Category Archives: Manhattan Jazz Orchestra

Perfect weather for the end of April?

Yes, in case you were wondering, I am being facetious. I’ll be honest, this morning, I had to wonder if I was in Yorkshire, or Alaska! I must admit, I dont think I’ve ever been caught in a snow storm, at the end of April before! I’ve seen snow in April before, many times, but we’re nearly into May, and seriously…! To be fair, it didnt actually settle on the ground here, though it did in other places around here, a little more rural, or at a higher altitude. But to be fair, that wasnt much consolation this morning.

Thats right, the day I had to go into town, to sign on, it decided to blow up a snow storm. Yes, seriously, I thought I was signing on in Anchorage, or somewhere, judging by the weather conditions in town! Thankfully it wasnt too long a walk from the bus stop, to the job centre, but even so, I was covered in snow on arrival. By the time I came back out, it was easing off, though still snowing, but getting very fine, verging on rain. By the time I got back home, about 15 minutes later, it was just beginning to leave off, even raining. But yes, just for the time I was out, I felt like Elsa the Eskimo!

The rest of the day, not been too bad, though I have no idea how cold it was out there, I havent ventured out since. But fine, on Sunday, we enter May, and yet we are still having snow storms, crazy!

Yes, and to think, this time last year (I had in fact, strictly, been back a couple of days), I was enjoying the heat, and sun, in Hollywood!

Right, the video. Well, this morning, I was walking in the snow, but this is as close as I could get!