but…) as a guest, then as a bridesmaid. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I ended up as Maid of Honour! Not bad for an old Transgender Lady, and Stacie did find out how thrilled I was when offered that dream role. As some might also remember, my back was already gone by then, but I laid off the painkillers for 3 days (as instructed) before the big day, so I could drink, and thankfully the weather was hot enough to get away with that. For further details (if interested), go back to the blogs around September/ October 2017 for more information, and pictures.

Anyway, finally New York State caught up with a lot of places at the weekend, and passed some Transgender Equality Rights into law. Not that I’m likely to ever live there now (Florida, Arizona, or California is more my climate needs now), but I’m delighted for those that do. Thing is, probably as I might have said in truth, when Stacie was asked her opinion on this, she was obviously thrilled at the outcome, but commented that it would be another matter to see if it actually happens in reality. For giving this utterly honest answer, someone accused her of being trans-phobic. I know, I might have stopped laughing by the 2nd wedding anniversary in September, but anyway…

Thing is, in truth, having experienced the reality of life, I probably would have said much the same thing as she did, and I’m actually Transgender! In truth, any rules relating to LGBTI (sneaking intersex in) people being made, and actually being applied, are 2 different matters. So fine, I know the person who accused her is unlikely to read this, but whoever you were, you’re wrong, Stacie is not trans-phobic, just the opposite in fact. So think things through logically, before jumping to conclusions, pretty please.

Oh fine, I mentioned Carmel (California this time) before, and I’m going to mention it again, as a famous resident celebrated her 97th birthday there today, a certain Doris Day! Its fair to say that one is more winter suitable for me than the New York one, thats for sure.

Last connection for today. Over here at present, there is an advert on TV for Strongbow Cider. The amusement, the song is played on acoustic guitar, and old fashioned piano. Why is that funny? Well, the song is Together In Electric Dreams, and I’m pretty sure its all deliberate. Why, well, near the end, in the background, Phil Oakey, who of course sang the original version. I’m sure the ‘joke’ is lost on anyone under 50, but I can only hope…? So, yes, thats the song, but again its not Phil. I have no idea if Gary Simmons, and Kirsty Marr are still a couple, but fingers crossed, but this was done over 8 years ago. If either see this, maybe they can let the world know?

I win again?

OK, fine, under normal circumstances I’d probably have spread this out over a couple of blogs, and saved me thinking up subject material, but then I heard something tonight that I will need to comment on, which will have to wait until the weekend, but…

Well, as amazing as it sounds, 6 months ago tomorrow, I started a job, my first with all female paperwork. Fine, it was only the passport before, at the end for Hills, but it was still a landmark. Well, people already know how its going, so I wont mention too much on that here, you already know how much I’m loving it. So, whats the landmark, you ask? Simple, something called the probation period. Yes, strictly it ended today, but given today was my day off for the week, I got my confirmation paperwork last night to confirm I’d passed. Fine, I’d been told before then it was going to be the case, but even so, actually having it down on paper, is a lovely thing.

So, as I joked last night, short of a good acting offer, or a Californian millionaire of either gender whisking me off my feet, and marrying me, thats my job plans settled for a while, hopefully until retirement. Doing the same role? I would say probably, but you can never tell with these matters, though I’ve certainly no great management plans at this point in my life, but who knows? Not to say I wont be putting myself forward for challenges, as the DWP are looking for people to serve on the Diversity committee, and given I qualify on age, transgender, and sexuality (I’m claiming bi, if ever interested), hopefully they will see me as perfect material! It would be a fascinating thing to do, good for my CV (though hopefully I wont need that again), and something different in life, all of which will be good for me. Fine, I may get beat for the role, but I’m up to challenge for these sort of things, and not so long ago, I’m sure I wouldnt have been.

Thanks, DWP for everything, this lady is proud of you for everything. Especially as it was one their ladies, in the Huddersfield Job Center, who directed me to Civil Service Job pages in the first place!

The other big news, I’m probably going to a wedding later this year. No, not mine…yet! A wonderful friend in the US, who I’ve known online for ages, but so far, yet to meet, named Stacie, got proposed to at the weekend, and said yes. Yes, she wants me at the wedding, though I trust not as a bridesmaid! No, Stacie, dont! Which means that she is currently trying to plan events around my holiday in her area of the US (well, close enough) in September, which seems a bit of a short period in time to me. If it doesnt happen then, put it this way, I’ll be doing everything in my power to get there when it does. But yes, I wish her, and Eric all the best, whenever it happens!

Oh, and lastly, I’m a natural blonde again. Oh, I wish! No, I just look like one for a while, having got my hair colored, and cut today. Sadly, it wont last forever, but for a few glorious weeks at least, I’ll look the part! Then I’ll be an ‘assisted’ blonde again lol!

OK, the video. A Bee Gees song, but not them singing it! You might have heard of Gary Simmons in my postings before, and this is one of his, with his regular job, the tribute band, Jive Talking. Song, I think you might have worked it out!

The modern age

Its funny looking back now at a certain iconic Buggles song, and thinking that its now been totally superceded by time. I wonder what they would call it now, given that video recorders have gone from most homes?

Blu-Ray killed the video star, anyone? No, I dont think so either lol!

Yes, this was bought on by a discussion elsewhere about record players, and realising just how things have changed. Hey, when I was a small child, record players had an option for 78’s, and how long have they been gone? Alright, I only ever remember seeing 2 of that type of record when I was young, and both of those were from the 50’s. There was also an option for 16 rpm back then, though I never saw anything that played at that speed in all honesty. But yes, you young folk, we had little discs of vinyl that played at 45 rpm by the hundreds!

Television, 2 channels only, both in black and white! Oh goodness, I feel old. So alright, I’ll be 54 in under 3 weeks, but lets not say too much about that.

The incredible thing, I saw men walking on the moon live, more than many people today have done, or are likely to do in the near future. One of the few things we seem to have almost gone backwards on, in all honesty.

People may have noticed it, my musical choices seem to end by the late 90’s, and yes, there is a good reason for that. We were discussing modern music at work between calls last week, and very little from this century was gaining much merit. I only came up with 2 songs, both covers from the 20th century in all honesty. (Killers/Romeo and Juliet, Cornershop/Waterloo Sunset) so that didnt help much lol! 60’s, 70’s and 80’s really are my era, as these choices show.

Dont think I qualify as ‘Grumpy Old Woman’ just yet, but I’m probably getting there, lol!

The music, no, it isnt Buggles, but thar is well worth finding if you want to. This is an act I’ve featured before, its Gary Simmons, and Kirsty Marr covering it. Hey, you two, if you see this, we need more new videos, pretty please

The Yes Factor

And yes, that title is a play on that awful X Factor programme, and the talentless wannabees it produces. Especially as I know there is real talent out there, including one really excellent busker on the streets of Leeds, who deserves a far bigger audience than the few of us passing through town. But sadly, not only does he have far too much genuine talent for the likes of Cowell and Co, he’s also now a bit too old for them as well.

And no, I’m not a talent spotter either, if I was, I’d be signing him up, and these two here like a shot, because they have real talent, not the kind hyped up to the heavens, with nothing to back it up.

I know nothing about Gary Simmons or Kirsty Marr, beyond the small collection of videos on You Tube. The video here suggests they are British, covering Bucks Fizz songs might be a clue on that as well! The comments state this was filmed near Bristol, so I suspect they are somewhere in that corner of the country? What I do know is that both have great singing voices, make really clever videos, and I suspect they also have a wonderful sense of humour too. Yet beyond the small audience who have found them on You tube, and their friends, their talent remains unknown to the wider world. I admit it, I only found them because of their spoof Bucks Fizz video, when searching for the original, but I’m so glad I did. No, I’m not posting that here, because of the ending, that might not appeal to all. It is editing, he clearly survived, but, as there might be young people reading this…

Yes, I’m tagging both of them on this for one reason, the hope that they, or someone who knows them might just read this, and let them know. Or even better, that some record company person might click on the video, see how good they are, and sign them up! I’m only posting one video link here, but feel free to click through and hear some more.

Kirsty and Gary, I hope you get to hear about this, and I hope you get more publicity out of it, and more see just how talented you are. I know these blogs only have a small audience, but hopefully the whole friend of a friend thing can come into play, and they go viral at least.

The song, a cover of a Phil Oakey (Human League) song, very well done, and as I said, filmed near Bristol, a fact I know thanks to Gary’s comments, though Clifton bridge is pretty recognisable all the same.