Category Archives: Gary Numan

The future of working?

Judging by some of the stuff I’ve seen in the last couple of days, its either a good thing, or a shame that I’m coming to the end of my working career, as I suspect finding work, for simple humans might be a lot harder in the next 20 years or so.

Oh, you want examples, oh fine

In a sense, this concept might actually make it easier for people to find work, though I suspect that the pay levels may drop, because just about anyone could do it! Just imagine, you need someone to do a specific job, you just slip this memory cell into their mind, and they know exactly how to do this complex task. Yes, at present, its far from that point, but fast forward things 10, or 20 years, and…

And yes, I suspect at that point in the future, being able to think just like your favourite movie star (or whoever), for a large fee, you get my drift? And yes, to have the thoughts of Jean Harlow wafting through my mind, you bet I would!

Of course, by then, you may not need to leave home to go to work

So fine, they arent actually turning the people into robots (you cant have everything in life), but I must admit, the idea of working as a robot being appeals to me no end. As I did say to someone though, given that there would be no need for said person to be in the country, let alone the shop itself, how would it affect national employment rules? Would you be regarded as an employee in the country you’re in, or the country you’re working in?

Oh, and lastly, when you are just thinking you’re safe, dont bet on it!

See, robots are already far smarter than you think? 😉

As I say, maybe its for the best that I’m only 10 years from retirement lol! Though if you’re offering to turn me into one of those working robots, or fit me with those memory cells… 😉

Right, the video. Not so much are friends electric, as are robots electric, and replacing humans?