Category Archives: Mannequin

Standin’ here beside ya, want so much to give you

Apart from the ‘traditional’ bank holiday events, its a fact that Bank Holidays here in the UK, and those in the US dont tend to coincide. Today, they did. Oh, and to mark a previous recent blog, this is the last day before I’m officially back on medical leave again, lol. Over here, its just called a Spring Bank Holiday, in the US, its called Memorial Day, when (in theory at least nowadays) they remember all the brave people that have died over the years in various wars. We seem to save all that for Remembrance Sunday in November, because of course its against the end of WW1, on November 11, though most remembrances happen on the closest Sunday to that date now.

Equally, Memorial Day used to (according to Wiki) always be celebrated on May 30, but now, for convenience, happens on the last Monday in May, the same date as our Spring Bank Holiday.

The depressing fact, do you have any idea how many years that the US has been at peace since inception in 1776? A meagre 17! So its fair to assume they have plenty of need for Memorials to be remembered! To be fair, a few of those were for the 2 World Wars, but altogether… Oh, and a few of those were of course an in house war!

So during that long period of time, plenty of brave men, and in more recent times, women, have died in the name of war. Today, in the US at least, is the day designated to remember them. In this country, the weekend seems to have been a bit of a political war, seemingly won by very few, if any.

Let us also remember all the folk everywhere who have had to work today, on a Bank Holiday. I know, not the same thing as giving your life, but as I know from so much of my working life, the talk about weekends, and bank holidays off are a misnomer for some.

But yes, US readers (and the stats tell me I have plenty), take a few minutes today to remember those that gave their lives in defence of yours.

The video choice is a weird one, but if you think about, its a title thats probably apt for all those that went into battle. There is also the fact that some car company are using it in ads over here at present. Oh, and fine, yes I’d love to be turned into a mannequin for a role, just saying…

Something’s going to stop us now!

Fine, hopefully from here, for a while at least, normal blog service will be resumed. As in, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, other than maybe the odd surprise, or non appearance. Well, for 6 weeks at least, until my next holiday at least. When, shock horror, I’ll be returning to Blackpool again! I’d love to say that hopefully it will be built by then, but that might be way too optimistic. No, not the whole of the town, but they’re currently working on extending the tram route, up to the main station (Blackpool North), so navigating your way around town can be challenging!

This time around was a brief, 2 night stop, as it was Open Day at the Winter Gardens yesterday, and some of us were busily promoting the Film Festival in March. Oh, and possibly digging myself a hole outfit wise for some events at the festival too. No, seriously, bring them on, especially Wizard Of Oz, as well as That’s Entertainment over the weekend. Oh, and yes, got a new photo of me, ooh…

me at blackpool

Little Miss Glamour Kitten, lol! Sharon looked even more amazing, but not posting pictures of others without permission, sorry. Also thanks to Catherine for providing me with the picture.

Poor Eric was going to come and visit me at the Winter Gardens, after his morning out, but failed the maze test, so I only saw him when I got back to the hotel. The only other ‘silly’ moment of the weekend was that some blonde bimbo left her reading glasses at home over the weekend, so I’ve been peering blindly at the laptop, and menus over the weekend. Yes, I moved them on Friday, to put them in my handbag, got called away, couldnt see them, so assumed they were in the bag, ah well, I survived…just!

Ah well, back to work tomorrow, heaven knows how many emails await me! Tuesday sees a benefit meeting, as I try to get sufficient benefit to enable me to cut back my working week further, as the back isnt even holding up to a 4 day week any more. Well, unless we’ve won the lottery, on the syndicate while I’ve been away, but pigs flying seems to be more likely than that, lol.

I might be working like a maniac on Tuesday morning at this rate, to get all the paperwork I will need together. I might have been off, but with 2 sessions of physiotherapy, and all the travel involved, plus all the film work, darlings… Not got as much done as I hoped!

Right, video time. I’ve heard this song seemingly a million times recently, on a car advert doing the rounds at present over here. But it involves a film (not on festival list), and some great mannequin stuff (I would love to do that, if could be arranged?), and something is definitely stopping pedestrians in Blackpool at present. So…

We dont talk (or move) any more

No, not literally, even if I’m not as quite as active as I was when young, but thats what getting old will do for you, sadly. Oh, and a bit of arthritis doesnt help either! And that only covers the move bit, I talk as much as before, working in a call centre has something to do with that!

No, what I’m actually talking about is this years crazy trend, at least in the US, which is the mannequin challenge. Appeals to me far more than the ice bucket craze from last year, but thats age, and sensibility talking as much as the fact that this one appeals to me. Oh fine, this appeals a lot more to me, but anyway…

I hadnt actually seen much of it until just over a week ago, when one of the US NFL channels covered on Sky (so probably Fox?) had their half time reporting team ‘frozen’ in place when the team went over to them, just before half time, obviously all set up! But yes, it looked good, and looked fun to me! I’ve seen it a couple of times since then, including one college cheerleader team on one of the replay coverage things on ESPN from last weekend.

Sadly, I have the feeling that unless you have a group of you, a camera team (or at least a camera person), and a good setting, its not something that everyone can just do, unlike last year, shame! Yes, I most definitely would love to, given the chance. But yes, if anyone wants someone to help with a body, I’d love to do so, though I guess its going to have to be in Yorkshire, or nearby, to be feasible to join in. 😦

But yes, (sadly) its only a temporary thing, but how would you feel if it wasnt? As in and the follow up story

Me, I suspect in the right pose, and the right outfit, I’d love it. Sure about that though, hmm? Fine, I probably would!

But fine, even temporary, and not actually turned to mannequin, yes, I’d love to give it a go! So, please…?

OK, video. Guess theres a decent clue in the title, though the younger ones may know a different song, of the same name, but thats far too modern for me!

Part is better than the sum

I suspect there are numerous cases where the original concept sucked, or even totally sank, but one gem survived from it, all the same. A popular area for this is movies, where the movie might have crashed, or been truly awful, but within that, that one shining beacon shone through.

Two movies I could easily have nominated for this are Absolute Beginners, and Give My Regards To Broad Street, but given both were generally designed as a window for a pop atar, and the awful record they have anyway, lets ignore those for now. Instead, lets take a movie that was meant to be taken seriously, but couldnt be if it tried, Mannequin.

The storyline was corny, and extremely saccharin, guy falls for mannequin, she comes to life, and general mayhem ensues. And yes, at the end, they get married, and probably go on to live happily ever after. I know how bad it is, I once saw the movie, and believe me, I know!

But for all that, there is one delight for me in this movie, the big song from it, by Starship. I know it, its the only reason I hunted down the movie to watch it in the first place, and wish I hadnt bothered! But the song, even today, still love it, though I never want to see the movie again.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

PS Feel free to suggest your own fine examples of moments like this, it would be nice to hear from a lurker, just for once!