Category Archives: Polar Vortex

Until Hell freezes over

Yes, the blog title is generally used to describe something that is never going to happen. Thing is, at least in Hell, Michigan, due to the Polar Vortex that settled over the mid west of the US, it really did freeze over, nearly minus 50, in fact, allowing for wind chill! To add, before anyone else points it out, there is also a place named Hell, in Norway, which I suspect freezes over at some points most winters, but fine, too many American’s dont know there is a world outside their country, but anyway… Well, maybe Canada, and probably Mexico nowadays, but beyond that…?

I have to say that I have no idea what a temperature that low would be like, nor do I want to find out what its like. Ironically, just over 16 years ago, I experienced my personal outdoor low, of about minus 25, which was a similar temperature to the actual one in the Polar Vortex zone, only I had no notable wind chill factor for either of mine.

The highest temperature I have ever experienced outdoors is just over 100 (these are all F, by the way) in Los Angeles. Remarkably, this was in October! I strolled back from an evening outdoor roof movie, after 10 at night, and it was still 100 then! I have now done 140 in an infra red sauna, but have no desire to top that, however much my back might like me to do so!

But yes, the next time someone suggests something totally impossible, dont say those famous words about hell freezing over, because it already has!

OK, video time. I know its a bit late for Christmas Carols, but this one just seemed so pertinent, and apt, considering we’re talking about hell. A bit like all those Christians that think Jesus Christ was born white, the chances of a bleak, deeply frozen winter in Israel are very unlikely, but of course these words were written in UK, at a time when winters really were this cold, and bitter.