Category Archives: Pandoras Box

A Film Review

Given recent postings here, I’m sure no one needs to be told which film! Given I’d gone over 8 years since I last saw a movie in a cinema, or theatre, dont hold your breath waiting for the next review either!

Yes, if anyone out there didnt know, it was Pandoras Box, starring Ms Louise Brooks, which I saw last night in Leeds. Post work, the evening started briefly with the ‘delights’ of a quick meal in McDonalds, which filled the need, but only as an appetiser to the main course.

I’d never been in the Grand Theatre in Leeds before last night, the box office being set to the side, so had no idea what to expect. But on first impressions at least, I was duly impressed, though of course I didnt get to see the main theatre, just one of the side rooms upstairs where the film was to be shown.

It might not have been the first full length silent movie I’d seen, Metropolis holds that honour, though that was on DVD or Video, not on a big screen. The other excitement about last night was a live soundtrack provided by 4 talented musicians. But yes, the big thrill for me was seeing Louise Brooks on the big screen.

provides a few highlights for you, as I didnt think anyone would sit through the full film on a computer, as its nearly 2 and a quarter hours long! No, it didnt feel like it was that long, it has to be said. I know they had to ‘act’ in a silent movie, but hopefully without bias, I found Brooks to be a very good actress. Not to say the supporting cast were anything less, but alright, it was her I went to see, to some degree.

Its not hard to see why it caused controversy when it first came out, its a storyline that certainly pulls its punches, especially in less enlightened times back then. And thats not just the famous scene, regarded as the first film lesbian scenes with Lulu, and the Countess dancing together. No, nothing actually happens, but the look in the Countesses eyes certainly suggest she’d like something to happen! Who can blame her really though? 😉

No, I didnt see any ghostly apparition in the theatre, and certainly not sat next to me, though that seat remained empty, one of the few that did. I swear I felt someone (or something) touch my arm, and hand though, but definitely no one there, or moving in that area at the time. But anyway…

If you have any sort of interest in Louise Brooks, you should make the effort to go and see it sometime, it will be well worth it. If you dont, you might find it a bit dark, unless your tastes run that way. Me, if I get the chance to see more of her films, I will take them, but not sure as to when that chance might arise. But yes, its interesting to see the full film, and the different scenarios that Andy McCluskey used to snip parts for his OMD video. But I owe him much gratitude for introducing me to Louise Brooks in the first place.

The journey home afterwards, surprisingly smooth, I have no idea what went wrong lol!

Thursday Night At The Movies

Well, I knew there was a very good reason why I’m in the Louise Brooks Society, and this must count as one of them, because I probably wouldnt have known this without them. On November 1st, guess what’s showing in Leeds? Pandora’s Box, thats all! 🙂 Opera North, thank you so much.

Yes, technically I can watch it anyway, its available on You Tube, but…seriously, there’s a huge difference between watching a film on a laptop, and watching it on the big screen, with live music. Alright, there’s part of me that thinks it would be more fun if Andy McCluskey had written the score, and was performing it with OMD, but anyway…

Now all I have to do is get a suitable shift for that day at work, and preferably the Friday off, because its going to be a late night getting home, even possibly needing a taxi back home from town, but we will see on that at the time. For those in other parts of the country, its also being shown in London, Warwick and Manchester if that is better for you? Details

So, anyone out there want to take Lulu to the show? Well, I’ve got Lou as a middle name, and if I’d been more rebellious when transitioning, it would have been Louise, so… No,no takers, I’m pretty sure, lets face it, I’m not as young, or as pretty as Brooksie, so hardly belle of the ball/woman of your dreams material lol! Seriously, I’m happy to buy my own ticket etc, just thought it might be fun? No, dont worry, I wont wear a stunning (or even plain), flapper style dress unless you’re buying lol, and I certainly cant do the helmet bob look without a wig lol, there are some limits to what I can achieve with my hair, and budget lol! I bet some of the cinema goers do though. Sorry guys, high heels, you have no chance. By the way, girls who want a female partner, feel fine to offer to come with me too.

Ah, the music. I bet you’re expecting OMD, and Pandoras Box, or Abba, and Take A Chance On Me? Wrong on both counts, though both were considered, it has to be said. Actually if you change the day, the clue is in the title. I’m guessing this performance is from a 70’s TV series, when their fame was revived, but dont quote me on that.

I will wear a dress, instead of top and trousers/skirt if a ‘partner’ wants me to, but expect to escort me all the way there if you do, I am transgendered, and there are idiots about, especially at night, so…sense prevails. A helmet bob wig, you bet I would, darlings!

Any brave beaus about in the Yorkshire area? 😉

A certain Liverpool pop group

I know, totally off normal subject matter, but normal service will be resumed soon.

So who thought I was going to discuss the Beatles lol? Wrong, I do vaguely remember their early stuff, and more clearly the later stuff, but cant say they were ever really my thing, folk stuff and flower power was more for me!

No, the group I’m talking about tonight are a far more recent band from that area of the country, and indeed the original ‘Fab 4’ are now back together, and made a new album only last year, though alright, I havent actually heard any of it yet. The group name, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, more fondly known as OMD.

The thing I guess I was fondest about, was that Paul, and especially Andy didnt only write songs about your typical song matters, they rose, often brilliantly to writing about things no other group would. So you got songs written about oil refiniries, the dropping of the first atomic bomb, a very famous French woman (2 songs in fact) from the distant past, and one of the great female movie actresses of the silent era.

Stanlow, Enola Gay, Joan Of Arc, and Louise Brooks for those who are either too young to know, or arent big enough fans to know anyway. You’ll get one of those songs at the end, thats a promise. There were also 2 songs about Martin Luther King, one about the Greensboro massacre, but they were only album tracks, so anyone not knowing them is very forgiven.

The original sound was very synth based, but when 3 of the group left in ’88 or so, Andy carried on, but the sound became much more guitar based. Didnt stop the hits though, and in a sense, it was a bit of a revival in all honesty.

I was lucky enough to see them live in the early days, but havent managed to see them since the reunion, well not other than on You Tube at least! But hopefully one day soon, I might drag my ancient body to a concert again.

This posting came about due to a cyberfriend on a couple of forums I spend time at, her avatars seem to feature the 20’s style flapper girls look, and indeed she has used Ms Brooks in the past for them. So praise or blame ‘Heather’ accordingly!

So yes, no real surprise which song it is then, so technically there is only 1 of the ‘real’ OMD on this, but I’m not complaining, its a fantastic song.

PS If my hairline was strong enough at the front, I would so love to have a bob cut like hers!