Category Archives: Wimbledon

She’s a drama queen, if thats not your thing?

I guess its fair to say that you never know how you would act if you were famous, until you’re famous, and then see how you act. Therefore, as much as I’d love to say I’d be the same me, famous, or otherwise, it really is impossible to know.

In my life I’ve met famous people that its been a pleasure to know, and thats one of the reasons for the video, because she ticked that box. It was shortly before this video came out, and I have no idea if she’s changed, or not, as I’ve never met her since. I’ve also met some that if I never met again, it wouldnt be long enough.

Its also fair to say, that even in amateur dramatics, its not hard to find divas (of both genders) who thought they were God’s gift to acting, and believe me, most of them didnt live up to their ego’s. A few really did know their stuff, and they knew it, but they really were in the minority.

But those in the world of  high celebrity who believe their own publicity, they really can be a pain! To be fair, unlike many, I’ve never been a fan of the Royal Family, but everyone keeps telling me the new generation are better. Snag is, events this week suggest otherwise.

Twice in Wimbledon fortnight, when Meghan Markle has gone there to watch the tennis in the Royal Box, she has sent her security ‘heavies’ to tell people to stop taking pictures of her. The thing is, as both people have promptly pointed out, they werent taking pictures of her, their cameras werent even aimed in her direction. But her ego said that if people were taking pictures around a tennis court, they must have this deep desire to only take pictures of her, and not the tennis players, which is what they were actually doing. One didnt even realise she was there, until she was told of the fact! But her inflated ego…

The funny thing is, in Hollywood, I wouldnt, in truth, recognise a modern day celebrity if they stood in front of me, and probably even if they introduced themselves. It actually happened once, I watched someone perform, very well I might add, but was only told who they were after we’d walked away. My excuse was he was a big name in US, but not in UK, and I’m sticking to it. But he was pleasant, polite, and may ironically have been grateful that I didnt swoon all over him, who knows?

I doubt, that unlike Meghan Markle, I could ever become a diva now, even if I did become famous, I suspect I’d be more the easy going Jean Harlow type, but you can never be sure. But now, I doubt I will ever find out!

I knew people who were working on her debut solo album, and its through them I got to meet Geri Halliwell, for 30 minutes or so. She seemed lovely, about as opposite to Ginger Spice as you could get. So what you see truly may not be what you are getting

Having A Heatwave

Oh my, things are starting to warm up now, I think summer has finally arrived, and allegedly will be around for a while now. How long before people (probably including me) are complaining that its too hot! Ah well…

So, what are the tennis commentators going to go on about now, given that the long count of years since a Brit won the men’s singles at Wimbledon is over? I managed to catch the end of it at least, and saw the magic moment. I was also following a far more important victory today, that of the Ireland cricket team against Holland. Another victory on Tuesday, and they are at the next cricket world cup in Australia in 2015 with a round of matches to spare. They are already in the Inter Continental cup final with a match to spare as well, and that without most of their county players.

In other news, its now official, I’m an ebook author. If you want to know more details, ask, but otherwise thats the only news you get about it, on this side of the blogs at least. No, I dont expect to make my fortune, but it will be fun. The signing tour, somehow I doubt it!

The video, yes, you might have worked it out, and yes, its sung by a blonde. But not Marilyn, or me (thank goodness), its the one and only Miss Piggy!

If you prefer Marilyn, and I expect some will, just find it on You Tube!

Once In A Lifetime

Well, I held fire on this, just in case I was able to talk about a British man winning the singles title at Wimbledon, but it wasnt to be. But hang on, a British player did win a mens title this weekend, but not one that anyone would really have known about before the last few days. Jonathan Marray was one half of the winning doubles team yesterday, the first win by a Brit in the Mens doubles for 76 years! And guess what, he’s from Yorkshire! 🙂

Alright, I hadnt really heard of him before the last few days either, but anyway…So, given even now the average lifespan, that could be a once in a lifetime moment. Certainly 2 finalists in the same Wimbledon definitely could be just that. Murray may well make another final in the next few years, but any others doing so? Hmm?

Not that things will get any lighter at work, in less than 3 weeks time, we have the Olympics for just over a fortnight! All I can say is that in 10 weeks time, I wont be writing a blog in Yorkshire. No, not retiring, thankfully I will be on holiday, across the Atlantic yet again. Maybe something once in a lifetime can happen for me, a new life in the US? No, things like that never happen in real life, especially for me, but you never know? 😉

Oh go on, you’ve worked out the video tonight, I’m sure? Same as it ever was? All I can say is thanks to Andy Murray, for giving me the chance to post this Talking Heads classic

Anyone for tennis?

Yes, I know we are in the middle of Wimbledon fortnight by now, but better late than never! At least Euro 2012 is now over, though just to cheer me up, qualifiers for both the Champions League, and Europa Cup start this week, what a depressing thought!

No, tennis isnt a big sport for me, though I have my perverse moments when I show interest in Andy Murray, even now. And alright, it does help in the sense that the cricket is rained out again tonight, shock horror with this awful summer we’re having here.

And guess what? Its raining at Wimbledon, but there is still live tennis, on one court at least. But lets not talk about those men playing tennis now, lets talk ladies tennis. Back in the old days, there were lady tennis players who made me look feminine. And that was long before I even realised that I wasnt really a guy, it has to be said. There were one or two who were all woman (one was so buxom, she must have had a very strong bra!), but a good number of them looked like some of the male players lol! Oh, and shock horror, a good number of them were lesbians, either openly, or slightly less so. Stories got out, but, as nothing was official… Oh, and of course, one transgendered player, Renee Richards.

Nowadays not only are seemingly the vast majority thoroughly hetro, a number of them take time out to have babies! And yes, alright, a good number of them are quite pretty as well. Alright, there are still those like Serena Williams, but…lol, far less of them!

When I was at school, and for a few years afterwards, I went to a day at Wimbledon, but that was a very long time ago. Funniest memory of that, on an outside court, I watched a match involving a young, slightly loud qualifier from the US, not really taking much notice at the time. But everyone took notice of him for many years to come after that. His name? John McEnroe! And I saw him play his second ever match at Wimbledon, hows that? Ah, the memories.

The video, slightly obtuse, given what the lyrics actually ‘suggest’, but the video features exercise, and does include Olivia Newton John swinging a tennis racket, so…