Category Archives: Eugene Cernan

Last Man On the moon

It was announced this week that the last man to walk on the moon had died. Fine, he was 82, which is a pretty fine age to reach, and we still have 6 people living who have walked there, but even so, its a sad landmark to make. Even more so when you realize that the last time we visited the moon was just over 44 years ago! Since, then, no one! Maybe because for the US, it was all about beating the Soviets to the moon, and once that was achieved, ambition over! The funny thing, of those that flew to the moon (15), but never landed, only 4 are dead! And one of those is the same man who was the last to put foot on the moon, Eugene Cernan. Yes, 3 people have flown there twice, but only Jim Lovell never landed, though he was meant to, but he was part of the crew of Apollo 13, so never got there.

I’m sure at some point in the future, some more names will be added to the list of people who have flown to, or landed on the moon, but when, at present, who knows? It surely makes sense to go back before they head off to Mars in a decade or so, but when did sense come into matters like this?

But yes, sadly, the last man to leave a footprint on the moon is no longer with us, RIP, Eugene Cernan.

Fine, the video. Well, I’ve been talking about a man on the moon, so…though fine, its safe to say Andy Kaufman never went there! REM, and Springsteen!