Category Archives: Television channels

All around the world

So some of my readers who know me might have wondered when this was going to get mentioned, but yes, the baseball World Series is now on, and some team called the Los Angeles Dodgers are involved for the first time in nearly 30 years. I know, 2 games gone already (its 1-1, for those who care), and I’m only mentioning it now.

In truth, because it happens in the middle of the night UK time (starts 1 am), I havent seen any of it live, nor am I going to. So far, I’ve only seen 1 World Series game live, 2 years ago (and my AL team, Kansas City won it), and in truth, that could well be it! Well, unless I get an acting offer, at the right time of year…? Yeah, I know, stop laughing.

The thing is, like them or not, the US commentators who regularly commentate on baseball know the sport. Which I thought was going to be fine this morning, when I had the chance to watch Game 1, which actually happened Tuesday Evening (LA time), or Wednesday morning (UK time), depending on how you want to look at it. Snag is, we arent getting them. Instead, I had the misfortune to have some ‘international’ production that MLB are presenting, which seemed almost as focused on events on Santa Monica Pier, as events at Dodgers Stadium. Either that, or celebrity spotting! Actual baseball, well…?

There is also the issue of a ‘dummy’s guide’ to baseball that they’re providing when they are actually commentating on the game. Now, fine, there might be a few somewhere watching this, who dont know the sport, but seriously…Lets face it, how many people are randomly going to put on the World Series for their first taste of baseball?

So yes, America, whatever you think of ESPN, Fox Sports, or local commentary teams, believe me, they are better than the MLB international team!

Mind, its not just the commentary team that is baffling me with baseball at present, its team owners too!

Now fine, I can understand that if your team isnt doing well (even if its the owners fault, for not spending money), you might want to change manager from time to time. But this year, 3 of the teams who have made the playoffs have sacked their manager after the season is over! So yes, you got us to the playoffs, and its not good enough, seriously? Now just waiting for “Sorry, Mr X, but winning the World Series isnt good enough, you’re fired.”. Even in this crazy world, I doubt it, but just at present…rolls eyes…

Oh, lastly, while we’re at it, I feel sorry for the fans too. All those people who faithfully support their team through the year, at ‘normal’ prices, suddenly cant afford the crazy seat prices for the play offs, because its only wealthy people, and celebrities who can afford them. I know, same happens with all sports, but…

Fine, baseball rant over. Go Dodgers, and all that!

The video, well there have been a few songs of this blog title, but this is my favorite of those.

My generation

And yes, massive clue to the video in the title, though maybe not the obvious version? Mind, listening to it, maybe I should have done lol?

Fine, before anyone says anything, this wasnt my planned blog for tonight, that was going to feature on whether I’d got a job, or was booking a decent period of time away in Hollywood, but fate means I dont yet know the answer to that, hopefully I can let you know tomorrow. Yes, thats right, the job is starting Monday, and yet I wont know until late tomorrow afternoon if I’ve got it, or not? I know, crazy! I mean, I’d love to make an appointment to get my nails done next week (ideally should have been this week, but things again made that complex), but how can I when I dont know whether I’m available midweek, or not! And no, I have no idea when it gets done if I start work on Monday, aargh! And yes, its all getting to my head at present, however hard I try not to let it do so. And given that at present, its only for 4 months anyway (until end of December), I almost feel I’d rather not get it, and have my 4 weeks away, but I sort of know thats not the way I should be thinking, but its how I feel about it all!

But besides, thats now out of my hands (of sorts), so lets just wait and see, take things from there. Lets talk about something else instead.

I’m old enough to remember when there were 2 TV channels in the UK, not several hundred. And yes, it was all black and white too. And one of those series I eagerly watched as a child, was Batman. No, not any of the movie crowd, or anything like that, the original TV series of the mid 60’s. And guess which character I wanted to be, which should have been a clue to my gender issues, Batgirl! Sadly, this week, ‘Old Father Time’ caught up with Yvonne Craig, who played her, at the age of 78. Apart from anything else, its when people who were relatively young, when I was a child, dying at that sort of age, you realise just how old you are yourself. Yes, fine, I’ve got a few years on her (I was about 8-10, she was in her late twenties), but you still sort of catch on that before long, your time will be up too.

So fine, on top of all the job hassle I’ve been having (some due to my age, I suspect), having things like this happen, makes me feel really old. Fine, hopefully good news tomorrow, just dont ask me which I’d prefer that to be. Twist my arm, I’d probably say no job, and be booking my stay in Hollywood, but I know thats the wrong attitude. But just now, I dont care.

RIP Yvonne Craig, btw.

Right, the video. its funny, when the Who sang this in the 60’s, they probably meant it, but Daltrey, and others are still alive today. This however, is the Oasis version, hmm?

The modern age

Its funny looking back now at a certain iconic Buggles song, and thinking that its now been totally superceded by time. I wonder what they would call it now, given that video recorders have gone from most homes?

Blu-Ray killed the video star, anyone? No, I dont think so either lol!

Yes, this was bought on by a discussion elsewhere about record players, and realising just how things have changed. Hey, when I was a small child, record players had an option for 78’s, and how long have they been gone? Alright, I only ever remember seeing 2 of that type of record when I was young, and both of those were from the 50’s. There was also an option for 16 rpm back then, though I never saw anything that played at that speed in all honesty. But yes, you young folk, we had little discs of vinyl that played at 45 rpm by the hundreds!

Television, 2 channels only, both in black and white! Oh goodness, I feel old. So alright, I’ll be 54 in under 3 weeks, but lets not say too much about that.

The incredible thing, I saw men walking on the moon live, more than many people today have done, or are likely to do in the near future. One of the few things we seem to have almost gone backwards on, in all honesty.

People may have noticed it, my musical choices seem to end by the late 90’s, and yes, there is a good reason for that. We were discussing modern music at work between calls last week, and very little from this century was gaining much merit. I only came up with 2 songs, both covers from the 20th century in all honesty. (Killers/Romeo and Juliet, Cornershop/Waterloo Sunset) so that didnt help much lol! 60’s, 70’s and 80’s really are my era, as these choices show.

Dont think I qualify as ‘Grumpy Old Woman’ just yet, but I’m probably getting there, lol!

The music, no, it isnt Buggles, but thar is well worth finding if you want to. This is an act I’ve featured before, its Gary Simmons, and Kirsty Marr covering it. Hey, you two, if you see this, we need more new videos, pretty please

Lonely This Christmas?

Lets face it, for the vast majority of my readers, this isnt something you’ve ever had to worry about, just be grateful for that. Me, been there, done that, though thankfully not in a good many years now, got a small, but great group of friends that I share house with, so not a problem for now. But yes, I’ve had a few in the past where its just been me, and a TV, and that was it, and there wasnt hundreds of channels to choose from back then, just 4! And none of this internet, and social network stuff to keep you amused either!

It wasnt nice, but I was 160 miles or so from my parents (mother’s 2nd marriage), didnt drive, and had to work Boxing Day, so all in all…its a strange day to spend alone, it must be said. I might have readers who will be alone this year on the ‘big day’, and they have all my best wishes, I know what spending that day alone is like. The rest of you, all I ask is that you think of those less fortunate than yourselves on that big day, and remember, that with a change of fortunes, that could be you.

Right, preaching over.

Today was the last day for shopping for me, to go and get the ‘Secret Santa’ present for someone at work. No, I’m not mentioning names, there might be a 0.1% chance they might read this, but somehow I doubt it. Its funny, however many years ago I first did this, it was £5 for the gift, and despite all the inflation since then, it still seems a popular amount as the limit. In fact I ended up spending £6 to get something that fitted the bill, for someone I dont really know all that well. Bit like the Christmas dinner thing at work, I have no idea why I do it, but I do!

Right, the highlight for most probably (she says self deprecatingly) is the music video, and yes, this might well be the penultimate Christmas one…or it might not! 😉 This is one from the wonderful glam rock (70’s) era of great Christmas songs. I have no idea why Les Gray got so into doing the Elvis impersonation siode of things, but he did do a good job of it, this is an example of that.