Category Archives: Alter-ego

The two of me!

Just a brief line tonight to say that the other blog is now set up, and started, and a brief posting made too. This will remain my main blog spot, the other will only get postings at irregular intervals I suspect, when something relevant happens. As I said, if anyone wants the details without a search, dont be afraid to ask!

I’m going to keep this brief tonight, I was up before 5 this morning for work, and now, approaching 10.30, I feel like I need to head to bed soon, got another long day tomorrow, though with a later start thank goodness. Due to my shifts, its fair to say there wont be a posting before at least Sunday evening now, possibly not until Tuesday due to the shifts I’ll be working, and things.

So closing by wishing all my readers a lovely weekend, whatever you’re doing.

My alter-ego

Well I’m assuming by now that everyone who is reading this knows something about the middle aged transexual me, and I’m quite happy about that. Much though I might prefer the correct physical body, I’m proud of who I am, and getting by, for now at least with what I am too. Though alright, if someone could download my mind into a human-form body of how Doris Day looked in the 50’s, I wouldnt say no lol! I know its an old fashioned style, but thats me for you!

What most here dont know about is the other side of me, the science fiction writer. No, dont get excited, I’m no one famous, well other than in one small internet circle at least anyway! I’d love to write here about that side of me, but hey, this is linked to my Facebook account for publicity purposes, which gives away my name, so nope, thats not going to happen. I know of one reader here, quite possibly two, who do know said alter-ego, but as for the rest of you…

The irony is, she’s female! No transition, no extra bits that shouldnt be here, but full genuine female. I didnt plan it that way, it just happened. I’d posted a few stories, then discovered a forum linked to the genre I was writing for, and joined up. I was going to go gender neutral, mainly because the stories hinted at a Stephanie as the author, but of course, strictly, I wasnt! Trouble was, the moment I posted, all the posts said “Hey, Stephanie has arrived here.” etc, so I just gave in, and tagged as female. The mind is totally female anyway, so what the heck, so…fine until now, as mentioned, I’m travelling to Boston in September, and ‘friends’ from there are looking forward to meeting me!

The thing is, it would be fun to let some of my ‘darker’ fantasies out, and she’s the ideal one to do so, as most of them are written about in her stories anyway! But I accept here, that anyone here just for transgender issues, cricket matters and the like, wont really care about such things. So unless asked personally (can people trace my email address to write to me from here?) I’m not going to mention it here, but if you want to see the musings of my alter-ego, then ask me for the details. If you can work it out without that, you’re doing well lol!

Just to satisfy regular demands, and to prove I can include both cricket and transgender issues in a single blog…

Nope, not England, though I do wish them all the best in the 2nd test tomorrow all the same. The U19 World Cup Qualifiers started today in Ireland, and want to wish the young guys all the best. They made hard work of beating the US today, but got there in the end. Good luck for the rest of the tournament, qualifying shouldnt be a problem (6 go through out of 10), but we should be aiming to won it in all honesty.

Transgender issue is just a musing really. For work, and the outside world, I go ‘au naturel’ cleavage wise, which means I’m a not very full B cup. At home though, I’ve never weaned myself off wearing the enhancers, which nowadays give me a very full C cup! Agreed, the main reason for not wearing them out, is the ‘safety’ issue, which is sad, but seemingly part of transition life with some people. But in an ideal world, I should be able to flaunt a full cleavage, shouldnt I? Alright, some times during the winter, when I’ve got a big coat on, I might, but otherwise…just with a light top on, I dont see it worth the hassle? Ironic isnt it, women can power dress all they like, no one says a word. But if men dont fit the so called image…Yes, agreed, I pass for most, but it would be just my luck to be buxom, and meet the wrong idiot, then…

Dont go looking for the other account yet btw, even if you want to, I’m only going to set it up over the weekend!