Category Archives: Hibernation

Lets spend the night together?

No, just long enough to read the blog will be fine, really. Mind, on the day that was Marion Davies’s birthday (she would have been 122 today), if anyone really wants to be my William Randolph Hearst, then contact me. I wont expect to get crushed in the rush, mind, but more on that later.

Today, seemingly, as is the want with trending days for everything, is seemingly ‘Festival Of Sleep Day’. Actually, a rare event, one I approve of, totally! Mainly because at this time of year, when the weather gets freezing cold, my back starts to object to things, like moving, and other technical needs. And yes, sleeping in a warm (or warmer) bed is something that my back approves of, as opposed to moving around in freezing cold weather. So yes, at times like this, hibernation sounds like a heavenly concept to an old crock like me. Even more so at the moment, because all my treatments have been messed up by the Holiday season, meaning I’m now over 5 weeks since Physiotherapy (normally every 4 weeks), and have to try and survive to next Tuesday before the back can be worked on. I’m even over 2 weeks since any kind of treatment (flotation tank session), and the back is giving me all sorts of issues at the moment, even more so when temperatures are struggling to hit 40, let alone anything decent!

I know, humans cant do standard hibernation, like some animals can, even if little things like work didnt get in the way! So yes, oh for one of those stasis pod things, where I could be put to sleep until it warms up somewhat, around about May, shall we say? I guess it would be weird sleeping about 4-5 months (or a bit more) away, then just waking up again when the weather has improved sufficiently for old crocks like me? Fine, I’d love it, so if anyone has one laying around that they want to trial on people…? Could miss the chaos of Brexit that way too, another blessing for me! Mind, imagine catching up on events when you did wake up, lol!

I’m sure that in time, something akin to a stasis pod will be created. Lets face it, as things stand, its the only way anyone is going to do genuine deep space travel, is if humans can be put into storage for a number of years. Even Mars is going to be several months, or more, with little for people to do much of the time getting there, so…? As I say, if anyone wants to do early trials on one of those, with a human volunteer, I’m happy to sleep the winter away!

OK, the video is a ‘witty’ moment from me. Lets face it, who would want to spend the night together with an old asexual trans woman like me? I saw a couple of friends bemoaning the lack of partners (in their cases, females, in US), and they’re in a better position than me! They’re younger, interested in a healthy relationship, and not crocked by disability. So yeah, what chance have I got? But equally, if someone is crazy enough to want to set this ‘baby’ up with an apartment, somewhere warm all year round (or warmer), then I’m more than happy to oblige. Hell, I’ll even change my name to Marion Davies, if thats your thing? I’m an actress too, though not in her league.

Video is some very old Rolling Stones, from over 50 years ago. Just enjoy, OK?

Or if someone just wants to send me a nice warm bed/pod to sleep in, I’d love that too!